Dong Qianxue pursed her lips in thought, while raising her eyebrows, her beautiful eyes kept looking at Mo Xun's face.

Mo Xun looked calm, but being stared at by such a shrewd woman still made him feel a little nervous.

However, with Zhang Xuan's performance, most of his suspicion should have been removed.

At this moment, he really had to thank this gentleman. If he had known earlier, the other party would have asked him to make pills, and he would have helped. He would not have to make blind guesses based on some clues now.

"Gong Yang, are you sure there will be good things in Zhang Xuan's cave?"

"I'm not sure, but when you mentioned the pine orchid spirit, I remembered something. I can only try my luck."

In fact, at this point, Mo Xun didn't want to get involved in it.

At this critical juncture, he had better keep a low profile. After all, the dust has not settled yet. If Zhang Xuan is executed, the elders will find out that this person has little to do with the demon clan, and there will inevitably be twists and turns.

Of course, if he could find something in this person's cave ahead of time, it would be beneficial to him. Apart from anything else, he could also make some preparations in advance if something unexpected happened.

After a moment, Dong Qianxue nodded and said, "That makes sense. Then please accompany me, Senior Brother!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really a little worried that Dong Qianxue would send him away after accepting this opinion.

Then two rainbow lights flashed in the air and went in another direction.

Not long after the two disappeared, people came one after another.

The first to arrive were naturally a few Jindan elders.

What was strange was that there were no Yuanying cultivators here.

The cave where Zhang Xuan was located was also in a remote mountain range with few people and thin spiritual energy.

In fact, it was easy to understand. This kind of person sneaked into Liangyi Sect with Jindan cultivation. He must have a big secret. In comparison, spiritual energy was not that important to him.

Dong Qianxue may have only been here once or twice. The two of them wandered in the clouds for a long time before they found the specific location based on the fluctuations of the formation.

"Eh... this formation..."

Mo Xun followed her to a small hill. There was a faint mist floating in the deep forest.

This scene is usually shown by a maze.

"What's wrong?"

Dong Qianxue thought about it and said uncertainly: "This is a set of "Eight Plums and Six Songs Formation", but it seems to have been modified. We have to go in and see what the specific situation is."

After Dong Qianxue said this, she walked over first. Mo Xun, who was not familiar with this, could only follow behind.

He is now studying the formation. Whenever he sees this kind of thing, he will unconsciously pay attention to it and correspond what he sees with some basic principles of the formation.

However, what he has mastered is too shallow after all. This is like a person who is learning music. Whenever he hears a song, he will think about the corresponding Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng and Yu.

But complex music is not just these simple things.

"Last time I came here, Senior Brother Zhang led the way, so I didn't observe these carefully. Now, it seems that there are some problems."

After walking through a jungle, a huge stone wall appeared in front of the two. Outside the stone wall, there were faint fluctuations of the formation, which was probably where the cave was.

Mo Xun was a little confused about what the other party meant, but he also knew that now was not the time to ask for advice.

"Fairy, do you have a way to break this restriction?"

Dong Qianxue said calmly: "Don't bother so much."

After that, she took out a sound transmission talisman and threw it out.

A moment later, two Taoist children dressed as low-level disciples and with pigtails tied behind their heads appeared in front of them.

"Disciples Yili and Baiqing greet the two uncles."

Dong Qianxue waved her hand, motioning the two to stand up, and then said: "Something happened with Elder Zhang. We two came here to check on him under the order of the headmaster. You can open the restriction here."

The two Taoist children, both of them were about fourteen or fifteen years old, looked at each other in surprise at first, and seemed to be hesitant to speak, but seeing Dong Qianxue's serious expression, they did not dare to ask more.

One of them hesitated for a moment, then took out a jade card and began to cast a spell on the stone wall.

Mo Xun watched coldly from the side, and could not help but frowned.

As he expected, Liu Jing and Qu Ming were both arranged by the sect to monitor the new elders.

It seems that his precautions were not redundant.

If he was not there, these people would easily enter his cave.

Although he had expected it in his heart, thinking and seeing are two different things after all.

More or less, it would make him feel uncomfortable.

The furnishings in the cave are relatively simple, not much different from those of ordinary cultivators.

There are also training rooms, exercise rooms, spiritual herb gardens, etc.

The two little Taoist children did not follow in. Mo Xun and Dong Qianxue checked several places one after another. Apart from some ordinary cultivation items or ordinary jade slips, they found almost nothing special.

However, the more ordinary it is, the more problematic it is.

If such a Jindan master hides here and can practice like an ordinary cultivator, it is really amazing!

Even Mo Xun knows that this kind of cave in the open is mostly for outsiders to see. There must be something else inside.

But where is the secret? It has to be considered.

"Senior Brother Lin, did you find anything special?"

To be honest, if Dong Qianxue was not here, he would have some means to search carefully.

Mo Xun shook his head, and in his consciousness, he asked: "Gongyang, I'm afraid there isn't what you are looking for here."

"Don't worry, the fairy next to you will definitely be able to find a way, but your kid's luck is really good. No matter where you go, you will always get this kind of luck."

Mo Xun ignored the old guy's teasing and his eyes fell on Dong Qianxue who was standing aside.

I saw Dong Qianxue thinking deeply for a while, then he took out a talisman, quickly performed a few Taoist formulas with both hands, and after muttering something in his mouth, he threw the talisman into the air.

The yellow talisman moved in the wind, and suddenly golden light flashed, turning into countless light spots and flying in all directions.

The two fell silent at the same time, waiting quietly.

A question suddenly arose in Mo Xun's mind, and then he asked in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Gongyang, who has better formation skills than this fairy?"

The ram snorted coldly.

"You are insulting me!"

Just as the two were bickering, Dong Qianxue suddenly focused his eyes, and then walked quickly towards one of the secret rooms.


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