Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 45: Water-Bearing Mysterious Skill

Mo Xun breathed a sigh of relief, finally getting rid of this trouble.

But he obviously thought too simply. Su Yunshang's cultivation journey did not last long, and she could not persist because of boredom.

On the first day, he got a fishing rod from somewhere and said he was going to the stream to fish, but he encountered a snake and ran back scared to death. Fortunately, Mo Xun had prepared it in advance, otherwise he would have been disturbed by him and lost his mind in the middle of cultivation.

On the fourth day, he said he was too bored and wanted to raise a rabbit, but after only three days, it became a bowl of meat in the pot for two people.

On the seventh day, he sneaked out to the street again!

On the tenth day, he caught a cold and basked in the sun in the yard for a day!

It seems that no matter what time, people always have to push themselves to know how great their potential is.

Mo Xun spent two or three months in intermittent cultivation like this.

During this period, he took a Heart-Protecting Pill almost every ten days. With the existence of the black soil, he was willing to waste the pills, so that he could always have sufficient medicinal power in his body during his cultivation, and his cultivation realm was improving at an incredible speed.

Just yesterday, he finally broke through the bottleneck of the third level and reached the fourth level of Qi Refining.

He could clearly feel that the mana in his body had become stronger.

Now he could easily perform the illusionary power in the Fire Control Technique, and he was also more adept at using the Wind Control Technique.

In the past, when he used the Wind Control Technique with all his strength, he could only last half an hour at most before his mana would be exhausted. Although he hadn't tried it now, he thought it should have improved a lot.

After a day and a night of consolidation, Mo Xun opened the door. Su Yunshang was in the yard at this time. She caught a few crabs from somewhere and was teasing them to fight each other with a bamboo stick. She was quite free.

Mo Xun coughed lightly, wanting to ask if the other party had eaten, but an inadvertent glance made him say "eh".

He quickly performed the Qi-Observing Technique to check the breath overflowing from Su Yunshang's body, but was surprised to find that the realm displayed by the other party at this time had reached the second level of Qi Refining.

"You... have broken through the first level of Qi Refining?"

Su Yunshang looked up at him, obviously dissatisfied with his fuss, and said complainingly: "I broke through two days ago. I wanted to tell you, but you stayed in the room all the time and didn't make any noise!"

Mo Xun's mind was a little messy for a while.

What's going on?

Is the "Yanshui Xuan Gong" too easy to practice, or is the other party's aptitude too amazing?

He seemed a little dazed, thinking about how he had practiced hard for more than a year before breaking through the first level, but others only took two or three months.

The key is that he didn't seem to see how Su Yunshang practiced!

Rubbing his eyes hurriedly, he performed the Qi-Observing Technique again and injected spiritual power into his eyes.

After a moment, he was finally sure that he was not mistaken. Su Yunshang's current realm was the real second level of Qi Refining!

"If you hadn't told me not to disturb you when you were practicing, I would have kicked open the door and told you the news."

Mo Xun rubbed his aching head, as if he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find it.

Suddenly, he remembered the nameless corpse under the ancient tomb. Combined with the recipe of Baoxin Pill, maybe that person was the ancestor of the Su family.

Presumably, the "Yanshui Xuan Gong" was originally suitable for the physique of the Su family, so they could practice so quickly.

He nodded secretly, it must be this reason!

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