Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 49 Being beaten up

Su Yunshang cried out softly, and was carried on Mo Xun's back.

"Don't be afraid, you can close your eyes first. No matter what happens later, don't open them. Just think of it as a sleep."

Mo Xun gently brushed his waist, and a rope appeared in his hand, tying Su Yunshang tightly to her.

Su Yunshang was about to say something, and a black horse appeared next to him. A hairy-faced man sat on it, holding a sledgehammer and smashing at the two of them.

Su Yunshang cried out in surprise, and quickly closed her eyes. The whole person was led down by Mo Xun, just dodging the hammer.

Mo Xun moved his feet to avoid the horse's legs that swept around him, and at the same time suddenly jumped up and punched the man on the horse.

After a crisp sound of bones, the man's whole body flew out. In mid-air, his head had rotated ninety degrees. In the blink of an eye, he fell to the ground and his life or death was unknown.

At the same time, three more people, holding swords, spears, axes, and halberds, took advantage of the inertia of the horses and stabbed at Mo Xun from high to low.

Mo Xun stepped lightly and was about to jump up, but unexpectedly three or four more people appeared, shooting arrows in their hands, blocking his retreat.

He had nowhere to get leverage in the air, so he quickly turned sideways and turned several times before dodging these arrows. At the same time, he was secretly annoyed. It was indeed difficult to beat four hands with two fists. When he fought Hu Tianming, he was not as embarrassed as he was now.

When he thought of this, he remembered the archers brought by Su Sheng that day. I am afraid that no matter how good their martial arts were, they could not defend against these cold arrows. Most of the people present at that time were already in danger.

While he was thinking wildly, he had already landed, but before he could stand firm, two people rode their horses and rushed over again.

Mo Xun once again felt his disadvantage. Although he had cultivated to the fourth level of Qi Refining, his attack was still too simple. Moreover, he was carrying Su Yunshang on his back, which greatly restricted his body movement.

After several fights, he gradually discovered that although these people were nothing in single combat, they seemed to have been specially trained in the art of joint attack on horseback. They had a good method in advancing and retreating.

More than a dozen people were divided into three or four groups. Some attacked with swords and spears, some defended with heavy hammers, and some attacked with bows and arrows. There were also two or three people scattered around to support them, which made Mo Xun quite difficult.

Whenever he attacked one group, the other group would attack. If he jumped into the air, he would be blocked by bows and arrows. Even if he had agile skills, he could not beat four hands with two fists for a while.

"Hey, are you done? I feel like you've made me dizzy. I'm going to vomit!"

Su Yunshang hugged his neck tightly. Although she closed her eyes, she was still scared by the danger in her ears and cried out frequently. In addition, Mo Xun was very fast. Although she was cultivating immortals now, her physique had not changed much. It was inevitable that her body could not bear such a fast dodge.

"Wait a moment... Don't vomit on me!"

Mo Xun was in trouble at the moment. While looking for a breakthrough, he had to take care of Yunshang behind him.

Fortunately, he had a breakthrough in the realm a few days ago, and his mana was full. For a while, he didn't feel any effort, but he felt that his opponent was a bit difficult.

In fact, he lacked a decent weapon or magic weapon now, whether he was practicing martial arts or cultivating immortals.

Speaking of magic weapons, the bronze toad on his body could be used in such a melee.

However, he still hadn't figured out the specific toxicity of the gray smoke that came out of the toad's mouth. With Su Yunshang on his back, he naturally didn't dare to take the risk of using it.

Of course, he could also rely on his body skills to escape quickly.

However, he was quite unhappy to be intercepted by this group of people halfway, and he was unwilling to leave like this!

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