In other words, this mechanism was not touched by the incarnation?

When he thought of this, he and Ram Yang blurted out almost at the same time.

"Wen Yue!"

Could it be Wen Yue who did something outside?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. Although he had focused all his attention on the mummy and did not pay attention to what was behind him, if he thought about it carefully, this person had no motive to frame him!

But now this restriction not only completely separates the inside from the outside, but also limits the consciousness. He doesn't know whether Wen Yue in the outside world is still unconscious.

But soon, another question came to mind.

He had clearly used the spirit-seeking talisman to detect it before, but there were no formations or restricted fluctuations here!

Then he cast a spell again and threw out a talisman.

The yellow talisman turned into countless light spots in the air, quickly floating around.

But this time, it was completely different from before. Those light spots gathered on the walls in different directions, flickering with the runes.

"No need to try it. This restriction is probably in a dormant state during normal times. Once the stone gate is closed, the runes are connected and can be activated and useful."

Hearing Gongyang's words, Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully, and he probably guessed the same.

No wonder the stone door was ajar before, leaving a gap where the spirit-seeking talisman did not sense any fluctuations in the formation.

It's just that the owner here is dead, why do he do this and attract people to take the bait?

His eyes fell on the mummy again.

According to common sense, since the other party is sitting here, he does not want outsiders to disturb him, so why would he leave such a loophole and deliberately let others in?

Or maybe this person died too hastily and did not have time to close the stone gate?

After thinking for a long time, Mo Xun was still confused.

But right now, if you can't find a way out, even if you figure out the cause and effect, it won't be of much use.

He patted the storage bag and a weight appeared in his hand.

Since it is invulnerable to water and fire, and there is no way to find the mechanism, we can only use external force to force it open!

He suddenly threw the piece of "Thousand Hammer Mountain", with a bang, golden light suddenly appeared, and hit the stone door heavily.

The entire secret room was shaken slightly by vibrations.

After taking the weight back, I saw that there was not even a trace left on the place where it was hit.

In this case, it does not mean how strong the stone gate is. I am afraid that most of the power is absorbed by the restriction.

This blow confirmed the firmness of the restriction here from the side.

In fact, it is easy to understand. After all, it is set by the peak of the core formation. How can it be broken so easily?

Mo Xun tried it several times in other places, but with the same effect. The six surrounding walls seemed to be stronger than cast iron.

"Rongyang, what can you do?"

Gongyang replied angrily: "Do you think I am a god?"

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, feeling quite confused as to what to do. There were several methods in his mind, but because of the small space, many powerful methods could not be used.

Inadvertently, I caught a glimpse of the storage bag on the mummy.

He couldn't help but slap his forehead, he was really dizzy!

Maybe there will be some way to leave inside.

He slowly squatted down and carefully took off the storage bag. Fortunately, there was no divine consciousness seal on this thing. It might have been there originally, but it had become ineffective due to the passage of time or the death of the owner. After injecting spiritual power into it, first What flew out from inside were six boxes of different sizes.

The smallest one is about as long as an arm, and the largest one is three feet square.

With some expectation, Mo Xun stretched out his hand and shot one from the air.

He opened his mouth and blew gently in the direction of the box lid, but there was no response.

It seems that there should be restrictions on these boxes.

However, these did not trouble him.

He held the wooden box with one hand, and with the other hand in the air, he casually typed out a few Taoist formulas, and then with a finger, the lid of the box popped open with a "bang".

What was placed inside was a green jade flute. Although it was thousands of years apart, it still exuded a strong wave of mana.

"A thousand-mile tune, death and ebb and flow!"

The first time he saw this object, Mo Xun recognized it. This object was not a legal weapon, but an extremely rare musical treasure!

"Hehe, your luck is really good. I didn't expect that I just picked up a golden rainbow halberd and got this Thousand Miles Xiao. I just don't know your flute playing skills, so what should I do?"

Mo Xun, who was originally quite excited, suddenly turned dark when he heard the word "play the flute".

After admiring it for a moment, he slowly closed the lid and snorted in his heart.

"It's not like you don't know that I've never been involved in this... However, I do remember that when we were in Cangkuo Dojo, the Cangkuo master was proficient in all kinds of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. I want you to be a touch of his consciousness. , you should be quite good at playing the flute, right?"

These words stunned Gongyang.

"Haha... this is the first time I've heard you, this boring gourd, talk back. That's right, that's right. You can teach me a kid!"

Mo Xun ignored the old thing and put the wooden box into his storage bag.

There was another "bang" and the second box opened.

When he saw what was inside clearly, he couldn't help but open his mouth. This thing was another magic weapon!

The box contained a milky white jade bottle, and a few strokes on the bottle body outlined a lotus in the water, which was lifelike.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked at the other four wooden boxes. Suddenly, a bold idea came to his mind.

Could they all be magic weapons?

At this time, not to mention Mo Xun, even Gong Yang was a little speechless.

Mo Xun quickly played a series of Taoist formulas, and after a few "bangs", the things in the box appeared in front of them one by one.

Looking at these still spiritual treasures in front of him, Mo Xun swallowed unconsciously.

The blood-transforming knife made of nameless animal bones!

The wind and thunder stick with deep dragon patterns and flashing electric light on the surface!

A gorgeous and exquisite Qingyun sword with a clear feminine aura!

And the Qibao Tianling fan made of seven-colored flying feathers!

Almost every one of them exudes a strong pressure, as if showing the world how powerful their previous owners were!

After a moment, Gongyang said with some disdain: "You are useless. I have seen eighty or even one hundred magic weapons in the past. Is this a big deal?"

But this tone, no matter how you listen to it, seems to carry a strong sour taste.

It's really annoying to compare yourself with others!

At this time, the old man's voice is probably thinking, as a cultivator, why are some people's opportunities so against the sky?


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