Yue Wusi chuckled.

"Brother Lin is asking this question knowingly. The little girl is doing it for the purpose of forming pills!"

After hearing this answer, Mo Xun ignored the other party. In his mind, he immediately called Gong Yang and briefly explained his situation.

After a while...

"I'm asking you, apart from the secret technique of forming pills, do you have any other ways to form pills?"

"Of course there is. I've been studying formations all these years, isn't it just for the "Five Turns of Hunyuan Gong"?"

Gongyang continued to ask: "Then are you confident that according to this five-turn Hunyuan, you will definitely be able to form an elixir?"

Mo Xun fell silent for a moment!

This technique was originally obtained from the old thief who deceived him. If there was no better way, how could he put all his treasures on this method?

After a long time, Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart.

"There are no absolutes in this world. It all depends on people. If I still can't form the elixir after all my efforts, it will be my fate!"

"You also said that everything depends on human effort. If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to take a risk and master one more method?"

Speaking of this, Gongyang's tone showed a rare hint of seriousness.

"You will never be able to achieve greatness by practicing blindly in seclusion. What you lack now is a state of mind. Although I don't know what method you used, you were able to achieve a breakthrough in such a short period of time with the four attributes of mixed spiritual roots. At the late stage of foundation building, but judging from this advancement speed, your experience in entering the world is definitely lacking. Not to mention whether this trip will be smooth, but it will definitely help you in terms of state of mind. "

Mo Xun just wanted to nod in agreement, but then he realized the flaw in his words.

Even if he lacks experience in the world, he can't seek death knowing the danger, right?

But he became curious, when did this old pervert change his gender?

"Didn't you disapprove of my participation in this operation before?"

Gongyang replied angrily: "If you don't form pills, will you help me grow up?"

Mo Xun blinked, it turned out that this was the reason!

It seems that there are really no stupid people in this world!

Although Gongyang's words somewhat imply a change of concept, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be the truth.

If the "Fifth Turn of Hunyuan Gong" cannot help him form the elixir, then he has missed this opportunity and wants to meet him again, but he doesn't know what year or month it will be!

Immortality does come at a price!

Thinking of this, his eyes once again passed over the three people beside him.

In the darkness, Hu Weizhou remained motionless, like a sculpture.

He has known this person for the longest time, but the friendship is only superficial.

This person has been building the foundation for more than sixty years, and his strength must be unfathomable. If he wants to be on guard, he will definitely bear the brunt.

It's a pity that the last time the demons invaded, I didn't see the opponent's action with my own eyes, so now I can't judge its magic power.

As for the man named Ye Wuya next to him, the first time he saw this person, he felt like he was hiding a knife in his smile.

Based on intuition alone, this person is probably sinister and you need to be careful of backstabbing!

At this moment, it is indeed time to test your eyesight!

The other is Yue Wusi. This woman can secretly engage in points buying and selling within the sect, which shows that no matter her methods or her background, she cannot be underestimated.

The key point now lies in this person.

If he knew the art of telepathy, he would really want to know if the other party was lying?

The four of them sat cross-legged all night in the mountains, each with their own thoughts.

Until the sky in the distance began to turn white, and a ray of light came slowly.

When this person appeared, she turned out to be a middle-aged woman dressed in gray Taoist robes, completely dressed as a Taoist nun.

This kind of appearance is indeed rare.

Generally speaking, even if women practice Taoism, most of them are like Yue Wusi and Dong Qianxue, and their usual attire is no different from ordinary people.

What's more, they will also apply makeup and powder to make themselves more beautiful.

This was the first time Mo Xun had encountered someone wearing a Taoist robe and fly whisk like this.

"Hahaha... If you don't come again, I will go looking for you!"

Hu Weizhou stood up first and greeted him with a smile.

"This is the last companion of this trip, and also Hu's old friend for many years, Fairy Qingyi."

As he spoke, Hu Weizhou was already standing in the middle and began to introduce to both sides.

This woman looks to be in her forties. Perhaps she doesn't pay much attention to her appearance. Her face is bare-faced and looks a bit weathered.

However, judging from his appearance, he looks kind and aloof from the world.

This person is also at the peak of foundation building. A gray-black hat covers his head, completely covering up his black hair.

During the ceremony, Mo Xun took a moment to notice that Ye Wuya and Yue Wusi should not be acquainted with this person.

"Qingyi, please rest for a while. We will take advantage of this time to briefly discuss the next itinerary."

Under the leadership of Hu Weizhou, the five people sat cross-legged on a big stone again.

The so-called itinerary actually has nothing to say.

Hu Weizhou had mobilized everyone before, and everyone knew about it through different channels, and they all knew the location of the Polar Thunder Sea.

From here, the shortest distance takes about more than a year.

It took Hu Weizhou three years to go back and forth.

"Before leaving, I am afraid that Hu must first be a villain and then a gentleman. If anyone has any objections, Hu has never liked to force others to make things difficult. It is not too late to withdraw now. I hope you don't mind."

Seeing several people nodding, Hu Weizhou suddenly became serious.

"First, our trip to the Thunder Sea requires the sincerity and unity of everyone. If someone is playing tricks behind his back, even if Hu misses his old friendship, others here will not agree!"

This is naturally what Mo Xun wants to say, but whether such a beautiful vision can be realized will probably depend on the specific situation.

"Secondly, if we can really find the place where the old demon Qian Ji resides, after entering, we still need to agree in advance how to distribute the treasures found inside... Of course, as for the secret technique of forming pills, everyone will definitely have a share. It goes without saying.”

After saying this, Hu Weizhou's eyes swept over everyone's faces one by one.

Ye Wuya was the first to speak with a smile: "Brother Hu was responsible for this matter. It is natural that Brother Hu has the final say on how the distribution should be done."

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, he couldn't say anything against his will in such a situation.

If they really encounter some shocking treasure, as long as these people don't kill each other, I'm afraid they will be fine.

Yue Wusi, who was on the side, also echoed: "I also feel that this is the case!"

Hu Weizhou laughed again and raised his hand to wave.

"Although this trip is led by me, we can't just listen to Hu's words about what to do next."

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