Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 48 Even a dragon must coil

When the woman in green turned around and saw a cloud of dust in the bushes, her face immediately brightened.

And the people around her took out their swords from their waists, and hurriedly protected her behind them as if they were facing a great enemy.

"You are so brave!" After reacting, the woman in green stared at Mo Xun and suddenly sneered.

Mo Xun ignored her provocation, glanced around, and said lightly: "Don't provoke me again!"

After that, he was about to pull Su Yunshang away.

Seeing Mo Xun turn around, the woman in green said coldly: "Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu, catch them for me, and then cut off their hands and feet!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two people beside the woman in green kicked their horses hard, jumped up, turned a beautiful somersault in the air, and landed steadily in front of Mo Xun.

"Boy, if you mess with our young lady, don't even think about leaving!"

The two men laughed sinisterly, looking at the dead as if they were looking at them. At the same time, they stretched out a hand and grabbed Mo Xun and Su Yunshang from the left and right.

In their opinion, the boy in front of them was just a little bit strong. It was natural for the two servants to suffer a loss after being attacked.

Su Yunshang saw a big hand coming towards her like lightning, and her face suddenly turned pale and she cried out softly.

But just when the palm was about to fall on her, a strong force suddenly came, carrying her whole body, moving forward quickly, just passing through the middle of the two palms.

If you observe carefully, you will find that there is a residual image behind her at this time.

The two big hands hit nothing, and the faces of the two people called Xiaowu and Xiaoliu changed, but before they could react, a gust of wind came to their ears.

It turned out that Mo Xun jumped high and kicked over.

Before anyone could see what was happening, the two men flew backwards at the same time, spitting blood in the air and splashing on other people.

Looking at Mo Xun again, he had landed easily, and his face was still calm.

The woman in green saw the situation in front of her, and in addition to anger, she also felt a little panic. This was the first time she had met such a master in Xingping Town. She had not even seen the other party's figure clearly after a fight.

However, she was angry, and after seeing Mo Xun's strange skills, she would naturally not underestimate him and use this kind of tactics.

In her eyes, the entire Xingping Town belonged to the Meng family, and even if it was a dragon, it had to be coiled by her!

The woman in green gently pulled along her slender waist and pulled out a long soft whip.

"Come on, don't leave any alive!"

As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen people around rode on horses, holding swords in their hands, and rushed towards Mo Xun.

Su Yunshang was shocked, and felt the ground beneath her feet tremble.

She could hardly imagine what would happen if these horses hit people.

Mo Xun frowned slightly. If he was alone, he would not be afraid even if there were more people. But now there was Su Yunshang beside him, which was obviously a burden.

If these people could not be dealt with at the same time, someone would definitely take the opportunity to hurt Yunshang.

Thinking of this, he had already returned to Yunshang, pulled her up, and used the Wind Control Technique to leave the place like a gust of wind.

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