At the moment when the formation was formed, the blood red in the Hao Yan's eyes suddenly flickered, like two terrifying red holes in the dark night of the storm.

The corner of the mouth holding the gourd revealed two sharp and curved fangs, and drops of fishy saliva flowed down the fangs.

Dong Qianxue raised her arm, and a long white silk ribbon suddenly flew out from her long sleeve. Like a silver snake, it rushed towards the pigeon like lightning, and then tightly wrapped around the beast.

In the blink of an eye, the Hao Zong, which was originally less than a foot tall, was completely wrapped into a large white rice dumpling.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Qianxue gathered her hands in front of her chest, performed a strange Taoist formula, and silently recited an obscure spell in her mouth, while a layer of faint fluorescence gradually appeared around her body.

At the same time, the white silk wrapped around Hao Ling was also tightening and shrinking little by little, and there were sounds like crisp bones.

Dong Qianxue then let out a soft drink and swung out a single palm of her right hand. From her palm, countless silver light needles shot out.

Those light needles all hit Hao She's body, passed through Bai Ling, and entered the beast's body.

This series of spells seems to be long, but it only lasts for a breath.

Mo Xun, who was on the side, also sighed in his heart. Not only was this woman very accomplished in the formation, she was also extremely clean and neat in her moves, without any sloppiness.

It seems that there is indeed some gap between casual cultivators and sect disciples.

Of course, Dong Qianxue can be valued by Sun Dian, so his own strength must not be underestimated.

Silver needles of light fell like raindrops, densely packed.

However, this state only lasted for a moment, and the giant pig in the white silk suddenly began to squirm crazily, and then exploded.

The two hurriedly raised their arms and blocked them in front of them.

The powerful air wave knocked them back several steps at the same time.

The jade coffin on the side was also blown to pieces, and the broken crystal residue was splashed everywhere.

There were only four bare and thick iron chains left in the air, swinging back and forth.

The Bai Ling that was originally wrapped around Hao She was immediately torn into countless pieces, falling from the sky like snowflakes.

At this moment, a black shadow as fast as lightning rushed towards Dong Qianxue's direction.

After all, Dong Qianxue also has the cultivation level of the middle stage of foundation building, so her reaction is not slow. At the same time as the explosion, she had already clenched two scimitars in her hands.

This scimitar has an extremely weird shape. The handle and blade are connected to form a unique ring shape. When holding the handle, the blade is on the outside of the back of the hand, which can be used for both attack and defense.

At this time, Dong Qianxue crossed her hands and held the knife in front of her chest.

A "bang" sound was heard as Hao Zhe hit the scimitar, causing a burst of fire. Dong Qianxue then flew backwards with a groan.

Who could have expected that this little thing would contain such powerful power.

But this Fairy Dong is naturally not a vegetarian.

Seeing her in the air, she swung twice quickly, and then several crescent-shaped silver lights shot out from the scimitar, which looked extremely dazzling in the darkness.

The silver light hit Hao Zhen's body accurately, making a metallic collision sound, as if it was hitting pig iron firmly. Not only did it not hinder the beast's attack trajectory at all, not even the sharp and slender hair. Can hurt one.

The hair on Hao Shen's body is like steel needles stuck to his body, and his entire body is like a hedgehog made of copper and iron.

Seeing that Hao Zhen was about to bully her, Dong Qianxue's expression tightened, and her body suddenly became insubstantial. Then she disappeared on the spot, and when she reappeared, she was already ten feet away.

However, Hao Zhi failed to hit the target and actually turned a corner in the air and rushed forward again.

Dong Qianxue swung the scimitar in her hand quickly, and streaks of silver moonlight shot out from her hand.

But just like before, these seemingly gorgeous attacks were just itchy and did not do much substantial damage to it.

But at this time, Mo Xun took action.

I saw him brushing his robe sleeves and throwing out dozens of various talismans.

There were fireballs, thunder and lightning, and flying swords condensed with spiritual power, all of which exploded around Hao Zhen.

In an instant, fire and thunder and lightning intertwined in the sky.

However, these low-level talismans are obviously only powerful.

But even with this brief interruption, when Hao Zhen rushed out of the flames intact, Dong Qianxue's figure had already stepped aside again.

After doing this, Mo Xun did not stop, and immediately took out the Xuanbing gourd that had not been used for a long time, and streams of crystal ice crystals were sprayed out from the mouth of the gourd.

In an instant, the dim space was enveloped by a layer of frost.

Covered by those ice crystals, they quickly condensed on the surface of Hao Shen's body. Before he could hit the ground, he was frozen into an ice sculpture and fell down with a clang.

But before the two of them could rejoice, the ice sculpture suddenly exploded and shattered, and its ugly face was once again revealed with a sinister look.

But this time, a pair of blood-red and angry eyes stared directly at Mo Xun.

However, judging from the method just now, this move seems to have some effect.

"Fairy Dong, I will try my best to help you hold back this beast. If you have a way to break its defense, please use it quickly."

Dong Qianxue naturally understood the meaning of these words, but just as she was about to agree, a surprising scene appeared in front of her.

The Haozhu in the distance suddenly swallowed the black gourd in one gulp, and then a black light flashed all over his body. His entire body quickly grew larger. In the blink of an eye, he was as big as a tiger, and including the tail, it was about ten feet long.

The hair on the body of the enlarged Haozhu was several times thicker than before, and each strand was clearly visible in the dim light.

If this thing was originally like a hedgehog covered with steel needles, now it looks like a beast covered with sharp blades.

The two long fangs in its mouth alone are two or three feet long.

Mo Xun didn't expect that this thing had mutated and could transform.

But now, it was obviously not the time to think about these things. Since the plan had been decided, there was no time to make changes.

He raised the gourd in his hand high, put his two fingers together and pulled it out. Countless ice crystal fragments shot at the clumsy body again with a more fierce attack than before.

But this time, the beast was obviously on guard, and a layer of light protective divine light suddenly lingered on its body. As soon as the ice crystals touched its body surface, they melted and disappeared before they condensed into blocks.

Mo Xun snorted coldly, and the spiritual power in his body surged out crazily.

From this brief fight, the strength of this thing is almost at the level of the late stage of foundation building, which is still half a point behind him.

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