Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 415 Heavenly Corpse Sect

Ye Wuya said in a deep voice again: "Such a powerful formation cannot be set up in a short time, and it is even more impossible under the eyes of so many people. Who are you?"

After a while, a figure finally slowly walked out of the darkness of the cave.

"I know Hu's identity best. As for this formation, as Brother Ye said, it is true that it was not set up by Hu, but just borrowed from me!"

This sentence seems to have little answer, but the information contained in it is not difficult to hear.

This person is still Hu Weizhou, but relying on his familiarity with this place, from the beginning, he wanted to use the original formations here to secretly put everyone together.

Mo Xun finally understood why Hu Weizhou didn't warn him when the red-faced man quietly followed him.

Presumably this scheming guy is waiting for everyone to gather before preparing to start the big formation.

"Junior, you are so brave, do you know who I am?"

Hu Weizhou looked at the red-faced man indifferently, suddenly raised a formation flag, and then dropped it heavily.

In the magic circle, a sharp light blue light blade suddenly flew out.

After a wailing sound, a huge human head crashed to the ground, and blood spurted out like a fountain. Then the headless body fell to the ground with a crash, raising a cloud of dust.

Immediately, a point of light flew out from the corpse.

But before the light spot drifted far away, another bolt of lightning fell from above the head. With a painful cry, the light spot instantly submerged and disappeared.

And on the head covered with mud, there was still a pair of eyes open with unwillingness to rest, and between the brows, there was a look of shock and anger, as if even at this moment, he still did not believe that he was dead.

"Hu has no control over who you are. This matter has nothing to do with you in the first place. It's just that you have some bad luck and are greedy to seize the treasure, so you are seeking your own death!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and the entire cave fell into a deathly silence.

The only alchemy monk present just... died!

At this moment, everyone finally felt the breath of death.

Even the alchemy monks who have been practicing for hundreds of years have become lambs to be slaughtered in this formation, with no power to fight back, let alone them?

After a long time, Yue Wusi's pale face softened slightly.

"Brother Hu, just tell me what you think. If we can do it, we won't refuse!"

At this time, even Ye Wuya did not dare to say another word to anger the other party.

Anyone can see that they have become prey for others.

"You're welcome, Fairy Yue. All I want is to be able to form pills as soon as possible!"

"In that case, this Bailing Fruit will be given to Brother Hu. The next treasures we encounter will also be decided by Brother Hu alone. If Brother Hu is still not at ease, we can make an oath to the inner demons. How about that?"

Hu Weizhou suddenly laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed in the empty cave for a long time!

Hearing this cautious laughter, everyone unconsciously felt a sense of foreboding!

Yue Wusi seemed to suddenly think of something. He quickly looked at Mo Xun and called out "Brother Lin" in a low voice.

But at this moment, Mo Xun was just leaning on a stone in a daze, his eyes looking blankly into the distance, like a dead person.

Upon closer inspection, I found that even the breath seemed to have disappeared.

Yue Wusi's heart sank. Could it be that his body was dead and his soul was gone?

She clearly remembered that when the explosion first occurred, the other party reminded her to "leave". She must have noticed something fishy in it.

She continued to call several times with some disbelief, but still no one answered.

At this time, others naturally discovered Mo Xun's abnormality.

Ye Wuya suddenly said dullly: "Could it be... Could it be that Brother Lin has already..."

Although this person and Mo Xun had never had any in-depth communication along the way, and as for friendship, there was no talk of it at all.

But now, I can't help but feel a bit sad that the rabbit is dead and the fox is dead.

Hu Weizhou glanced at it casually and paid no more attention.

Suddenly, a strange, somewhat weak voice came from afar.

"I have never met my fellow Taoist, I just happened to come here. I hope you can spare my life, and I will surely be richly rewarded one day!"

The person who spoke was none other than the iron-gall monk.

This person is really unlucky. He was obviously hired by the man named Wen to take revenge, but before he could take action, he was inexplicably teleported here and lost contact with his brother.

Later, I came here and saw the innate spiritual fruit. I thought I could fish in troubled waters. Unexpectedly, before I could get there, I was caught by the remnant power of the explosion and was secretly tricked by that damn pill-forming monk.

If he hadn't made some precautions at the critical moment, he might have had more than half his life left.

Hu Weizhou snorted coldly and looked at the man with cold eyes.

"If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for being greedy. You deserve to die!"

After the words fell, another light blade flew out of the formation.

The moment he saw the light blade flying towards him, a look of horror suddenly rose up in the eyes of the monk Tie Guan, and his two eyeballs almost bulged out of his eyes, but before he could scream in surprise, , the round head fell down.

After another flash of thunder and lightning, the last trace of this person's breath in the world disappeared.

The cave fell into silence again.

This time, no one will doubt the ruthlessness of the devil in front of him!

Hu Weizhou suddenly looked at Ye Wuya.

The moment he met his cold eyes, Ye Wuya unconsciously shrank his head, and suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

"Hu...Brother Hu, if you have something to say, please tell me. After all, we came from the same school, and we have treated each other with sincerity along the way. Even if there were some disputes before, they have not reached the point of life and death. I swear, everything in the future will be done by Brother makes the decision, how about this?”

Hu Weizhou smiled lightly, seeming to enjoy the pleasure of having someone else's life completely in his hands.

At this time, Yue Wusi also hurriedly said: "My little sister also swears that in the next thing, Brother Hu will take the lead!"

Hu Weizhou's face showed a bit of disdain.

"Do you think I can still use you?"

Yue Wusi hurriedly said: "Brother Hu, have you forgotten that this "Five Star Fighting Transforming the Universe Formation" requires our concerted efforts to break through it. If one person is missing, I am afraid we will be trapped in this ruins forever."

Hearing this, Hu Weizhou laughed unscrupulously again.

"I wonder if fairies have ever heard of corpse puppets?"

"Corpse puppet?"

Yue Wusi frowned, confused for a moment.

At this moment, Hu Weizhou was not prepared to make any excuses.

"After you all die, I only need to use the secret method to refine you into silver corpse puppets. Then you don't have to worry about betrayal. Naturally, this universe formation can also be cracked!"

"Are you a member of the Heavenly Corpse Sect?"

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