Mo Xun shook his head and smiled bitterly. It was a pity that he practiced hard all day without sleep and with the help of elixirs, but in the end, he was not as fast as others who practiced while playing.

He really wanted to ask Su Yunshang how she practiced, but after opening his mouth, he was a little embarrassed for a while.

He could only comfort himself and think that either the "Yanshui Xuan Gong" was just suitable for her physique, or it was too superficial, which made her practice so fast.

Of course, this also means that this technique is probably much inferior to his Liehuo Jue in terms of power.

For a moment, he had the urge to change his technique to verify these speculations and comfort his fragile heart.

"Well... this, you can't just focus on improving your cultivation. If you have time, you still have to practice the spells in it!"

Mo Xun touched his nose, his face a little embarrassed.

This is like a master teaching an apprentice. After only a few days of hard work, the apprentice has surpassed the master.

At this moment, he really regretted the agreement at that time. At this speed, it would not take long for Su Yunshang to cultivate to the fourth level. Then, he would have to send her back, and naturally he would have less leverage to intimidate the Su family.

"Are you talking about this?"

Su Yunshang picked up a teacup, walked to the bucket, pinched a Taoist formula with his right hand, and after reciting a spell, he suddenly put his two fingers together and drew an arc in the air. A small stream of water emerged from the bucket on the ground and fell directly into the teacup.

The whole process seemed complicated, but it was just a breath.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun opened his eyes in surprise, and his heart was suddenly filled with shock.

What is this?

Outstanding talent!


Or a genius?

He now seriously doubted whether he was cultivating a fake immortal?

In such a short time, he broke through a level and mastered a spell. Is the gap between people really that big?

Mo Xun's eyes looking at Su Yunshang at this moment were extremely complicated!

No, no, this girl's talent is too high. He must think of a way to hold her back, otherwise it won't be long before her realm is definitely above his.

At the same time, he was secretly glad that he didn't give her the complete version of "Yanshui Xuan Gong" at the beginning, otherwise, he couldn't control her cultivation progress at all.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun smiled dryly and said, "Not bad, great progress. To reward you, I will go to the street today and buy you a few more good books to read, which can also kill boring time!"

When Mo Xun said this, he felt guilty unconsciously, and even he felt a little shameless!

Su Yunshang said happily, "I want to go too!"

Mo Xun thought about it and thought that he would not have to worry about the other party causing any trouble with him watching, so he said, "Okay!"

Watching Su Yunshang happily getting dressed, Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. For the first time, he began to waver in his path of cultivation.

The two of them arrived in Xingping Town. Mo Xun took her to eat first because he had not eaten for a day and a night.

These days, Mo Xun has put all his energy on cultivation. On weekdays, he and Su Yunshang can only eat casually. Now seeing a table full of delicious food, the two of them were salivating. After a while, they ate and drank like whirlwind.

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