While the two were fighting hard, Hu Weizhou suddenly threw the formation flag into the formation, and then used his only right hand to form a seal on his chest, while muttering something in his mouth.

Everyone in the formation felt their hearts sink after hearing Qingyi's words.

But before they could make any move, sharp blades of light suddenly appeared in the middle of the array, spinning rapidly in the air.

To say that the most powerful thing in this formation is not its attack, but the confinement of mana and body.

That light blade, which seemed to have little power in ordinary times, could be easily defused even in the early stage of foundation building, but when everyone was unable to move, it was like a sickle in the hands of Ghost.

Immediately afterwards, a scream came, and someone fell down first.

With the first, there begins the second.

A series of painful and shrill wails continued to echo in the cave.

The entire formation seemed to have become a purgatory on earth. Those foundation-building masters who were originally in the outside world and could control the wind and rain, now seemed to be inferior to unarmed mortals. Their throats were cut or their chests were pierced by a series of light blades.

Poor souls, just after they left the body, they were struck to pieces by thunder and lightning falling from above their heads.

During the fight, Mo Xun naturally noticed the situation in the formation, but now that he couldn't protect himself, he had no time to care about it.

After hearing several panicked and pleading "Brother Lin," Yue Wusi's sweet voice finally disappeared.

The air was filled with a thick smell of blood.

This one-sided massacre only lasted for a moment, and everyone fell into pools of blood.

Among those people, probably the only one who greeted death with a smile was the monk surnamed Wen.

The moment he saw Qian Tongtian's head being chopped off by the light blade, the man ignored the pain on his body and laughed loudly.

Mo Xun glanced gloomily at the unrecognizable corpses, then suddenly flicked his long sleeves, and seven unique red glazed lamps flew out, slanting down from the mouth of the lamp in the air, surrounding Qingyi.

As Mo Xun fired several Taoist formulas, the glazed lamps immediately erupted into flames that filled the sky, instantly engulfing the area of ​​several feet around Qingyi.

Mo Xun spent a lot of money on this set of Seven Treasure Glazed Magical Instruments.

When it comes to magic weapons, it has always been said that a single one is not as good as a complete set. Whether it is price or power, it often increases geometrically.

After using the whole set, even if it is not as powerful as a magic weapon, its power alone is terrifying enough.

Immediately afterwards, he took out the Qiankun Bow again, opened the bow and nocked an arrow cleanly, released his right hand, and the fiery red arrow, carrying vast energy, dragged a long trail in the air and shot straight out.

However, the direction of this arrow was not Qing Yi in the fire, but Hu Weizhou!

Now, whether it is the Linglong Ring or the Xuanbing Gourd that Mo Xun has always used quite conveniently, they are trapped in the formation with his incarnation, and there are only a few things that can be used.

When Changhong passed by, he could almost tear apart the space along the way with one arrow shot with all his strength.

With a "boom", the sharp arrow exploded in the distance, shattering a large rock wall and boulders. With the formation of the glass lamp, almost half of the cave was engulfed in scorching flames.

However, the moment the sharp arrow penetrated Hu Weizhou's figure, Mo Xun frowned, and then he flashed and stepped back two or three feet.

At the same time, right where he disappeared, a closed black umbrella passed straight through his shadow.

Hu Weizhou is indeed an old guy who has lived for more than two hundred years. Based on his experience alone, he may not lose to some alchemy monks.

How could he suffer a second loss after being hit by that arrow before?

Mo Xun raised his sleeves and immediately threw out several walnut-sized black fire thunder beads.

Fire and thunder beads exploded all around Hu Weizhou at the same time, sending up thick smoke into the sky.

This continuous struggle may seem long, but it only lasts in the blink of an eye.

Before the thick smoke dissipated, the strange black umbrella was spinning in the air, suddenly shooting out needles of light, which were densely packed, like rain falling from the sky.

The light needle hit the protective mask on Mo Xun's body, making a series of "bang bang" sounds.

At this moment, a figure flew out from the flames in the distance.

When this figure landed, he almost fell because he failed to stabilize his body.

The figure was wrapped in a large ball of white cloth, from head to toe, like a mummy.

However, there were patches of burnt black spots on the white cloth, and there were also traces of flames attached to them in several places.

The white cloth suddenly tore into pieces and exploded, flying around, revealing Fairy Qingyi with a dark face.

Qingyi's hair was in a messy bun, a large piece of the Taoist robe on her legs was burned off, and drops of blood were flowing down her trouser legs, making her look extremely embarrassed.

Mo Xun's eyes narrowed, he actually underestimated these people's methods.

But right now, it's not the time to think about this.

A silver round bowl flew to the top of Mo Xun's head, and then countless light spots fell down, falling on him like snowflakes.

Before he could react, he felt his body stiffen, and his movements suddenly became more than half slower than before.

"Don't panic, I will teach you a simple escape technique. As long as you leave the range of this silver bowl, you can naturally regain your freedom."

Although he was confused as to when the old man became so generous, he still hurriedly followed the method mentioned by Gongyang to circulate the spiritual power in his body.

At this moment, Qingyi bit her tooth crown and suddenly flicked the fly whisk. The white thread on it suddenly became three to five feet long and hit Mo Xun's neck directly.

The black umbrella in the air was also spinning rapidly, and its sharp teeth could almost cut off all obstacles along the way.

Looking at the whisk and the black umbrella that were about to fall, Mo Xun roared hard, and then the whole person turned into a wisp of white smoke.

When he appeared again, he was already more than ten feet away.

But at this moment, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

I'm afraid that if it was just one tenth of a breath, he would have died on the spot.

Mo Xun, who escaped this disaster, did not dare to rest for a moment. He immediately moved his mind, and the seven glass lamps flew towards Qingyi again.

But this fairy lady was naturally not a fool, how could she be fooled by this trick?

While changing her shape, Qingyi's figure retreated more than ten steps.

Although this kind of local offensive magic weapon looks powerful, it also has many weaknesses.

First of all, in terms of speed, it is a hard flaw.

Therefore, it can only be used unexpectedly. If the opponent is prepared, it is not easy to use the same trick again.

But Mo Xun's original intention was not limited to this.

When Hu Weizhou, who was standing aside, looked at Qingyi with concern, a flame suddenly burst out from under his feet without him noticing. The flame emitted a clear hissing sound, and then in the blink of an eye, it completely engulfed Hu Weizhou.

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