Ye Wuya spoke again.

"I think Brother Hu should have found a solution, so don't keep us waiting."

Hu Weizhou stroked his beard and smiled.

"Brother Ye is still so anxious... Well, then Hu will not be modest. If there are exactly five treasures found in it, they will be divided equally. However, if the values ​​are not equal, there will inevitably be a need for a priority order. We should discuss it first. What do you think?"

Yue Wusi smiled.

"Brother Hu's words make sense, but in my opinion, Brother Hu has made the greatest contribution to this trip to the Thunder Sea, so the first person to choose the treasure is naturally the brother."

As for the so-called treasures, Mo Xun actually doesn't care. What he values ​​most is only the secret method of forming a pill.

Even if he can't get one thing, as long as he can get the secret method safely, this trip will not be in vain.

And he already has some plans in his mind.

First try to form a pill with the secret technique. If it fails, then concentrate on the formation and study the "Five-turn Hunyuan Gong".

Inadvertently, Mo Xun happened to catch a glimpse of Ye Wuya's mouth, quietly curled up a sneer.

It seems that these people are not necessarily in the same group.

Such a situation is naturally the most beneficial to him. At least so far, there is no sign that Yue Wusi is lying.

"Fairy Yue is joking. How dare I take credit in front of all my fellow Taoists?"

Although Hu Weizhou seemed to be humble, Mo Xun knew that this person could say such words, obviously waiting for everyone to express their opinions.

Of course, Mo Xun didn't mind giving such a favor at all.

"Brother Hu, there is no need to refuse. Fairy Yue is right, and I agree with it."

When Mo Xun said this, Qingyi Fairy, who rarely spoke, immediately smiled and said that she had no objection.

However, Ye Wuya, who had been straightforward at the beginning, echoed the words in a rather unnatural way.

"If that's the case... then I, Hu, will be disrespectful to refuse!"

Mo Xun was already used to this kind of hypocritical socializing.

This situation was still good after all, at least everyone had made clear the divisions beforehand, so as to avoid any disagreements after entering.

After going around in circles, Hu Weizhou's main idea was to say that whenever I encounter a treasure, I will choose it first, and you can decide how to divide the rest.

In theory, that place was originally discovered by Hu Weizhou, so such a request was not excessive.

But whether anyone would regret it at that time, that was hard to say!

After all, the five people have similar cultivation levels, and once they turn against each other, no one can guarantee that they can control the dominant position.

Of course, these are all later stories!

"There is one last thing. When the five of us are traveling together, one person should be in charge. If there is any accident, it is better to coordinate the overall situation and avoid unnecessary trouble. What do you think?"

Yue Wusi was the first to say with a smile: "We are very unfamiliar with the polar thunder sea, so this kind of thing will naturally have to trouble Brother Hu."

As for who to listen to, the others have no opinion. There is naturally nothing to argue about such things. After all, in everyone's eyes, cultivation resources are the most important. As for whether to issue orders or obey, what does it matter?

Hu Weizhou smiled heartily. With these two guarantees, he was naturally in a good mood.

"Before entering the thunder sea, I hope you don't make trouble. As long as it is insignificant, you should still focus on the overall situation."

His words are nothing more than reminding others not to cause trouble!

Everyone naturally agrees with this point. After all, they are all rushing for the treasure secret technique, and no one will lose the big picture for the small.

And there is no impulsive fool who can cultivate to this level, so there is no need to remind them more.

After that, the group rested for another incense stick, and under the leadership of Hu Weizhou, five rays of light shot up into the sky!

But not long after, Mo Xun, who fell at the end, saw Yue Wusi next to him.

"Brother Lin, I wonder if you have any thoughts on the three rules just now?"

Mo Xun showed a bit of surprise on his face.

"I think it's natural, just like the fairy!"

Yue Wusi smiled.

"Brother, you are a little insincere. You and I are old acquaintances, so why hide it?"

"What do you mean, fairy? I'm sorry that I'm stupid and don't understand it very well!"

"Hehe... In my opinion, brother is not stupid, but very smart."

The two seemed to be in sign language, chatting with each other for a few words, and then Yue Wusi asked: "I wonder if brother knows the one called Ye Wuya?"

Mo Xun shook his head.

"I have not been in the sect for long, and I don't have many friends on weekdays. Apart from the fairy and Brother Hu, I don't recognize many people."

"Brother, you think I am ignorant again. Now, which disciple in the sect doesn't know your name of Speed ​​Pill?"

Mo Xun smiled. He had heard of this nickname.

In recent years, in order to complete more tasks, he almost made a furnace of pills every two days, and got the name of "Speed ​​Pill Master".

But until now, he still didn't know what Yue Wusi meant.

"As far as I know, this person entered the sect a few years earlier than you, and at the last Fengyi meeting, he also represented Sanqingtang in fighting and won a good ranking."

Hearing this, Mo Xun frowned and his eyes fell on a figure in the clouds ahead.

Is this a reminder to him?

"Maybe because of the previous transaction, you are more or less wary of me, but don't worry, I still have some principles and I have no bad intentions."

Mo Xun ignored such good intentions, but was thinking about the reminder in his mind.

It seems that we need to be more cautious about this man named Ye.

Yue Wusi continued: "If possible, I hope to form an alliance with you, so that we can advance and retreat together if there is any change."

Mo Xun was slightly stunned!

It turned out that the other party was looking for him here!

While touching his chin, he turned his head to look at Yue Wusi beside him, with a playful look in his eyes.

What exactly is this woman planning?

Could it be that the previous guess was wrong? Although the people on this trip were all invited by Hu Weizhou, they were not very familiar with each other?

Or, they were not as close as he imagined!

Mo Xun thought about it and realized that this possibility was not impossible. After all, he and Hu Weizhou had not met each other many times.

In this way, it would not be a bad thing to form an alliance in private.

"Fairy, can you tell me in detail how we can cooperate?"

Yue Wusi's face lit up, and the speed of the two of them slowed down at the same time.


A year passed by in a hurry.

This day, perhaps too boring, several people passed by a city, and Hu Weizhou suggested to replenish some supplies and rest for two days.

Then five escape lights fell from the sky.

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