The woman in front of him was about sixteen or seventeen years old. Just like the first time he saw her, her skin was like cream and her face was very delicate.

Although there was still a mouthful of blood that he spit out on his cheek, it still couldn't hide his beautiful appearance.

It's just that the other party's aura at this moment is a little weak, and I'm afraid he's just breathing a sigh of relief.

The white dress was stained with a lot of mud, and there were several places where it was cut by the light blade, and the exposed skin had obvious wounds.

After a moment, Mo Xun nodded slightly.

It must have been when the formation was activated that the woman was lucky enough to survive because she was far away and was not affected.

"Boy, have you seen enough? If you don't take action, this girl will be completely dead!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Mo Xun asked doubtfully: "Can you explain now why you had to ask me to save her just now... Don't tell me anything about kindness!"

To say that Gongyang has some kindness, Mo Xun doesn't believe it!

Perhaps rather than being kind-hearted, he would rather believe that this old guy is attracted by her beauty.

"Hehe, you kid is a bit ignorant of good people. I do this out of consideration for you."

Mo Xun's face was obviously more confused.

"How do you say this?"

The male sheep smiled and asked: "Is it possible that you don't want to leave this place?"

Mo Xun immediately frowned, held his chin with one hand, and began to think silently. After a long time, he said with a hint of contemplation: "What do you mean..."

But before he could finish his words, Ram Yang interrupted him directly.

"To break through the "Five Elements Fighting the Universe Formation", we must gather five late-stage foundation-builders to cast spells together. However, all the people who came in before have been buried in the mountain. Together with you and the three incarnations, there are only four people. That’s all, unless you never want to go out, otherwise, you’ll need this girl’s help.”

"Do we need five people to leave this place? Even if I succeed in forming the elixir, I won't be able to break the formation?"

The ram replied with a disdainful sneer.

On the other hand, Mo Xun fell into a brief silence again.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, even Hu Weizhou, who is extremely familiar with this place, needs to refine a corpse puppet to break the formation. How can there be other methods?

"But this person's current cultivation level is nothing more than refining Qi. Do I have to wait for her to build a foundation and then reach a later stage of cultivation before I can leave here?"

"What do you think? Those avatars of yours are only in the early stages of foundation building now? You won't be able to leave in a short time!"

Mo Xun just wanted to open his mouth to refute, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them alive.

What he wanted to say was that although there were only three incarnations, the Lan Xinlian was not absent.

But he suddenly remembered that the last time he refined the incarnation, he had used up all the mature lotus roots, and now the age of the ones in the cyan space was far behind.

It will take at least twenty or thirty years to cultivate it to maturity.

Even if the refining is successful, it will take several decades for him to reach the late stage of foundation building. Calculating this, I am afraid that he will not be able to leave within fifty years.

His eyes fell on his feet again.

This is a woman with an extremely well-proportioned figure. Her legs are straight and slender, her waist is slender, and her chest is high. There is no excess or lack of length in any place.

The skin between the neck is white, tender and smooth!

This reminded Mo Xun of the first time he saw this woman at the auction.

Naked shoulders, slender feet!

All of them exude an intoxicating atmosphere.

If we train this woman instead and reach the late stage of foundation building, maybe the time can be greatly shortened!

In fact, for him now, it doesn't make much difference whether he stays temporarily or leaves immediately.

If you can find the secret method of forming an elixir here, it wouldn't be a bad idea to form an elixir here.

If he couldn't find it, he would have to study the Five Elements Unification Formation according to his previous plan. Again, no matter where he was, there wouldn't be much difference.

Thinking of this, he looked up again at the lonely mountain in the distance.

If Hu Weizhou hadn't lied, the inheritance of Qianji Laomo should be among them.

It suddenly occurred to him that there was actually another way to leave.

That's the corpse puppet!

Maybe there is a method for refining corpse puppets in Hu Weizhou's storage bag.

However, the prerequisite for this method is naturally that there needs to be a complete corpse first.

I wonder if the bones of those fellow Taoists could be preserved intact under the explosion?

But no matter what, what Gongyang said makes some sense.

It seemed that he had to save the woman in front of him!

He slowly squatted down, first gently grabbed the wrist of the Thunder Sea Demon Queen, and injected a ray of spiritual power into her body.

There are two purposes for doing this.

One is to detect the opponent's injuries, and the other is to confirm the opponent's spiritual root attributes and skills.

After a moment, he first raised his eyebrows, showing a hint of surprise, and then frowned.

Unexpectedly, this woman not only possesses wood spiritual roots, but also possesses thunder attribute spiritual roots.

This is really rare!

And what's strange is that the other party didn't practice thunder attribute skills, which really blinded the mutant spiritual root.

Mo Xun then took out an elixir, put it into the woman's mouth, and sprinkled some trauma medicine powder on the wounds.

A woman's internal organs and meridians were more or less damaged.

In fact, with Mo Xun's cultivation, he could help her recover quickly, but he was also in pain now. If he could avoid using his magic power, he would not easily take action.

"Gong Yang, do you think this person will accept my arrangement after waking up?"

"Of course, she has no reason to refuse you!"

Mo Xun nodded secretly, which was not wrong.

He could help the other party improve his cultivation and help her leave this place. No one would refuse such conditions without knowing the good.

Then, Mo Xun took Lei Hai Yao Ji and left this place in a hurry.

After all, according to his speculation, the golden-faced messenger might be hidden in a corner of Guixu.

This person might have separated from the red-faced man during the transmission, but such a big commotion here might attract him.

In the dim cave, Mo Xun sat cross-legged, concentrating on refining the medicinal power in his body.

A delicate moan suddenly came.

Then, on the stone platform not far away, Lei Hai Yao Ji rubbed her head and climbed up drowsily.

A month later, the injuries on the two were probably healed.

As for the meridians, they can only be adjusted slowly in the future.

This Lei Hai Yao Ji, her real name is Wen Yue.

What surprised Mo Xun a little was that this person was the daughter of the monk surnamed Wen that day.

This is another story.

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