In his opinion, instead of letting Su Yunshang idle around all day, it would be better to find something for her to do, so that she can stay in the mountain with peace of mind and not go out to cause trouble.

At the same time, he also believed that Su Yunshang had no reason to refuse. After all, no mortal would refuse to become an immortal.

But he obviously guessed wrong. This girl cannot be judged by common sense.

"I don't want to learn!"

Mo Xun blinked. If he hadn't seen the sudden change of expression on her face, he would have thought he heard it wrong.


Su Yunshang glanced at him and said confidently: "If you make me as boring as you, who only know how to meditate and practice every day, you might as well kill me!"

Is he boring?

Mo Xun opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment!

But in his opinion, if you want to transcend the mortal world and become immortal, if you want to live forever, shouldn't this be the case?

After thinking about it, Mo Xun did not give up and continued to say in a seductive manner: "You think, if you know magic, you won't be bullied by bad people in the future, don't you think?"

This sentence made Su Yunshang's heart a little bit.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly said with joy: "What you said makes sense. Why don't you pass some of your spells to me, so I can cast spells too?"

"How to pass it on?"

"According to what this book says, pass it on to me like an internal skill!"

Mo Xun followed her finger and looked over. There were three big words written on the book... "The Legend of Martial Arts"

He had forgotten when he bought this book.

Pass on the power?

Transmit the law?

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth twitched. He really didn't know how her head grew.

It seems that the last resort is needed.

In the next time, he may have to practice frequently and won't have much energy to take care of this girl. If another accident happens, I'm afraid he won't be as lucky as last time.

"Second Miss, cultivating immortals and practicing kung fu are actually completely different, so the transfer of kung fu you mentioned cannot be realized... Of course, there may be such kung fu in the real world of cultivating immortals, but I don't know about it!"

After hearing this, Su Yunshang showed a bit of pity on his face, but in the blink of an eye, he said with an indifferent attitude: "Forget it, anyway, you will protect me here. I will get married when I get home, and my husband will protect me." Woolen cloth!"

Mo Xun let out a sigh of relief. He had seen someone who was not enterprising, but he had never seen someone who spoke so confidently.

"Second Miss, why don't you and I make an agreement?"

"What agreement?"

Mo Xun smiled slyly: "If you can master this skill in my hand, I will send you back without waiting for three years, how about it?"

Su Yunshang took the white paper from Mo Xun and opened it. There were about four to five hundred words written inside, and the ink was still wet.

This is a part of the exercises that Mo Xun copied from the book "Yanshui Xuan Gong", which corresponds to the fourth level of Qi refining.

Thinking about it, it took him nearly a year and a half to break through the first level of the Fiery Fire Technique. Later, with the help of pills, he is still lingering on the third level of Qi Refining.

Not to mention whether Su Yunshang has the constitution to cultivate immortality, even if she does, it can be guaranteed that she will not go out to cause trouble again in the past few years.

Su Yunshang read a few sentences curiously, but there was nothing on his face like the joy that Mo Xun showed when he obtained the Fiery Fire Art.

Instead, he frowned.

"You wrote it?"

Mo Xun nodded. In her opinion, the allure of this condition was enough to impress the other party.

But the next words made him almost fall.

"Your handwriting... is so ugly!"

Mo Xun smiled dryly and suppressed the unhappiness in his chest. He felt helpless. Others were crying and begging to become immortals, but he was quite good. It was completely the opposite.

Su Yunshang turned her head, saw the longing in Mo Xun's eyes, and then sighed softly and said: "Well, seeing as you are so sincere, I will reluctantly agree to you!"

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