Hu Weizhou looked at the people in the formation at this time, just like a hunter admiring the prey in the trap.

"Not really, but I have lived for so long, I have some knowledge, and this corpse refining technique is not exclusive to the Tianshi Sect. As for my origin, you don't have to speculate anymore. Maybe after your souls are destroyed, Hu will be interested in talking about it."

Then, he glanced at the four people who suffered an unexpected disaster in the distance.

Two late-stage masters, the man surnamed Wen, and the equally greedy Qian Tongtian.

The four people were struggling at this moment, trying to break through this confinement, but it was obviously in vain.

Even Hu Weizhou himself did not expect that this net could capture so many strong people at the same time.

At this moment, a young voice came out.

"If you can let go, I will definitely give you a million spirit stones when you get out of here!"

The only one who can offer such a price is that Mr. Qian.

Hu Weizhou's mouth curled up a sneer. He almost didn't even want to pay attention to this kind of playboy.

"I hope you can remember in the next life that greed often costs you your head!"

After saying this, he set his eyes on Yue Wusi again.

"Fairy Yue, Brother Ye, do you have anything else to say?"

Yue Wusi's chest rose and fell slightly, and he slowly closed his eyes.

"Brother Hu, I am willing to tell you a secret. I wonder if I can exchange it for my life?"

Hu Weizhou narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Wuya.

"I'm sorry, Hu is only interested in forming a pill now. Even if you send me off with Yaochi Tianlu, I am not blessed to enjoy it. But Brother Ye can rest assured. Several Taoist friends came with me, so we have some incense and affection. Hu will leave a complete body for you, and bury it separately after leaving this place!"

At this time, everyone can see that no matter what they say or do at this moment, it is probably impossible to change the ending.

In fact, it is easy to understand. With such a calculation, if one person is released, it is tantamount to letting go of future enemies.

Hu Weizhou took out the battle flag again and scanned the crowd.

But at this moment, a fiery red arrow suddenly whistled from the darkness with a "whoosh".

Hu Weizhou's heart tightened immediately, and he instinctively dodged sideways.

But the Qiankun Arrow was difficult for even the demon monsters equivalent to the Jindan cultivator to dodge, let alone him?

At the moment he turned around, the sharp arrow wrapped in flames had already whistled!

The sharp arrow directly tore through his body's defense and shot into his shoulder. The huge power was almost painful and was about to burst his body.

To say that Hu Weizhou was indeed a ruthless person, at this critical moment, he suddenly raised his right hand, changed his fist into a palm, and chopped on his left shoulder.

Then a column of blood gushed out like a spring.

His left arm, which was almost shot through, flew backwards under the drive of the sharp arrow, and then suddenly exploded with a loud bang.

Under the firelight, a bloody mist with a pungent smell suddenly spread out!

Amid screams, Hu Weizhou quickly flew up, and then staggered to the distance.

At the same time, a figure jumped out from the dark corner.

"Brother Lin?"

With Yue Wusi's surprised cry, everyone's eyes were all focused on this figure.

Ye Wuya, Qingyi, and Hu Weizhou, who was enduring the severe pain and had a pale face with a bit of hideous pain, were all in a state of shock at this moment.

Everyone looked at the body in the formation without any breath, and looked at the figure falling from the sky with horror.

This person was Mo Xun!

"What a move... You've escaped from the shell. I underestimated you!"

While speaking, Hu Weizhou gathered his spiritual power in his right hand and quickly crossed the wound. The blood that had been oozing out slowly began to solidify.

In his eyes full of resentment, there was both horror and anger!

It turned out that when the explosion occurred before, Mo Xun released his incarnation to replace Hu Weizhou the moment he sensed his disappearance, and the original body quietly hid in the dark.

Unexpectedly, his caution at the critical moment actually saved him from a disaster.

At this moment, after being surprised, both Yue Ye and the other cultivators in the formation showed a hint of hope on their faces.

It was like a group of travelers who were about to die of thirst in the desert suddenly saw an oasis!

Mo Xun frowned, glanced at the formation in front of him, and then put away the Qiankun bow.

This thing is really a good weapon for sneak attacks.

But it's a pity that with such sufficient preparation, he only broke the opponent's arm!

But for now, it seems to be enough.

He and Hu Weizhou were both at the peak of foundation building. From the perspective of mana, they were roughly evenly matched. Now that the other party was seriously injured, it was obvious that he could not pose any threat to him.

But this thought only lasted for a moment.

In the formation, Qingyi, who had never spoken, suddenly became ethereal, and then magically appeared beside Hu Weizhou, and supported him, and at the same time took out a bottle of medicine powder and sprinkled it on his broken arm.

This sudden scene did not surprise Mo Xun much.

He had expected that this Qingyi Fairy was originally in collusion with Hu Weizhou, and it was nothing strange that she could come and go freely in this formation.

But this was not a good thing for Mo Xun.

He was confident that he could take down Hu Weizhou, who had a broken arm, but he was a little insecure when facing two such people at the same time.

According to his previous character, if he can't win, he will run away, but the key is, will these two people give him a chance to escape now?

And Yue Wusi, who has allied with him, is obviously not very decent if he ignores him.

Just as Mo Xun was weighing the pros and cons, a sharp white light suddenly shot towards his face.

Without any signs, Qingyi took action!

"I will hold this person back, you cast a spell as soon as possible and get rid of the people in the formation first!"

Although this woman looked old and ordinary, her voice was very pleasant.

The white light hit Mo Xun's spiritual body protection and directly shocked him back several steps.

Fortunately, he has always been cautious. Before he appeared, he added several layers of protection around himself. Otherwise, even if he didn't die, he would probably lose a layer of skin.

After Qingyi launched the first attack, he rushed over like lightning.

Mo Xun's eyes condensed. He didn't realize before that this woman's speed was not slow at all.

He threw out several talismans, performed the wind control technique, dodged a whisk like a ghost, and dodged to the side.

In the fireball lightning transformed by the talisman, Mo Xun took out a palm-sized red glass cup, chanted a spell, and a hot flame sprayed out in the direction of Qingyi.

Thank you for the great god certification of "Ni Xie Ge" and the long-term gift support from all Taoist friends. I have been scolded by readers recently, haha!

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