Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 409 Female Corpse

Deep in the canyon, in a dark natural cave, five people sat cross-legged.

In front of them, a slight bonfire burned, illuminating everyone's face.

"Maybe it's just a coincidence!" Yue Wusi frowned and said.

There was a bit of solemnity written on the faces of several people.

The reason is that Ye Wuya met an injured Danjie monk on his way to join here.

Fortunately, the two of them just passed each other and there was no conflict. Otherwise, Ye Wuya wouldn't know what would happen at this moment.

Hu Weizhou nodded in agreement.

"That should be the case, but I'm afraid there will be some changes in our next actions."

This situation was unexpected by everyone.

After walking in the thunder sea for several days, I didn't meet anyone. Who knew that at the last moment, such an accident would happen.

The key is that the other party is still a pill-forming monk!

Ye Wuya suddenly suggested: "We might as well take advantage of this person's serious injury and strike first to avoid causing trouble?"

This kind of thought is probably the most true reflection of the innermost thoughts of most immortal cultivators.

Whenever you encounter someone whose level is higher than yours, no matter whether the other person is good or not, you will always be suspicious.

Compassion, sympathy, and kindness, these things that are constantly written into righteousness in the mortal world, are virtues that can only be reserved for the strong in the world of immortality.

The weaker side always puts the first priority and can only survive!

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into a brief silence.

Mo Xun sat aside and said nothing for a long time. From the moment he heard about this incident, he had vaguely guessed it.

Just because the pill-forming monk was wearing a red mask.

This immediately reminded him of the golden-faced messenger he met at the auction.

He didn't believe that there could be such a coincidence in the world. They were both from the Impermanence Building, and the other party was obviously coming for him!

But what’s puzzling is, why didn’t the golden-masked man appear?

The five of them were sent here separately because they were not in the same place, but if the other party was a group, they should have appeared at the same time.

He frowned secretly and gently rubbed his sleeves with his fingers.

This situation may only be due to two reasons.

Either the teleportation formation here is random, or the golden-faced man was buried in the previous illusion or restriction.

The injuries on this Danjie monk were probably caused by carelessness due to these reasons.

"Senior Brother Lin, what do you think?"

Hearing Yue Wusi's question, Mo Xun quickly came back from his thoughts. After pondering for a moment, he said, "What Brother Ye just said makes sense. It's just that if the Danjie monk is not seriously injured, or he is already You don’t mean to be disadvantageous to us. If we do this, aren’t we asking for trouble?”

Mo Xun's words were somewhat euphemistic, but everyone naturally understood what he meant.

Although they are already the most advanced beings in the realm of foundation building, it is difficult for them to come up with the idea of ​​​​confrontation when they encounter a pill-forming monk, even if they are only in the early stages of forming a pill.

At the moment, no one dares to guarantee that with the combined strength of five people, they will definitely be able to deal with this person.

Maybe if you try your best, you can get away with it, but in the face of the risk of death, who can have the courage?

"What Brother Lin said makes sense, but I didn't think enough of it!"

Ye Wuya sighed and raised his hands to Mo Xun.

After a long time, everyone's eyes were all focused on Hu Weizhou.

He is the leader of this operation and is the most familiar with this place, so many big decisions have to be made by him in the end.

"Now that the matter has happened, it is useless to think about it more. As I said, we should go ahead and look for the inheritance left by the old demon Qianji as we agreed before. If we really meet that person, we can only face it head-on. It’s a battle.”

Obviously, this is the safest method at present.

Several people looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Then they discussed for another half an hour, mainly focusing on how to deal with the alchemy monk. After making careful plans, they got up and left the place.

Hu Weizhou took out an old map and walked at the front. From time to time, he would make corrections by comparing it with the nearby terrain.

This place originally had no name, because the word "Guixu" was written on the broken map, so everyone called it that.

In Guixu, due to being closed all year round, there are no living things inside.

In fact, not to mention living things, even ordinary flowers, plants and trees, it is difficult to encounter one.

Those bare hills and mountains were covered with charred soil, as if this place had been burned to the ground a long time ago.

Because of this, the most dangerous thing here is the weird restrictions everywhere.

Strangely enough, there is no vegetation here, but the spiritual energy is not thin at all. I am afraid that there is a pretty good spiritual vein deep underground.

It is these auras that support those restrictions and have not lost their effect after thousands of years.

In addition to maps, Hu Weizhou also prepared many means of detecting restrictions in advance.

Some of them are like the talismans used by Dong Qianxue before, and some are strange-looking magic weapons.

Coupled with the fact that this person himself was quite accomplished in formations, and with an assistant like Yue Wusi by his side, everyone went safely along the way and avoided many crises.

There is no sun or moon here, so there is no day or day.

After the few people walked for most of the day, the sky above their heads was still unchanged and groggy.

Just when they had just passed a small hill, two corpses suddenly appeared not far away, which made everyone alert immediately.

When they got closer, everyone's face showed a trace of doubt at the same time.

The two corpses were both women, lying half-naked in a pool of blood.

The reason for the doubt was that, on the one hand, in this closed Guixu, in addition to the Jindan cultivator, there were other people who entered.

On the other hand, the two people in front of them were the concubines of the young man in gorgeous clothes who appeared at the Lansheng Pavilion auction before.

This inevitably brought many variables to this operation.

"There is no time to lose, we have to do it as soon as possible!"

No one objected to Hu Weizhou's words.

Since more than one group of people came, the situation they will face next is likely to be beyond their control.

At this point, they can only hope that this Guixu is large enough and that they can have better luck and don't run into any difficult guys.

At least before finding the inheritance, they should not encounter interference from others.

With this discovery, the few people not only sped up a bit, but also became more careful.

The only advantage they have now is that they are more familiar with this place than others, and they are more purposeful.

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