In the next few days, the two of them returned to peace again.

Fortunately, Yun Shang only suffered some skin injuries and recovered quickly. In the blink of an eye, more than ten days passed in a flash.

During this period, Mo Xun refined a heart-protecting pill, which was much faster than before.

The main reason was that the heart-protecting pill he prepared could only play half of its original efficacy.

This was also within his expectations. On that day, he only found the order relationship of the three main medicines. As for the other auxiliary medicines, there was no way.

When refining the pill, although the loss of spiritual energy was greatly suppressed, a lot of medicinal properties were still dissipated and wasted in the process, which was also unavoidable.

Of course, the pill he prepared was many times better than the substitute Su Yunyi gave him. When following the original pill formula, although the medicinal power was reduced, it did not contain many impurities, so it was naturally easy to absorb.

With the help of the pill, his practice naturally made rapid progress, and he could feel the improvement of his cultivation almost every day.

Of course, he did not slack off in his magic practice during this period. Whether it was the wind control technique that had helped him several times before, or the fire control technique that he had half-trained, they were all making progress.

On this day, Mo Xun rarely interrupted his practice.

Su Yunshang was leaning on a recliner in the shade of the yard, with a book on her body, closing her eyes and resting!

Since the last incident, the little girl has been quiet for a while, not making a fuss or making unreasonable demands.

In addition to lying in bed to recuperate every day, she asked Mo Xun to find some books for her to read, and even did a satisfactory needlework, which was quite like a lady from a noble family.

However, in the past two days, the restlessness in her heart began to show signs again.

Mo Xun copied and wrote in the room, and after a while, he sat next to her.

"Second Miss!"

Su Yunshang raised her eyelids. After spending these days together, the two of them gradually got used to each other. The little girl would no longer deliberately cause trouble for him or make things difficult for him like before.

"I have something to discuss with you!"

"Say it!" Su Yunshang glanced at him lazily and closed her eyes again.

Mo Xun pondered for a moment, smiled slightly, and still said the idea he had thought about in the past two days.

"What do you think of the spells I cast before?"

Hearing this, Su Yunshang became a little interested.

"It's quite interesting. What do you mean, you learned a new spell, do you want to show it to me? "

When Mo Xun saw that there was a way, he smiled mysteriously, stretched out his left hand, and made a Taoist gesture with his right hand. Then the Fiery Fire Art in his body started to work, and he was chanting something at the same time. In a flash, a ball of flames condensed in the palm of his hand, and the temperature nearby also rose a little.

Swaying in the wind, the shape of the flames slowly changed, and in a moment, it turned into a fire lotus, gently jumping in his palm.

This is a little trick that Mo Xun has summed up recently when he was practicing fire control.

Of course, this trick is not his own creation, it is recorded in the Fiery Fire Art. , but what is recorded is not this kind of illusion technique, but how to finely control the release of spiritual power in the body during practice.

When you practice to a certain level, you can transform the flame into any shape at will.

At the moment when Mo Xun made fire out of thin air, Su Yunshang opened her mouth and was stunned.

Although she had seen the magic of the storage bag last time, this kind of magic trick still surprised her speechless.

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Mo Xun withdrew his spiritual power, and the fire lotus dissipated.

"Wait, can you perform it again? I didn't see it clearly just now!"

Seeing Su Yunshang's curious face, Mo Xun slowly said: "If the second lady finds it interesting, why not practice with me?"

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