Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 422 Trapped Again

Looking at the sleepy Wen Yue, he didn't know what to do for a while.

After thinking for a moment, he just took out a shield-shaped defensive weapon and covered the other party. Then he stood up again and looked at the weird secret room.

The soul-suppressing bell didn't respond, which meant that there shouldn't be a big problem.

The spirit-seeking talisman also cannot sense fluctuations, and there is probably no such thing as a forbidden formation.

But perhaps due to psychological effects, he always felt a little guilty when facing the mummy.

Unconsciously, you will think of the experience in the Sun, Moon, and Star Palace that day.

Mo Xun's right hand brushed across his waist again, and in the flash of sunlight, another person appeared in front of him.

This person is almost the same as him in appearance, and is exactly one of his incarnations.

Then a touch of spiritual consciousness flew out and entered the body of the incarnation.

There was no need for Mo Xun to explain anything. He turned around and stepped into the secret room.

"Boy, this incarnation is your only way to leave this place. If you lose one of them, you can't hope to get out in this life!"

Mo Xun wanted to say in his heart that as long as he is willing, no matter how many incarnations he takes, it is just a matter of time for him!

But once something happens to his true self, no matter how many incarnations he leaves behind, what's the use?

After the incarnation approached the secret room, he carefully observed the left and right for a while, and then slowly approached the mummy after seeing that there was nothing unusual.

Mo Xun outside noticed the storage bag around the corpse's waist as early as the beginning.

His purpose is naturally this thing!

But before he could reach out to take it, a clear "bang" sound suddenly sounded, which was particularly abrupt in the quiet secret room.

At this time, not to mention Mo Xun, even the incarnation was frightened by the sudden sound and took two steps back, making a defensive posture and staring at the mummy in front of him.

Mo Xun, who was outside, immediately grasped the exquisite ring tightly and at the same time circulated spiritual power under his feet, ready to run away if something went wrong.

But after waiting for a while, there was no movement.

It turned out that a jade plaque the size of a palm fell from the mummy, which looked crystal clear under the firelight.

On the upward side of the jade tablet, two simple seal characters can be vaguely discerned.


Is this a sect?

Or... this person's name?

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Gongyang added with a hint of contemplation: "It might also be a place name!"

Mo Xun shook his head in confusion, and no matter what it was, it must have been insignificant after a thousand years!

Seeing that there seemed to be no danger, Mo Xun entered the secret room. While controlling his avatar to check around, he picked up the jade token and looked back and forth.

This jade medal is oval in shape, all milky white, with a circle of delicate patterns on the edge. In addition to the two words on the front, there is a leaf carved on the back.

This object cannot absorb spiritual power and should not be a magic weapon.

However, from the material point of view, it does not seem to be a mortal thing, and the tentacles are warm and smooth.

After thinking for a while, he didn't get any useful information, so Mo Xun threw it into the storage bag.

Over the years, he has received not ten, but seven or eight identity tokens of various kinds, so naturally he doesn't take them too seriously.

But just when he was about to take a closer look at the mummy, a sudden "bang" sound came from behind him.

Mo Xun was shocked again and quickly turned around, only to see that the stone door he came from was closed tightly.

Turning around, he saw that the incarnation not far away was still reaching out and touching a stone wall.

Immediately afterwards, a faint golden light suddenly appeared on the walls around the secret room, and then strange runes appeared, like countless glowing earthworms, flashing continuously.

Mo Xun quickly thought, and the avatar immediately turned into a ray of white light and disappeared into the sleeves of his robe.

At the same time, the exquisite ring flew overhead, emitting a layer of spiritual energy shield, covering his entire body.

He even patted a protective talisman on his chest.

He had already taken out the Xuanbing Gourd in his hand and looked around with a somewhat panicked expression.

After a moment, Gongyang said calmly: "It seems that it should be a kind of siege and restriction."

At this moment, Mo Xun actually saw some clues.

He has studied the formation for so long, and even though he still cannot enter the palace, he has learned something superficially.

But before he could relax, Gongyang added: "But there are some tricks to this kind of restriction, so it shouldn't be easy to break."

After calming down, Mo Xun slowly approached the runes, curled his fingers and shot out a stream of spiritual power.

After only hearing a slight muffled sound, the golden runes were intact.

He tentatively touched it lightly with his fingers. Apart from being a little cold, there didn't seem to be any danger.

Then he walked to the stone door where he came from and looked around.

There are obvious traces of gaps around the stone gate, and it is unknown whether they are blocked or not.

Putting away the Xuan Bing Gourd, he gently rolled up his sleeves, then stretched out his two palms, and with the spiritual power running in his body, he pushed hard.

The stone gate has not moved at all!

However, this result seemed to be within his expectation.

Suddenly he flipped his palm, and a flame burst out from his palm, which was the Xuanthen Fire.

"Chili, please try around and see if you can get out."

Huo Luan let out a low cry, and then turned into countless fiery red light spots, flying in all directions.

What Mo Xun paid special attention to was the gaps around the stone door in front of him.

Just a moment later, his face turned gloomy.

As the runes flashed, this place really became an airtight secret room, and even a trace of flame could not get through.

Mo Xun's mind moved, and the fire phoenix gathered again, and then suddenly crashed into a wall.

With a "bang", the fire phoenix scattered the moment it touched the runes, like a basin of clear water, splashed on the smooth wall, and immediately bounced back, and at the same time split into tiny flames.

Mo Xun's sleeves brushed over and gathered the flames back into his body.

Then he took out the black ice gourd and threw it into the sky.

After a simple Taoist formula, he put his two fingers together and pointed hard, and then a stream of transparent ice crystals sprayed out from the mouth of the gourd.

Those ice crystals quickly accumulated on the runes, and in the blink of an eye, almost the entire wall was frozen.

However, Mo Xun's brows were getting tighter and tighter.

After putting away the gourd, after a while, the frozen ice began to melt into water and flowed down the wall.

Mo Xun touched his chin and paced back and forth.

It seems that the restriction in front of him is impervious to water and fire!

He then came to the place where the incarnation had touched before, stretched out his hand to try around, and still found nothing unusual.

His incarnation just now obviously touched some mechanism, but why did it disappear again?

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