Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 394 Qiankun Killing

However, the battle between monsters and cultivators cannot be simply defined in this way.

In fact, even if cultivators fight each other, if their realms are not far apart, it is often difficult to predict who will win or lose.

The advantage of cultivators lies in their intelligence and treasures.

The advantage of monsters is their bodies!

When the two fight, the different environments they are in make it uncertain to what extent their advantages can be exerted.

For example, now, due to the small space, it is difficult for Mo Xun and Dong Qianxue to display much of their skills.

Once this guy rushes in with his strong body, even if the two can dodge in time, they will not be able to run far, and those powerful spells and magic tools will not be able to be used.

For this Haozhu, the smaller the space, the more it can reflect the advantages of the body. I am afraid that as long as it rushes forward twice, they will not be able to resist.

Moreover, this beast not only has a hard body, but also a very fast speed!

As the spiritual power was injected, what gushed out from the mouth of the gourd was no longer ice crystals, but cold air that was enough to make the soul tremble.

Everything that the cold air encountered immediately condensed into ice.

The pig that was about to pounce forward turned into an ice stone again, fixed in place and unable to move. As the cold air became more and more, the ice gathered around the ice stone became thicker and thicker.

However, it was a bit difficult for Dong Qianxue who was standing by. Although she had held the thing as Mo Xun said, how could she start if she froze it inside?

But after a while, Dong Qianxue found something wrong.

"Brother Lin, is there any problem?"

It turned out that after the pig was frozen, Mo Xun still had no intention of stopping. He continued to release cold air from the Xuanbing Gourd, making the already large ice block bigger and bigger.

And Mo Xun's face was frowning solemnly at this moment.

"Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge ice block exploded again.

Countless pieces of ice flew around with the sound of cracking and hit the magic circle that Dong Qianxue had set up earlier.

Then, sharp black hairs like sharp arrows mixed in the ice, carrying the sound of breaking through the air, splashing in all directions without any target.

Mo Xun seemed to have expected it. While retreating, he quickly performed a Taoist formula, and then the exquisite ring on his head lingered on his body with a faint light shield.

However, Dong Qianxue was a little caught off guard. In addition, her cultivation was not enough. By the time she reacted, the hairs of the pig as thick as fingers had already pierced her shoulders.

After a delicate cry of pain, Dong Qianxue endured the pain and activated a body protection talisman. At the same time, the scimitar in her hand swept left and right, pushing away the remaining hairs that were shooting at her, and staggered back several steps.

But despite this, she was not able to stand still, and a hair flew over and scratched the outside of her thigh, immediately cutting the hem of her skirt, revealing a smooth white skin.

However, a deep cut appeared on the white skin, and blood instantly dyed the dress red.

Dong Qianxue's pretty face, which always wore a decent smile, now had a little more panic, and at the same time, it was weak and pale!

After this attack, she hurriedly stuffed a pill into her mouth, and tapped her injured shoulder with her fingers a few times.

But just after doing this, her face changed again, and she was about to dodge.

But her speed was originally slower than Hao Zhu, and now she was half a beat slower due to the serious injury.

As soon as she moved her feet, she seemed to be hit by a small mountain, like a kite with a broken string, completely losing control of her body, and flew backwards.

In an instant, she felt as if her internal organs were shattered, and as her blood surged, she spurted out a large mouthful of sticky blood.

With quick eyes and hands, Mo Xun dodged and quickly caught her in the air, and at the same time, he moved his feet with the wind and moved far away from the direction where the pig was rushing.

At this moment, Mo Xun didn't care about her injuries, and threw her at his feet without any mercy, holding the bow in one hand and the arrow in the other.

The whole process was as smooth as flowing water, just in an instant!

With a "whoosh", the black bow sounded, and a fiery red arrow shot out.

In this arrow, Mo Xun did hold back a little bit of strength, after all, this place was narrow, if he used all his strength, I'm afraid that the beast would not die, and the whole space would collapse.

The sharp arrow hit the pig, exploded with a bang, and a fierce flame burned. The trap that Dong Qianxue had hastily arranged was torn open in this explosion.

After the flames devoured the pig, they continued to move forward, carrying its fat body and crashing directly into the wall not far away. The ground beneath its feet also shook violently.

However, there was no joy on Mo Xun's face at the moment.

He shot the arrow, so he knew how effective it was.

His spiritual sense swept over it, and he saw the pig howling in the flames. Although he broke through the defense of the beast, a closer look showed that it only burned half of its hair.

Mo Xun didn't even think about it, and he was about to draw his bow and arrow again!

He knew that the opportunity was fleeting, and now was the right time to take advantage of its weakness and kill it.

However, just as the fiery red arrow in his hand was condensed and ready to be fired, a strange whistle suddenly came.

His heart tightened, thinking that something was going to happen again, but the pig suddenly rushed out of the flames like crazy and was about to flee far away.

In an instant, Mo Xun roughly guessed something.

It seems that the owner of this animal, that is, Zhang Xuan, is calling it.

It seems that this person is really good at it. Under the siege of so many elders, he has not been caught yet!

But at this moment, Mo Xun had an arrow on the string, so why not?

And this time, he has injected twice as much spiritual power as before. If he stops here, the backlash of mana alone will not be easy to bear.

Mo Xun gritted his teeth, and with a "swish" sound, the sharp arrow was shot towards Hao Zhi with great power.

Immediately afterwards there was another loud bang, and the sound was also mixed with the mournful cry of a giant pig!

The fierce fire instantly submerged everyone within a few feet.

The originally dark secret room suddenly became as bright as day!

As soon as Mo Xun shot the arrow, he squatted down and wrapped him and Dong Qianxue in the exquisite ring.

Fortunately, at the critical moment before, Dong Qianxue used a protective talisman to protect her whole body, which had some effect and prevented the beast's sharp hair from piercing her body directly.

Otherwise, Mo Xun would have no value in saving her at this moment.

After a period of tremors, the fire finally weakened.

Mo Xun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, he was really afraid of attacking too hard and burying the two of them alive here.

The moment the fire light dissipated, Mo Xun wanted to grab Dong Qianxue at his feet and change his position to avoid it.

But in a hurry, what I grasped turned out to be a soft ball!

He was still slightly curious. This woman looked quite thin, with quite a lot of fat.

But at the moment, I don't care to explore these.

But just as he was about to stand up, a thunderous voice sounded in his ears.

"How dare you kill my spirit beast? I will definitely extract your soul and refine it!"

Mo Xun's heart was immediately excited. Even if he reacted slowly, he could already tell at this moment that it was Henry Zhang who said this?

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