When Mo Xun heard the noise, he moved his feet slightly and came to the outside of the house. He kicked the door and the whole door fell to the ground.

At this time, Su Yunshang was tied up with ropes, trembling against the corner of the wall, with disheveled hair, blood marks on her body from the whip, tears on her face, and she was struggling constantly.

And on her body, a man in blue was lying.

The moment they heard the noise, they turned their heads at the same time and saw Mo Xun, who was furious.

When Su Yunshang saw the face that made her hate it so much, she was not happy, but two lines of tears flowed down like a dam bursting.

"Who are you?"

Mo Xun stepped forward and kicked out. The man in blue flew out with a cry of pain before he could react. With a "bang", he hit the wall heavily, smashing the tables and chairs on the ground into pieces.

Without waiting for the man to recover, Mo Xun lifted him up by the collar and slapped him in the face. The man tilted his head and spat out a mouthful of blood. Instantly, more than half of his teeth were gone.

"You... who are you... dare to break into my Shihualou... the Meng family... will not let you go!"

Although Mo Xun forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, he couldn't control himself after seeing the scene in front of him.

Mo Xun ignored the threat of the man in green and pinched his throat. His fingertips suddenly exerted force. After a crisp sound of bones, the man's head tilted, his eyes widened, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes. His pupils enlarged, his eyes began to fill with blood, and his eyes gradually became scattered. In the blink of an eye, he was dead.

Mo Xun loosened his hand, and the man in green fell to the ground.

Looking at the corpse at his feet, Mo Xun's chest rose and fell slowly.

He didn't expect that his first murder would be in this occasion, for such a reason.

After a while, the anger in his eyes slowly dissipated, and he turned his head to look at Su Yunshang, with a little more gentleness in his eyes.

Looking at the little girl covered with bruises, Mo Xun felt a little guilty.

Regardless of the grudges between him and the Su family, as Su Yunyi said, Yunshang was innocent.

With a sigh in his heart, Mo Xun loosened the ropes on her legs and feet, held her horizontally, and said softly: "Okay, it's okay!"

Su Yunshang lay in Mo Xun's arms, sobbing constantly, and her body was still trembling slightly because of the shock.


Cangming Mountain, in the bamboo house.

Mo Xun applied medicine to her injured parts and helped her lie on the bed.

The two have been silent to each other since they came back.

Mo Xun felt guilty and didn't know what to say, let alone ask her about her experience yesterday, so as not to touch her scars.

Su Yunshang also felt a little guilty. If it weren't for her playfulness, she wouldn't have suffered this disaster, so she naturally didn't dare to speak.

Looking at the bloody scar on her face, Mo Xun raised his arm and wanted to touch it gently, but his palm stopped in mid-air. After hesitating for a moment, he just used his fingers to smooth her hair.

Seeing Su Yunshang hesitated, Mo Xun waved his hand and said, "Wait until you get up after a sleep!"

Su Yunshang hurriedly grabbed his arm and the two looked at each other.

I thought the girl was going to say something emotional, but after waiting for a long time, Su Yunshang moved her lips and said, "I'm hungry!"

Mo Xun was stunned, then smiled faintly. Although this happened, the person in front of him was still the same Su Yunshang.

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