After dinner, Mo Xun took her to several bookstores and bought all the strange stories. Then he took her to stroll on the street. As long as it was fun and could kill time, he would buy her all the new and interesting things.

He didn't believe that with these things, no matter how evil Su Yunshang was, she could still practice.

Just when he was secretly pleased with himself, he didn't notice that a pair of eyes in the distance had quietly stared at them.

"Hey, Mr. Mo, why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?" Although Su Yunshang felt that Mo Xun was a little abnormal today, she was still very happy. The depression in the mountains had already made her almost crazy.

Mo Xun smiled shamelessly: "You have performed well recently, so of course I will reward you!"

As the two talked, they walked up the mountain. It was almost winter, and the grass and trees along the way began to wither, and the colors of the mountains in the distance also dimmed.

But at this moment, a burst of hurried horse hooves suddenly came from behind.


The two of them stopped in their tracks and looked back. A group of people were running towards them.

Not long after, they were surrounded by a dozen people.

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes and looked around. Except for a woman in green clothes, the rest were all burly men.

Since the last incident, Su Yunshang was inevitably panicked when she encountered such a scene. She quickly hid behind Mo Xun. The usual playful expression on her face was gone, replaced by a look of panic.

Seeing her like this, Mo Xun quietly patted her shoulder, and a stream of spiritual energy passed out. Su Yunshang felt a warm current rising in her body, and her uneasy heart gradually calmed down.

Mo Xun looked at the crowd around him coldly and asked expressionlessly, "You have stopped us two. Do you have any advice?"

The woman in green in the crowd rode a white horse and slowly walked forward. She stared at Mo Xun curiously for several times. She gave her the feeling that he was just a young man who was not even twenty years old. He was thin and weak, and there was nothing extraordinary about him.

She frowned and asked uncertainly, "Are you the criminal who committed a crime in Shihua Tower last time?"

Mo Xun understood immediately that he was here to seek revenge!

Su Yunshang was shocked when she heard the three words "Shihua Tower". When she saw the group of people around her who were eyeing her covetously, she felt uneasy again.

"So what if it is, so what if it is not?" Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. He didn't like this kind of condescending questioning.

The woman in green was slightly stunned when she heard his tone. She hadn't met such an arrogant young man for a long time.

"In that case, come back to Mengjiabao with me!"

After saying that, the green-clothed woman stopped looking at him, her eyes swept over Su Yunshang, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she turned her horse's head and prepared to go back.

The two strong men next to them jumped off their horses very tactfully, each holding a rope in their hands, and walked towards Mo Xun and the others.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart. He really didn't understand why he felt that every time he met someone, they didn't have a brain?

Before the two men approached, he pulled Su Yunshang back a step, and then quickly punched out two times. After a series of screams, the two strong men flew out of the crowd like a kite with a broken string.

In the blink of an eye, two "dong dong" sounds came from the nearby bushes.

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