Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 411: Ice Water Elixir

When he heard this name, four words immediately appeared in Mo Xun's mind.

Ice, water, spirit, elixir!

They are Tianshan Snow Ginseng, Huanyang Zhenshui, Bailing Fruit, and Wood Return Pill.

These four things are the four famous life-extending magic medicines in the world of immortality. Each of them can extend your life for a hundred years!

Mo Xun couldn't help but think of the reward Fairy Yuehua gave him under the Soul-Suppressing Tower. Wasn't it Huanyang True Water?

Several people's eyes showed an unprecedented look at the same time.

The allure of extending one hundred years of life is probably second only to pill formation in everyone's mind!

Hu Weizhou's eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at the strange lark fruit without blinking, as if he was afraid that the thing would disappear if he closed his eyes.

At this time, no one needed to remind him, several people had slowly gathered around him.

The whole tree was so alone, rooted in the ground without any protection. It was ordinary, without any brilliance that a heaven-defying spiritual creature should have. If it weren't for that fruit, most people would probably regard it as nothing. Tsukuru is an ordinary little sapling.

"Is this Bailingguo?"

Ye Wuya's voice was a little trembling.

To be honest, Mo Xun's heart was a little beat. After all, it was a legendary divine object. If it were placed at ordinary times, how could he have the chance to see it?

"Hehe, it seems that you guys are about to start fighting among themselves!"

As soon as Gongyang finished speaking, Hu Weizhou was a little excited and wanted to step forward, but before he could get close, Ye Wuya took an arrow step and blocked the opponent.

"Brother Hu is too impatient!"

Hu Weizhou frowned and asked in a deep voice, "Brother Ye, what do you mean by this? I just want to confirm it carefully!"

Ye Wuya smiled at the corner of his mouth, but in the eyes of outsiders, it always felt a little gloomy.

"Brother Hu wants to confirm, of course it's all right, but there are some things that need to be explained clearly in advance!"

Facing the sudden conflict between the two, Qingyi stood behind Hu Weizhou without leaving a trace, holding the fly whisk tightly in one hand.

Hu Weizhou shook his long sleeves and smiled coldly.

"Brother Ye, please give me some advice!"

Ye Wuya took a step back to the side, temporarily easing the tense situation just now.

"You and I are here as a group of five, but now there is only one Bailing Fruit. I wonder how Brother Hu thinks it should be distributed?"

Hu Weizhou said without thinking: "Of course it's first-come-first-serve. I already agreed before I came here that I have the right to choose first..."

Perhaps because he suddenly glanced at Yue Wusi, who had an equally unkind expression on his side, Hu Weizhou immediately changed his tone.

"Of course, if you encounter other treasures in the future, you can allocate them yourself, and Hu will no longer participate!"

Ye Wuya snorted coldly.

"It's right to give priority, but it doesn't mean you can monopolize it!"

Hu Weizhou raised his eyebrows, his eyes already filled with a bit of chill.

"Brother Ye, what are you talking about? Why did Hu ever think of taking it all to himself?"

"There is only one Bailing Fruit now. If you take it away, what is it if you don't take it for yourself?"

Listening to the tit-for-tat exchange between the two, although Yue Wusi didn't say anything, he obviously moved closer to Ye Wuya.

Only Mo Xun, whose face remained as usual, looked at the others quietly.

For a moment, five people surrounded the fruit tree and formed a strange three-way position.

Hu Weizhou and Ye Wuya were confronting each other, Qingyi and Yue Wusi were separated behind them, and Mo Xun was standing alone.

"Brother Ye also said that there is only one Bailing Fruit, so you can't cut it up and divide it. Moreover, without Hu's guidance in this operation, would you have been able to get here?"

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Gongyang smiled again and said: "Extended life for a hundred years, even I can't resist such temptation!"

At this time, Yue Wusi finally spoke.

"No one can deny Brother Hu's contribution, but we took the risk to come here just for the opportunity. We can't let our trip go in vain, right?"

"Don't worry, Fairy Yue, Hu has just promised that if we encounter other treasures in the future, I will definitely not participate in the distribution..."

Before Hu Weizhou finished speaking, Ye Wuya interrupted: "But what if there are no other treasures behind?"

The atmosphere suddenly became a little tense again.

Hu Weizhou took a deep breath, his face becoming increasingly gloomy.

"If that's the case, do you have any other distribution methods?"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you. I can't think of a better solution for a while.

Seeing that no one spoke, Hu Weizhou spoke again.

"Well, Hu can offer something equivalent to this Bailing Fruit in exchange. What do you think?"

Yue Wusi shook his head slightly, obviously not accepting such a plan.

"Brother Hu, do you think there is anything equivalent to this kind of spiritual fruit? Or do you think it is defined by spiritual stones, which should be one hundred thousand or one million?"

Yue Wusi's words immediately hit the point.

Extending one's life span by a hundred years is tantamount to increasing the probability of forming an elixir for monks who are difficult to advance. At this point, the value of this thing is indeed immeasurable.

Hu Weizhou glanced around the crowd, and his tone suddenly softened.

"Of course what the fairy said is reasonable, but in this case, Hu believes that the distribution should be based on the principle of who needs it more. To be honest, I am already more than 210 years old this year. If I can no longer form pills, I’m afraid that within a few years, we will have no choice but to fight on our own!”

Generally speaking, the life span of a foundation-building cultivator is at most two or three hundred years.

If they practice improperly or suffer from long-term injuries, they may not even live to two hundred years.

Ye Wuya, instead of sympathizing with him, sneered and said, "Since Brother Hu said so, I have nothing to be ashamed of. I have been practicing for more than 170 years. In terms of age, I am not much younger than Brother Hu."

Yue Wusi, who was standing aside, suddenly had a blush on her cheeks.

"Actually... Actually, I am also 140 years old now!"

Hearing the conversation between the few people, Mo Xun couldn't help but twitch his mouth, feeling that the painting style in front of him suddenly became a little strange.

Originally, they were discussing how to distribute the treasures, but in an instant, it turned into a show of old age.

He couldn't help but turn his head and glanced at Yue Wusi's childlike pale face. It was really hard to associate it with a centenarian.

This woman really tried her best. In order to prolong her life, she dared to say her age so generously.

At this time, Mo Xun didn't know whether he should be proud or helpless.

He was less than 80 years old, which was too young.

Therefore, among these people, he was the only one who didn't care about the Bailing fruit.

His goal was actually the fruit tree, or the rhizome!

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