Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 424: Demonic Spirit Magic Pill Technique

Looking at these spiritual treasures, Mo Xun was in a daze for a moment.

I remember that back then, he only had an exquisite ring and dared to venture into the world of immortality alone. He didn't expect that he would have so many treasures in one fell swoop!

At this moment, he really couldn't wait to try each of these magic weapons in front of him.

For immortal cultivators, apart from the skills and pills, the most important thing is probably these external things.

After all, having one more item means an improvement in strength, even several times improvement.

The opportunities in this world are truly unpredictable!

Mo Xun turned around again and glanced at the mummy. In this way, he could probably confirm that this person was the Thousand-Ji Old Demon who killed the pill like a dog!

"Don't be silly. It's just a few second-hand goods. Without a hundred and eighty years of internal accumulation, don't expect to be able to use them smoothly. Moreover, even if the aura of the previous owner is completely wiped out, these things will not be able to function. Exhibit its original power.”

After a long time, Mo Xuncai slowly smiled and said, "Are you jealous?"

"I will be jealous of you? What a joke!"

After calming down a little, Mo Xun Yihui put up all the wooden boxes in front of him with long sleeves.

"I originally wanted to give you two pieces after you turned into a human form. If that's the case, forget it!"

"Is this true?"

Mo Xun touched his chin, raised the corners of his mouth, and said with a hint of teasing: "Let's talk about it later!"

The gloom that had been trapped in my heart because I was inexplicably trapped here before seemed to dissipate the moment I saw these treasures.

His words were not just a whim. The male sheep had followed him for so long and rescued him from danger several times. He certainly remembered these kindnesses.

The storage bag in his hand flashed with white light, and a large pile of things appeared again, like a hill. There were jade boxes, jade slips, ancient books, and dozens of various magical instruments.

Those magic weapons are either high-level or top-level.

I'm afraid that with that old devil's identity, he wouldn't even bother to collect it even if he encounters middle- and low-level people.

Moreover, this person's opponents were almost all alchemy monks who used magic weapons, so the number of magic weapons was pitifully small.

However, those who can be retained by him must be among the best.

After the impact of the previous six magic weapons, and seeing these magic weapons in the outside world, which could drive any foundation-building monk crazy, Mo Xun felt somewhat unsatisfied in his heart.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

When did he not even care about high-level magic weapons?

Once upon a time, it was difficult to make a difference in the sea, and this is absolutely true!

He didn't look at it carefully, so he collected them all at once, and could only wait to study them slowly in the future.

In fact, counting up to this point can be said to be a worthwhile trip, but in Mo Xun's heart, no matter how many treasures he has, it will only be a jade crown. If he cannot form an elixir, even if he is given an immortal weapon, What's the use?

Immediately afterwards, his attention was focused on those ancient jade slips.

As if swallowing a jujube, it quickly climbed over.

Most of them contained secret techniques, formations, weapon techniques, etc. Normally, he would not be able to calm down and study them slowly.

But now, I can only see ten lines at a time.

But not to mention, there are really many good things in this old devil's collection.

In terms of skills, they can be considered among the best.

Although he has no shortage of skills now, there is no harm in learning from others.

As for the formations, most of them were partial sects, and Mo Xun even discovered some demonic and demon formations among them.

Right now, the only thing that stood out to him was a secret weapon refining technique.

If you succeed in forming the elixir in the future, it may not come in handy when refining your own natal magic weapon.

The other thing is the cultivation experience of some monks. This is something that no matter how many spiritual stones you have, you can't buy it.

But as each jade slip was put into his bag, his mood became more and more depressed.

Not only did they not find the secret technique of forming pills, but they also didn't even find any clues to leaving this place.

At this time, the male sheep's gloating voice sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness again.

"From my point of view, your only way out now is to study this restriction here with great concentration. Maybe after dozens or hundreds of years, you will be lucky enough to make some small achievements, and then you can naturally get out."

Mo Xun snorted coldly, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

"What good will it do you if I am trapped and dead here? You need to know that if I go out one day late, it means that your journey to adulthood will be postponed for one day!"

Gongyang chuckled and said nonchalantly: "I've been waiting for tens of thousands of years, so why should I care about these decades?"

"What if I'm unlucky and end up dying here?"

Gongyang was suddenly speechless. It was obvious that the quarrel just now was just for the sake of quick talk!

Looking at the remaining jade boxes, Mo Xun could only open them one by one with some hope.

But a dozen of them were opened in a row, and they contained either some kind of weapon refining materials or some magical flowers and herbs.

But what is quite frustrating is that after thousands of years, these flowers and plants have lost their spirituality and become dry and broken leaves without any vitality.

As for the jade bottles that store the elixirs, he had already checked them before and found that they were all empty.

In fact, this situation is quite expected.

Generally speaking, the chance of finding a cultivation elixir in someone else's storage bag is very low.

After all, there is such a pill, why should people keep it instead of taking it themselves?

As for recovery or healing elixirs, their value would be greatly reduced. With Mo Xun's current status as an alchemist, he would naturally look down on them.

Another point, even if there are still remaining pills, would he dare to take them casually after being left there for so long?

As the useless jade boxes were thrown away one by one, Mo Xun's heart almost sank to the bottom.

But just after he opened a black box, a broken iron sign appeared inside, which immediately attracted his attention.

This iron sign is square in shape, about the size of a book page, and is densely covered with small ancient seals.

When he saw the first few words, Mo Xun's eyes lit up.

"Demon Spirit Magic Pill Technique"!

He hurriedly read it word by word, concentrating on it, and most of the hour passed by in a hurry.

During this period, the expression on his face was sometimes confused, sometimes frowning, sometimes nodding secretly in surprise, but in the end, it stayed in silence.

"It seems that it is as I expected. There is no secret method of forming an elixir in this world. Breaking the elixir three times and forming it again is just a rumor spread by the outside world... However, this secret method does not seem to have been created by my human race. It is mentioned in it. Some of the techniques I learned should be derived from the demon clan’s devouring talent, but they were just forcibly modified, which is a bit specious.”

After hearing these words, Mo Xun slowly put down the iron plate and sighed softly, with a bit of disappointment in his eyes.

As Gongyang said, there is no shortcut to forming elixirs in this world.

This magical elixir technique is more like a witchcraft than a secret technique.

It does talk about the broken elixir, but it is not about re-forming the elixir, but using other people's golden elixirs as a guide, and then using powerful spiritual consciousness to repair the inner elixir.

And according to what was said above, to repair a golden elixir, you must extract the essence of at least seven golden elixirs of the same attribute to succeed!

In other words, this is equivalent to exchanging seven lives for one!

For this price alone, it is not an exaggeration to call it a magic.

It must be for this reason that the old demon Qianji went on a killing spree, killing pill-forming monks everywhere, killing people to get pills, and refining a life-sustaining method for himself.

But according to what is said above, this evil method cannot be used frequently. Otherwise, it will cause the golden elixir to become turbid and eventually backfire on one's body.

It seems that the rumors about three broken pills circulating in the market are likely to be false.

This person may have been repaired once or twice, but later, due to the fusion of other people's golden elixirs, the inner elixir became mixed, making his temper violent, and gradually lost his true nature, so he went around killing people, and gradually turned into a demon.

In general, this repair method is a helpless move. In addition to causing a big change in temperament, it also lays a serious hidden danger for the future condensed Nascent Soul.

This also explains why this person was able to sweep through the same level during the Dan Formation stage, but was ultimately unable to go any further.

In fact, anyone with some knowledge of this secret method can tell at a glance that it comes from the demon clan.

When human beings and demons practice together, they have many things in common.

When reaching the level of elixir formation, the golden elixir can be condensed in the body, which is similar to the demon elixir in the belly of the demon tribe. Both are a type of inner elixir.

After some monsters break the pill, they can devour this innate magical power, absorb the essence of other monster pills, and repair it in their bodies.

But the human race is not like the demon race, which has a strong body and can assimilate different inner elixirs after swallowing them.

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