The surrounding areas of the fight naturally attracted some other disciples to watch. Those who reacted first had already sent out transmission notes. As for those with lower cultivation levels, they were stunned and stunned for a moment in front of this formation.

Some low-level disciples were even captured by the remaining power of the battle, and were sent flying far away on the spot, not knowing whether to live or die.

It was obviously unrealistic to say that he would come forward to help. In the face of a fight of this scale, even Mo Xun couldn't help at all.

This series of changes just now seemed like a lot of things happened, but it only took a few breaths.

Ordinarily, at this time, even without the use of transmission notes, the movement here should have attracted the attention of other monks.

As long as the formation is not broken, these six people will be defeated. If they can hold on for another moment and a half, they will be able to wait for help.

Perhaps several Nascent Soul Ancestors are already on their way here at this time.

Mo Xun retreated to a corner of the palace and covered his head with an exquisite ring. At this time, he did not dare to hide his clumsiness anymore.

In the main hall, there was a rumbling sound, and several thick pillars emitting metallic luster were shaking constantly. From time to time, pieces of tiles and gravel fell from the top of the head. Fortunately, there should be formation protection around the entire palace, otherwise it would have been a long time ago. It collapsed.

I saw him suddenly pat the storage bag and take out a scroll.

Then, a ray of light flew out from inside and penetrated into his body.

"Boy, what happened?"

Mo Xun said in a few words what happened after that, as well as his various speculations. In many cases, having such an experienced old monster by his side would save him some detours.

Even though this old guy can sometimes be a little naughty, the two of them are both in trouble now, so there is no need to worry about being plotted against.

After hearing this, Gong Yang murmured to himself for a while, and then said, "Can you find this person's cave?"

Mo Xun shook his head. He and Henry Zhang only met each other once. He rejected his request last time. How could he ask about this again?

But in his heart, he was a little surprised.

Since this person has such a high level of cultivation, why would you ask him to make elixirs?

Now, he has reached the half-step threshold on the path of alchemy.

As the level and quantity of the elixirs refined increases, some rules of thumb can be summarized in many aspects.

Sometimes, in view of the unreasonableness of certain prescriptions, he would make some subtle improvements that were more suitable for him.

Perhaps these improvements may not necessarily improve the quality of the elixir, and may even lead to useless elixirs. However, in general, he can clearly feel that his understanding of the elixir path is becoming more and more mature.

Whether it is grasping the properties of medicine or pharmacological analysis, it can be controlled with ease.

Just like calligraphy, children who have just learned calligraphy copy from the book, stroke by stroke, which looks rigid and rigid.

That's because they don't know much about writing, and they're afraid that if a stroke is written in the wrong position, it will turn into another character.

But for calligraphy masters, they can do as they please without having to follow the script, and they may even tamper with the glyphs to form their own style.

Because they have already understood clearly in their hearts, and no longer need to be bound by those rules and regulations.

Presumably, this is the state of mind of entering the Tao!

It was based on this that he understood that the level of the elixir was also linked to his cultivation level. As a foundation-building monk, no matter how powerful he was, it would be difficult to refine the elixir.

This kind of experience cannot be accumulated by giving him the elixir recipe and then refining it for hundreds or thousands of furnaces.

This is not because he is not familiar with medicine, but because he does not have a thorough understanding of cultivation.

The so-called elixirs are meant to serve cultivation after all. Different cultivation levels, the operation of the Dantian meridians in the body, the flow of mana, and even the improvement of the character are all very different.

Different cultivation levels have different or even completely different needs for medicinal properties.

In other words, if you have not yet reached the level of cultivation, you will not be able to experience the state of high-level cultivation, and it will naturally be difficult to refine targeted elixirs.

According to this analysis, the elixir Zhang Xuan sought was definitely not related to cultivation.

As for healing and the like, elixirs are often sold in medicine shops, so I'm afraid this person won't beg for it.

Apart from these, there are only some medicines with partial effects.

"I'm not familiar with this person either. Not to mention Dongfu, I've only just known this person's name. But why do you ask?"

The ram chuckled.

"It's not clear yet, but I probably have some guesses in my mind, which still need to be verified. Since we can't get any clues from this person, we can only go to his cave to have a look."

Seeing Mo Xun's silence, Gongyang continued: "It's naturally good for you. As for whether to go or not, you decide for yourself!"

A strange look immediately appeared on Mo Xun's face.

Good for him?

After getting along with him for so long, he had some reservations about this old guy.

After a moment, Mo Xun said with some hesitation: "Although I don't know, there are people here who should know."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on Dong Qianxue behind a stone pillar in the distance.

At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise outside the house, and then, the stone beam above the hall fell down with a "rumbling".

Then smoke and dust spread everywhere, and the entire roof began to collapse. Mo Xun's figure was instantly submerged in it.

It turned out to be outside, and Henry Zhang finally used brute force to tear apart the entire defensive formation of Liuli Palace.

Without the blessing of the formation, this hall built of wood and stone was like paper in front of the mana of the Jindan cultivator.

Amid the sound of collapse, seven streams of light penetrated the smoke and dust, rushed straight into the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the ruins, Mo Xun waved his long sleeves, brushed away the dust in front of him, and looked up at the distant sky. Where were the figures of those people?

Could it be that Zhang Xuan just ran away?

In an instant, Mo Xun redefined this person's means.

At the same time, a figure also took off into the air and was about to chase in the direction of those people.

Mo Xun hurriedly scanned it with his spiritual sense, and immediately moved his heart and followed it.

In the sky, Mo Xun quickly caught up with the figure and stopped in front of the person.

"Fairy Dong, please stay first!"

After seeing the appearance of the person coming, Dong Qianxue's originally anxious face showed a little more joy.

"So it's Senior Brother Lin. I'm just about to lend a helping hand to Master. Senior Brother, are you going with me?"

Mo Xun asked solemnly, "Fairy, do you think that with our cultivation, we can help?"

Dong Qianxue's expression froze, and she asked in confusion, "What do you mean, Senior Brother?"

At this time, Mo Xun didn't have time to beat around the bush, and said directly, "In my opinion, even if you and I go, we can't help much. It's better to go to Zhang Xuan's cave to check while he is too busy. Maybe we can find some clues about this person's origin, which will be more helpful to the head of the sect."

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