Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 402 Shallow Light City

This is a small town for cultivating immortals, named Qianguang, which is only half a month away from the polar thunder sea.

This place is very desolate. Several people flew for several days in a row, and there were endless sand and gravel next to each other. The whole city is one of the few places with people within tens of thousands of miles.

This road seems long, and most of the reason is that it has to pass through several dangerous places.

There is a sea of ​​dark clouds where sea monsters are rampant, towering miasma mountains that reach the sky, and yellow sand deserts that restrict spiritual consciousness and make it difficult to fly.

All the way here, several people are also dusty.

Fortunately, there is a good guide like Hu Weizhou, otherwise just identifying the direction and correcting the route can give people a headache.

Despite this, there are still a few times when they went in the wrong direction, which delayed some time.

It is really too far. With their cultivation at the peak of foundation building, they have experienced thousands of difficulties and dangers, let alone those low-level cultivators?

However, Mo Xun was curious about where Hu Weizhou got the news from, and how he could find such a place.

Because it was a temporary stop, the few people did not look for any caves, but simply stayed in the inn.

Of course, this kind of inn is also specially provided for traveling monks.

Generally speaking, such a remote place does not have many people coming and going all year round.

The surroundings are desolate, with no cultivation resources and pitifully thin spiritual energy.

There are probably several types of people who come here.

One is to seek refuge, or to live in seclusion here because they are tired of the worldly disputes.

But then again, most of those who can choose to escape from the world here are not normal.

The world is so big, there are no less than thousands of beautiful places and places with beautiful scenery, why would they take a fancy to such a place with footsteps?

The second type is passing by. It is said that you can reach the Central Region by crossing the vast polar thunder sea.

But normally, there is a more relaxed and safe route to the Central Region. Who would risk falling and go from here?

Besides, the divine sense is not clear in the sea of ​​thunder, and the direction is unknown. Let alone passing through it, as long as you can ensure that you don't get lost, it's good enough.

Although the few people said they were resting this time, they actually needed to make some preparations in advance for entering the sea of ​​thunder.

The last group of people came here for a unique mineral here, the Tianhuang crystal.

This is a very special refining material. If you add a little to the magic tools of different attributes, the power can be strengthened a little, and sometimes it can even produce some mutation effects.

For example, some water-attributed magic tools can have a freezing effect.

Of course, this mutation is somewhat random.

Depending on the type of magic tool and the amount of Tianhuang crystal content, the effects presented vary greatly.

Therefore, some people come here to work as miners.

But after tens of thousands of years of excavation, the Tianhuang crystal veins here are almost exhausted, and there are not many people who are still doing this kind of business.

After staying in the inn, Hu Weizhou and Yue Wusi went to the market to buy communication magic tools, and the other three rested in the room by themselves.

In the sea of ​​thunder, the spiritual consciousness will be greatly restricted. If you get separated, it will be very difficult to find people. Therefore, a communication tool called "Thunder Star Plate" is needed. This is also a unique existence in this place!

The five people have high cultivation. If they go out together, it will seem a bit ostentatious.

In order to keep a low profile, only two people went.

But not long after, Hu Weizhou came back empty-handed.

After asking, I found out that there happened to be an auction in this Qianguang City tomorrow, and some good things would appear at that time.

Hu Weizhou thought about it and felt that it was an opportunity, so he thought about trying his luck at the auction.

After all, the sensing distance of ordinary Thunder Star Plate is only one or two miles. If you can buy a higher level one, it would be the best.

Several people know the taste of getting lost without spiritual consciousness, so naturally they all agree!

There was no conversation overnight. At noon on the second day, the five people left the inn one after another after disguising themselves and went to a shop called "Lansheng Pavilion" in the city.

Mo Xun did not put on makeup, but wore a face-covering hat. At the same time, he cast a small spell on his face to blur his face and suppressed his cultivation to the middle stage of foundation building.

This kind of sleight of hand was naturally just to fool the cultivators of the same level.

If you encounter a Jindan old monster, whether it is disguise or hiding your cultivation, it is actually in vain.

But then again, there shouldn't be so many Jindan cultivators in such a wild place, right?

He thought so!

And in other words, even if they met, if there was no special reason, people might not pay attention to them.

Such hiding is just a habit of being cautious. In such a strange place, if something unexpected happens, the real self can be stripped out.

As soon as Yue Wusi left, Mo Xun followed.

Although this Fairy Yue also changed her appearance and wore a veil, she was still bright and beautiful in her dress, as if she didn't want to lose much of her charm even if she showed a fake appearance.

Pure idol burden!

Behind Mo Xun was the Fairy Qingyi.

This woman was completely different. Not only did she change her Taoist robe, but she also painted a lot of wrinkles on her face. She leaned on a long wooden stick and became a hunchbacked old woman.

To be honest, when Mo Xun saw this makeup for the first time, he was shocked. This person's shape-changing skills were simply unpredictable.

If he didn't know it in advance, he probably wouldn't have been able to see it when he was walking on the road.

But the Taoist robes on the other party were indeed quite conspicuous.

Lansheng Pavilion occupies a large area in the market, and is considered one of the best shops in the entire Qianguang City.

This kind of auction does not have a fixed date. It is often held on a later date when enough auction items are accumulated.

Therefore, not many people came today.

In the hall, there were sparsely three or four hundred people sitting.

This scale, let alone Xihezhou, is not considered a big scene even in Southern Xinjiang.

In an instant, Mo Xun's expectations were reduced by more than half.

According to common sense, the more people attend the meeting, the higher the value of the auction items.

For this level, there must be a few precious items, but they are probably very limited.

The auction hall is divided into two floors, the lower floor is an ordinary location, and there are several private rooms on the second floor, but they have been booked early.

They came a little late, so they could only sit separately.

Fortunately, everyone is not a person who cares about small details, so naturally there will be no dissatisfaction.

But just as Mo Xun stepped into the hall and was about to find a seat, a figure caught his eye and stopped him immediately.

Perhaps it was an illusion, the figure seemed to be slightly stunned when he saw him.

A familiar feeling suddenly lingered in his heart.

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