Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 425: Essence Power

Mo Xun shook his head bitterly. He had hoped too much before.

"You don't have to be like that. Although there is no Dan-forming technique, the spiritual consciousness cultivation method in it is a good thing. It is not a wasted trip."

Mo Xun's eyes fell on a paragraph of text. After a long time, he nodded in agreement.

Gong Yang's words were true. Although this secret technique was mostly improved from the magical power of the demon clan and was of little use to him, the spiritual consciousness method in it was definitely a rare thing.

You should know that people have six consciousnesses. Compared with ordinary people, immortals integrate the essence of heaven and earth, thus tempering one consciousness, which is called spiritual consciousness.

Buddhism divides spiritual consciousness into two parts: one is the heart and the other is consciousness.

The spiritual consciousness of Taoism is the essence, qi, and state of immortals. The three are simple and integrated. The essence and qi are scattered and the spirit travels thousands of miles, and can recognize all things in the world.

In fact, no matter how it is defined, the general idea is that spiritual consciousness is a spiritual illusion that transcends the body.

The strength of spiritual consciousness depends on one hand on innateness, and on the other hand on the realm.

In simple terms, as the cultivation level improves, the power of spiritual consciousness will also rise.

But this growth is ultimately due to the talent factor.

It is like a muddy land, no matter how heavy the rain is, it will never become a river.

But for those with extraordinary talents, perhaps the starting point is a river!

Ever since someone created the world and created all things, ever since the birth of immortal methods and the beginning of the prehistoric times, those immortals who pursued the great way have never stopped exploring spiritual consciousness.

But this thing, like the spiritual roots of cultivating immortals, until now, it is difficult for anyone to explain it clearly.

In the study of how to increase spiritual consciousness, countless people have left footprints, but only a few can peek into one or two of them.

This also leads to the fact that there may be thousands of cultivation techniques and countless magic skills, but the technique of cultivating spiritual consciousness is rarely seen.

Even if there are, they are often in the hands of those large sects and are regarded as treasures of the mountains. It is difficult for them to flow into the hands of independent cultivators.

Moreover, spiritual consciousness techniques can be divided into good and bad ones.

But even the worst one, once it is leaked, will certainly be fought over by countless cultivators.

Since Mo Xun started practicing Taoism, he has been to many shops, auctions, or exchanges, but he has never encountered a spiritual consciousness technique for sale.

Even in the Liangyi Sect, he has not found such a thing.

From this point, it is enough to see the scarcity of this kind of technique.

And the benefits of spiritual consciousness to cultivators are really too numerous to list.

Let alone other things, just the one of controlling objects in the air cannot be separated from the assistance of spiritual consciousness, which is also the most significant change from the Qi Refining Stage to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

When fighting, the spiritual consciousness is equivalent to a pair of invisible eyes hovering around the cultivator; when practicing, the spiritual consciousness can attract the spiritual energy and pass through the meridians and Dantian more smoothly, making the practice more effective; when casting spells, the spiritual consciousness is an indispensable medium for the spread of magic power.

In addition, whether it is controlling beasts, controlling insects, or controlling magic tools and magic treasures, only by mastering a strong spiritual consciousness can you be more handy.

If the spiritual consciousness is not enough, even if you have more treasures, you will only be guarding the treasure mountain in vain, and there is no place for you to use your skills.

Or take the most common marking method in the world of immortal cultivation, most of them are mainly based on spiritual consciousness tracking.

If the spiritual consciousness is not cultivated well, it will either be easily discovered by others or lose the target.

Of course, the cultivation of spiritual consciousness is often extremely difficult.

In fact, many people understand a stupid way, which is tempering.

In simple terms, it is to use some means to suppress the spiritual consciousness, or repeatedly operate the spiritual consciousness in some places where the spiritual consciousness is restricted, so as to achieve the effect of condensation and forging.

This method is a bit like body training, which can be achieved through repeated training and finally become a diamond!

But then again, such improvement is not something that can be achieved by people with great perseverance.

Without decades of hard training, it is almost useless.

And for ordinary people, how many decades are there?

Many cultivators do not have enough time to practice, and how many people will waste their energy on such a long and inefficient way?

However, the special spiritual consciousness training method is completely different.

Mo Xun looked at the long section of mental method engraved with the three words "Jingyuan Gong" in the middle of the iron plate, and his expression gradually eased.

In fact, the improvement of spiritual consciousness is also of great benefit to the advancement of cultivation.

As Gong Yang said, even if he did not find the so-called secret technique of forming a pill this time, he had this thing, so it was not a wasted trip.

At this point, he seemed to be able to comfort himself in this way!

According to his previous idea, if this trip was unsuccessful, he would have to continue to try to form a pill with "Five Turns Hunyuan Gong" according to the original plan.

Fortunately, there is still some time for him to think about it carefully.

Putting away the iron plate, Mo Xun continued to count.

Most of the remaining items were ordinary things. Although they looked valuable, they were somewhat dull compared to what he had obtained before.

Of course, this was also closely related to his current vision.

Back then, the young man who could get so excited that he couldn't sleep all night because of one or two spiritual herbs was no longer there.

As the items were taken out one by one, Mo Xun couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

There were only more than 300 low-level spiritual stones in this storage bag.

If we only look at it from this perspective, the old demon Qianli is really too shabby.

Mo Xun couldn't help but secretly wonder, perhaps at that level, the need for spiritual stones was no longer as important as that of low-level monks.

In fact, this is understandable. After all, the higher the realm, the more precious the cultivation resources are. Many things cannot be bought from the market simply through spiritual stones.

These speculations are naturally just his current wishful thinking. As to whether they are true or not, only the future can tell.

Putting away the storage bag, Mo Xun's mind returned to the current predicament.

Although the harvest of this trip was quite rich, the troubles encountered were also obvious.

He slowly came to the mummy and circled around the once powerful man several times.

Maybe the way to leave this place will be found in this person!

He suddenly waved his long sleeves, and a strong wind swept by. All the shabby clothes on the mummy were blown off, revealing a wrinkled and withered body, almost only skin and bones, which looked hideous and terrifying.

The exposed flesh, ravaged by time, was completely black, like a branch that had been drained of moisture.

Mo Xun stood there, staring at the skull-like head with scattered gray hair. A flash of consciousness entered the other person's body and began to explore it carefully.

But at this time, Gongyang suddenly said: "Boy, as the saying goes, the dead are the most important. Aren't you afraid that this old devil's ghost will linger and haunt you again?"

Mo Xun chuckled.

"If that's the case, I would like to meet this former overlord!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out two fingers and thrust them in from behind the mummy.

After a strange tearing sound, Mo Xun's palm had moved out, and between his two fingers, there was a white ball the size of a dragon's eye.

"This is... golden elixir?"

Mo Xun looked at the thing in his hand and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

To be honest, this was the first time for him to see the golden elixir with his own eyes.

Although he had just dealt with the remains of the red-faced man not long ago, he had never found this thing.

However, these words immediately attracted a burst of ridicule from the male sheep.

"Ignorant! That is a wind-fixing bead that was specially swallowed before death to prevent the body from weathering or being bitten by moths!"

"Fixing Wind Bead?"

Mo Xun's face immediately showed some confusion.

"I usually say that you are uneducated and incompetent, but you still don't believe it!"

Mo Xun was stunned. He had searched all over the dried corpse, but other than this, he could not find anything similar to the golden elixir.

Fortunately, Gongyang soon answered his questions.

"After the alchemy monks sit down, if they do not dissolve it on their own, the golden elixir in their bodies will gradually lose their spirituality within a few decades until they disappear. If they want to preserve it for a long time, they need to use a container made of Faxiang jade. But, this person is thousands of years old, how can he still have the golden elixir?"

Mo Xun opened his mouth innocently. To be honest, he really didn't know this.

Although he had read a lot of classics in order to supplement his knowledge of immortality cultivation before, those books were basically related to the cultivation of the Foundation Establishment Stage. Even if it involved golden elixirs, they only talked about how to form elixirs, but he had never dabbled in such unpopular topics. thing.

And having said that, as a normal person, who would specifically check what happens to the golden elixir after death?

"You boy, you seem to be a bit clever in daily life, but when it comes to cultivation and understanding, it is really hard to describe! When you first bought the demon elixir, you never thought about why the jade storage box was mainly made of blood-streaked red jade. That’s Fa Xiangyu!”

After hearing this, Mo Xun suddenly realized, and at the same time he touched his nose with a blush.

After a moment, he asked awkwardly: "So, the function of this thing is just to keep the body from decaying?"

"What do you think?"

Mo Xun smiled coquettishly. Fortunately, he had developed a thick skin over the years, and this kind of situation was quite common.

But in my heart, it was a bit pity.

In fact, he had long wanted to find a golden elixir and study it carefully so that he could learn from it for future elixir formation.

Just after he put away the Fengfeng Bead, he suddenly discovered that the mummy in front of him seemed to be more shrunken and shriveled than before.

After about a cup of tea, it suddenly shattered and turned into a pool of black powder.

It seems that the hope of finding clues from this person has completely come to nothing.

Afterwards, Mo Xun carefully explored along the surrounding walls.

He might recognize some of those flashing runes, but when they were put together, he had no clue at all.

In the end, he could only cast his gaze on the huge alchemy furnace in the corner.

In fact, from the beginning, he scanned it with his spiritual consciousness and found that there was nothing useful except a pile of pitch-black residue.

Although this alchemy furnace looks of good quality, there is nothing special about it.

In his opinion, when the Thousand-Ji Old Demon was seriously injured, he should have tried to refine the elixir to save himself, but he might not have succeeded, or the injury was too serious, and he only refined half of it before he passed away.

Another half hour passed, and Mo Xun tried almost every method he could think of, but this restriction was still like a solid cage, with no sign of being broken.

Could it be that, as Gongyang said, he needs to thoroughly study the restriction before he can get out?

As soon as he thought of this, a glow flashed in his hand, and an extra weapon appeared.

It's that magic weapon, the Golden Rainbow Halberd!

Let him waste decades to study a place to break the restriction, not to mention whether he has the qualifications, just the patience, he doesn't have it!

A trace of cruelty suddenly appeared in his eyes, and then he clenched his hands, and the spiritual power in his body rushed into the long halberd frantically.

He wanted to see how powerful this restriction was!

With a low shout, Mo Xun's whole body, like a sharp knife, suddenly rushed out, and the golden rainbow halberd in his hand also stabbed towards the stone gate with a powerful momentum.

The sharp spear head, under the illumination of the rune golden light, glowed coldly.

Just when Mo Xun was desperate and ready to force a way out with his fierce strength, a sharp friction sound suddenly came.

Then, the stone door in front of him was slowly pushed open, and a white face with a bit of dullness was immediately revealed in the dim passage.

At this time, the golden rainbow halberd was less than three feet away from the stone door.

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