Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 418 Lonely Mountain Tomb

When the Xuantian True Fire engulfed Hu Weizhou, Mo Xun felt relieved. Although he could not see anything in the firelight, the connection between him and Chi Li made him know that this man was completely finished!

From the beginning of the fight till now, he had been suppressing the Xuantian True Fire and not using it, just for this surprise attack.

The three of them were at the same level, and their magic power was also about the same. It was not easy to win against two without using some tricks!

Qingyi Fairy in the distance seemed to have sensed something, and her face suddenly changed. After a short period of unconsciousness, she suddenly looked at Mo Xun with an extremely ferocious look, her whole face was almost distorted, and her eyes were full of deep hatred.

"I want you to die..."

After this roar, Qingyi suddenly rushed to the big formation on the side.

Before Mo Xun could react, the other party's figure disappeared into the magic circle, and then landed on a higher stone platform, clasped his hands together, closed his eyes, and began to mutter something.

Mo Xun frowned, puzzled for a moment.

However, this doubt did not last long, and the whole cave began to shake violently.

This shaking was several points stronger than the vibration caused by the previous explosion.

Rumbling sounds kept ringing in his ears, and even Mo Xun was a little unsteady.

In the formation, Qingyi's body began to gradually dissipate, turning into countless fluorescent lights, drifting throughout the space.

"Run, boy, this woman is crazy, I'm afraid she's going to detonate the formation!"

At this time, without Gong Yang's reminder, he could see the other party's abnormality.

He swung his robe sleeves and threw out a rope, which was very accurately wrapped around the arm of the incarnation in the magic circle. Then he pulled hard, and the lotus incarnation that was exactly the same as him was pulled out of the air, turned into a ray of light, and was put into his long sleeves.

With a thought, his treasures followed.

But just at this moment, a loud "boom" came from behind him, and the huge impact shook him out and hit the rock wall heavily.

The smoke and dust in the sky quickly spread around with Qingyi as the center.

Mo Xun rolled down the wall, and he felt a world of sun, moon and stars in his head!

He thought that the opponent's means were second only to him, but before he could wake up, another explosion came.

A piece of gravel as big as a millstone hit his left leg under the impact.

In an instant, he felt that half of his body was almost unconscious.

The huge pain made his mind a little clearer.

He quickly made a Taoist gesture with his hands, and the whole person turned into a ray of light, flying towards the passage where he came from among the falling rubble.

But when he was in the air, countless sharp light blades suddenly flew around him, flying everywhere without a target, blocking him.

They were exactly the same as the light blades that killed those people in the formation just now, but the number was simply terrifying.

The light blades in the sky were like the stars in the clear night sky, densely packed, illuminating the entire cave.

Mo Xun quickly pasted a few protective talismans on his body, and at the same time summoned the exquisite ring and covered his head.

However, during this short delay, his body and face had been cut dozens of times.

Even a few ribs on his chest were cut off.

His clothes were torn to pieces, and there was no intact skin on his body. If he delayed for a moment, he would become a bloody man.

The light blades hit the rock wall, making a series of "bang bang" sounds.

Then, Mo Xun felt that his magic power seemed to be solidifying.

He almost forgot that the most powerful thing in the whole formation was the confinement technique.

Fortunately, the solidification speed was not as fast as he imagined.

Perhaps because the range of the formation had expanded, it was not like before, which made people unable to move immediately.

While he still had some strength, he desperately fled to the cave entrance.

But at this moment, another explosion came from behind him.

At the same time as the sound, there was also an impact like a wave.

At this moment, due to the formation, Mo Xun's magic power was almost confined by half, and with his body injured, he had no time to react, and was thrown out again like a lonely boat.

But perhaps it was God's will, or perhaps it was not his fate, the direction he flew to was exactly the dark passage he came from.

With a "bang", Mo Xun felt that his internal organs, bones and tendons were all dislocated after the fall.

A mouthful of thick blood flowed over his throat and sprayed on the face in front of him.

Strange, how could there be a face here?

In a trance, he seemed to see the man slowly sticking out his tongue and licking the smelly blood on his face.

Was he hallucinating and was stunned by the fall?

At this moment, an old voice in the sea of ​​consciousness urged: "Take her away with you!"


Mo Xun shook his head vigorously, trying to make himself more awake.

"Boy, if you keep dawdling, I will be buried with you!"

He finally reacted a little, it was the voice of the ram.

Seeing the shaking around him getting stronger and stronger, he bit his tongue hard. The remaining desire to survive made him instinctively get up, pick up the person on the ground, and perform the wind control technique. Under the attack of the light blades, he sank into the passage like a gust of wind.

In a daze, he only knew to run towards the light in front of him.

Although the passage was not long, it was extremely long for him at this moment.

Not long after he left the cave, there was a shocking sound behind him, and then the whole mountain collapsed with a rumble.

But at this time, perhaps he had used up the last bit of strength, and Mo Xun finally collapsed to the ground.

A breeze blew by, and he struggled to open his eyelids, and what came into his eyes was the black and white darkness of the sky.

After a while, the previous consciousness gradually became clear.

He wanted to get up, but it affected too many wounds on his body, and he grimaced in pain.

After half an hour, he held his stomach and stood up slowly.

When he saw that the mountain behind him, which was originally a hundred feet high and covered an area of ​​about a thousand feet, had almost dropped by half, he really took a breath of cold air.

It really came true. Just as he had seen before, the whole lonely mountain looked like a large grave mound from a distance!

He took a few more healing pills and sprinkled the powder all over his body.

There were really too many shocking skin injuries.

As for the internal organs and meridians, they would only recover slowly in the future.

He suddenly remembered the person he had brought out before, and turned around to look.

The person lying on the ground... turned out to be the beautiful Lei Hai Yao Ji!

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