Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 390: The Six Purities Transforming Yang Technique

Mo Xun quickly followed.

This is a large practice room, which is empty except for a futon and several lighting instruments hanging.

There is some moisture in the stone chamber. I don't know if it is due to geology or because Zhang Xuan practiced water-based spells here during the day.

Dong Qianxue came to the middle of the secret room and saw several golden fluorescent lights gathering in several surrounding corners.

Looking at those light spots, Mo Xun became curious.

"Rongyang, what kind of method is this?"

But before she could answer, Dong Qianxue had already taken out several array flags and threw them out with a "whoosh".

Those formation flags were submerged in the fluorescent light and disappeared immediately.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Qianxue stood there, forming a seal with his hands on his chest, and began to mutter something with his eyes slightly closed.

As those obscure spells were chanted, the entire secret room began to blur.

Mo Xun was startled and was about to be on guard, but the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and then two people appeared in a completely unfamiliar place.

In his sight, there was a dark green color, and it was hazy.

This is a large confined space. The air seems dark and humid, and there is a strange smell.

In the central area not far away, there is a huge green jade, and the light in the entire space comes from this.

However, upon closer inspection, Ling Mo Xun's brows immediately wrinkled.

Just because that jade turned out to be a translucent crystal coffin!

Four thick iron chains were tied to the four corners of the coffin, extending all the way to the top of the head, pulling the jade coffin diagonally and suspending it about a foot above the ground.

The jade coffin is engraved with strange runes, and there are some grooves with strange textures on the ground.

In the dimness, you could vaguely see that there seemed to be some dark liquid flowing in those grooves.

The two looked at each other, and each saw the solemn look on the other's face.

The scene in front of them made two words appear in their minds at the same time - ghastly!

Around the jade coffin, there were more than a dozen small flags placed in different directions, outlining a strange formation under the green light.

In addition to these, there are eight stone tablets as tall as a person, erected in eight directions, with large runes also carved on them.

On the ground, within a few feet, there are a lot of yellow talisman papers scattered... In other words, it is not like talisman paper, but somewhat similar to paper money in the secular world!

The entire layout in front of me is like a dojo for the salvation of the dead. Combined with the eerie green light, it looks creepy!

Previously, Mo Xun was still wondering how the two of them suddenly came here from the secret room where they were practicing, but after seeing the scene in front of him, he instantly forgot about this question.

In fact, what he saw was a bit beyond his understanding.

The two of them were stunned for a long time before Dong Qianxue slowly walked towards the jade coffin.

In fact, it can be seen from a distance that the coffin seems to be empty. It is estimated that Henry Zhang has taken away the corpse inside before.

The sparse footsteps seemed particularly clear in the quiet darkness.

Mo Xun did not follow him, but frowned and turned around to the other side.

"Are you sure there are good things in a place like this?"

At this moment, when Gongyang saw this absurd weirdness, instead of being confused, he actually showed a bit of excitement.

"You go and take a look at those jade slips first!"

Directly in front of him, he saw a rough stone table, obviously carved at random.

On the stone table, indeed as Gongyang said, there were several jade slips.

Mo Xun picked one up and put it on his forehead.

But in his mind, the urgent voice of the ram came again.

"Don't just watch it for yourself, let me see it too."

Mo Xun had no choice but to look at the things inside and silently recite to Gongyang.

"Yinsi Xuanwen Festival..."

The name alone sounds a bit confusing.

But next, not only the name, but also the content inside is confusing.

He knew every word, but when put together into a sentence, it was like a heavenly book, and it could not be expressed in words at all.

Not only is it extremely difficult to read, it is also mixed with many unfamiliar words.

After reading a dozen sentences, Gongyang asked him to stop.

"Don't read it. This is a memorial written to the underworld. It has no value."

"The underworld?" Mo Xun couldn't help but softly spoke in surprise.

"Yes, according to legend, after a person dies, once the soul is extinct, he will leave this world and go to the underworld to reincarnate. Therefore, this sacrificial text should be used to communicate with the underworld."

Hearing this, Mo Xun was in a daze for a moment.

Isn’t this what the secular world says?

Could it be that this is also the case in the world of cultivating immortals?

After a moment, he asked doubtfully: "Is there really a ghost in this world?"

Gongyang smiled and replied: "You are asking the wrong person. I am not a human being, and I am not a soul. Besides, I have never died, so how can I know these things? Stop lingering and look at other things."

Mo Xun slowly put down the jade slip, but in his heart, he became more and more confused.

To be honest, so far, he hasn't even understood things like Yuan Shen, let alone the reincarnation of the underworld.

Mo Xun then picked up another jade slip and placed it on his forehead.

"The Great Five Elements Reversed Yin-Yang Formation!"

This is easy to understand, it is obviously a formation method.

As for the contents, they were not as disorganized as before. They just started with Yin Yang and the Five Elements and introduced the arrangement and deduction of the formation.

After reciting a few sentences silently, Gong Yang suddenly called a stop and urged him to look at the next one.

In this way, Mo Xun flipped through four or five copies in a row, all of which were related to the Yin Yang formation.

Until a secret technique called "Six Purities to Yang Technique" was slowly chanted out of his mouth, Mo Xun suddenly opened his eyes.

He probably understood this thing a little.

"Don't stop, keep reading, and read faster!"

Hearing Gong Yang's anxious voice, Mo Xun had to immerse his mind in it again and read it word by word.

After a long time, Gong Yang's voice came again in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hehe, I guess you have guessed the purpose of this thing now?"

Mo Xun frowned slightly and asked: "Is this what you said before?"

At this moment, he was both suspicious and shocked.

What made me suspicious was that this secret technique was completely different from what Gong Yang had described before.

As for the shock, it was just like the name of the secret technique, this was actually a heaven-defying technique used to summon souls from the underworld and bring people back to life!

Mo Xun was silent for a while, and after thinking about it, he still asked in disbelief: "Is there really a way to bring the dead back to life in this world?"

"I don't know whether it can bring the dead back to life, but this thing is exactly what you and I need."

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