Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 410: Bailing Fruit

Under the gazes of several people, Fairy Qingyi held up her whisk and silently chanted a few words of rebirth to the two corpses, then two fireballs were ejected, turning the corpses into ashes.

"Fairy, you are kind-hearted. I am ashamed!"

Yue Wusi is a man who knows how to talk. At this time, he still did not forget to build relationships.

I am afraid that at this moment, several people are secretly calculating the changes they are about to face.

Mo Xun looked back at the calm and bare mountains in the distance.

Ever since the red-faced guardian appeared here, he always felt that the other party was somewhere behind them, following them quietly.

If the two people in Wuchang Tower really targeted him and did not take action in the sea of ​​thunder, then it is obvious that they must have guessed that their group had some secret actions and were ready to reap the benefits!

At this moment, I guess only Mo Xun can see the context of some things a little more clearly.

But that's all!

Mo Xun's eyes fell on Hu Weizhou who was leading the way in front.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, he suddenly asked: "Do you think this person is too familiar with this place?"

Gong Yang chuckled.

"What do you want to say?"

Mo Xun frowned and touched his chin. In fact, he had discussed his suspicion of Hu Weizhou with Gong Yang and Yue Wusi more than once before.

In theory, the discovery of secret realms generally falls into two situations.

One is the clues of predecessors, and the other is coincidence.

Before entering this place, he felt that these two possibilities seemed to make sense for Hu Weizhou.

For example, this person got the relevant records of this secret realm somewhere, and then combined with the clues that Qianji Lao Mo had appeared near the sea of ​​thunder before disappearing, and then found this place by following the clues.

Or the other party accidentally entered the sea of ​​thunder and found the traces of the formation by accident. After careful research, he asked them to break the formation together.

But since stepping into Guixu, Hu Weizhou's familiarity has surpassed these two possibilities.

The other party walked in it as if he was in his own backyard!

In his opinion, even if the secret site of Guixu had been spread out, it would not be possible that the specific situation inside was also recorded?

Gong Yang saw that he was silent for a long time, and then continued: "I know what you are thinking, it's nothing more than worrying that this is a trap!"

"Aren't you worried?"

Gong Yang smiled and said: "What are you worried about? Didn't Fairy Yue tell you that this is a two-way formation? If this person wants to harm you, how can he get out?"

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully. In fact, these are just his subjective conjectures. It is also the ups and downs of these years that made him a little bit paranoid.

"So why think so much, just grasp one point, that is, he still needs you. As for what other thoughts this person has, what's the harm?"

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head.

"Now I finally know why you can only be a trace of consciousness of Cang Kuo Zhenren!"

"Boy, what do you mean by this?"

Mo Xun shook his long sleeves and ignored the old man who was about to get angry.

To be honest, Gong Yang's remarks were right, but not entirely right!

He believed that if Cang Kuo Zhenren stood in this position, he would definitely not draw such a simple conclusion.

Since the departure, Mo Xun silently noted down the route while observing Hu Weizhou's abnormality.

After experiencing so much, he would not be as careless as before.

Another half day passed, and after crossing a towering mountain, a hill more than a hundred feet high appeared not far away.

Hu Weizhou stopped, pointed at the hill, and said with a little excitement: "It should be there!"

Mo Xun looked for a moment, his eyes circled from the left end of the hill to the right end.

He always felt that this huge hill was like a large tomb!

Could it be that the remains of the old demon Qianji were really buried there?

The entire surface of the hill is no different from other mountains. At first glance, it is all charred black, but when you get closer, you will find that it is not a dirt hill, but a black stone.

There are obvious formation fluctuations around the hill, but the level is not very high.

The five people found a hidden formation with almost no effort. After breaking it, a cave stone door appeared in front of them.

Hu Weizhou took the lead and stepped in. After everyone went in, he hid the entrance of the cave again. At the same time, he also posted a talisman, which could be used to warn in advance if someone came in.

During this process, Mo Xun watched coldly and did not find anything unusual.

Once you enter, there is a dim passage with obvious traces of human chiseling.

Perhaps because no one has visited for many years, the air is a little dirty, and the smell of dampness and mold is very strong.

Hu Weizhou is still leading the way, but this time, Mo Xun deliberately fell behind.

He suddenly flicked his finger, and a small spark flew into the stone wall beside him under the cover of his long sleeves and disappeared!

Not long after walking a short distance, Yue Wusi suddenly asked with a light exclamation: "Do you feel that there seems to be a strange smell?"

Several people stopped immediately and sniffed.

Qingyi Fairy was the first to react, frowned and said: "Yes, it is a bit strange!"

The five people looked at each other, and finally turned their eyes to Hu Weizhou, hoping to get some clues from him.

But disappointingly, Hu Weizhou also looked confused.

Fortunately, this smell seemed harmless.

Despite this, everyone held their breath for the time being.

Perhaps because they walked a little slower, it was not until a cup of tea that they suddenly saw the light in front of them.

Then a very wide natural cave appeared in front of them.

The stone walls surrounding the cave were full of white, luminous natural crystals, illuminating the entire cave.

Under the decoration of those colorful crystals, the cave without any regular beauty was like a big palace, which made people marvel at the ingenuity of this world.

The entire cave was more than ten feet wide and four or five feet high.

Before everyone could react, Yue Wusi exclaimed again.

"It's the Bailing fruit!"

Everyone immediately followed her gaze and saw a strange tree half a person tall growing in the center of the cave. On the end of the tree's tail leaf, hung a fist-sized, slightly fluorescent white fruit.

The appearance of this fruit is also very strange. From a distance, it seems to have a nose, eyes, mouth, ears, etc., lifelike, like a baby's head.

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