Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 426: Not much effort

The strong wind blew the man's black hair up.

Mo Xun's face changed, and he was about to withdraw his halberd and finish his work.

However, he was not familiar with this Golden Rainbow Halberd, and because he was in the Foundation Establishment Period and forced to activate the magic weapon, it was not easy to withdraw it at this time.

At this critical moment, he suddenly became ruthless, grasped the halberd tightly, and swung it hard. The spear head turned in an instant, but the powerful force made him lose his balance and drove his whole body to fly to the side.

At the same time, due to the forced end of the work, a backlash force instantly rushed into his dantian from his meridians.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, splashing a blood rainbow in the air.

Then with a "bang", he fell heavily on the stone wall.

After a while, Mo Xun covered his arm with one hand, wiped the blood with the other hand in a rather embarrassing way, and slowly stood up.

The man at the door, except for a moment of stunned, had almost no expression on his face from beginning to end, as wooden as a puppet.

"Wen... Fairy Wen, how did you open the stone door?"

At this moment, Mo Xun didn't know whether to be happy that he was finally rescued, or depressed about the thrilling situation just now.

Who knew that things would be so coincidental.

I'm afraid that if it was half a breath later, this cold and cold ice beauty would have died.

Moreover, under the power of the Golden Rainbow Halberd, this woman would definitely die miserably!

Wen Yue said lightly: "After I woke up, I saw that there was no one around, so I tried to push this stone door, and it opened without much effort!"

Hearing this casual answer, two completely identical questions rang out at the same time.

"Is it that simple?"

However, these two voices, one came from Mo Xun, and the other was the ram in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Obviously, the two guys who have always been pretentious are a little confused at this moment.

It was a waste of their time just now, one was scowling, one was confident that they would be trapped for decades, one was confident that he had been through hundreds of battles, and one was relying on his experience, but they were slapped in the face by a young girl who had not experienced much of the world.

Wen Yue nodded mechanically and said nothing more.

Mo Xun, on the other hand, stood there with his mouth open, not knowing what to say for a while.

If Gong Yang turned into a human form at this time, he would probably have the same expression!

"I know. The restriction here should be that people are allowed to enter but not to leave. The interior seems to be impregnable, and it has a sense of getting stronger when facing a strong opponent, but the outside is almost defenseless. As long as the stone door is opened from the outside, the runes will be cut off by themselves, and the restriction will be broken by themselves!"

Hearing this explanation, Mo Xun not only did not appreciate it, but replied with a little disdain: "After the fact!"

"Boy, what do you mean by this?"

Mo Xun curled his lips and ignored the old guy.

But then again, even if the two of them had seen the joints before, what's the use of communicating inside and outside?

It's also fortunate that this Miss Wen, who is not very normal in the brain, did not turn around and leave directly after waking up.

Otherwise, the two of them would really be trapped inside.

Looking at the wall that has returned to normal, Mo Xun felt a little relieved.

He suddenly waved his sleeves and put the only remaining alchemy furnace in the secret room into the storage bag.

"Hmph! No matter how shameless I am, I can't be as good as you in stealing without leaving anything behind!"

Mo Xun endured the pain in his stomach and rolled his eyes.


In the temporary cave, as soon as Mo Xun came back, he gave Wen Yue a bottle of elixir and sent him to practice on his own, while he himself hurriedly closed the door to heal his wounds.

If it was an external injury, he wouldn't be so urgent.

But if it affected the Dantian, there was no room for carelessness.

He meditated for half a month.

Although he was trapped here now, there was one advantage, that is, he was not afraid of being disturbed.

He didn't even set up any defensive formations outside this cave, but only set up an early warning at the door of the secret room.

It was really that the temperament of this Wen Xianzi was too weird.

Ordinarily, with his cultivation, he was not afraid of the other party's tricks, but after all these years of experience, he had improved the most in his defense.

In the dim stone room, Mo Xun put down the iron plate in his hand and repeatedly thought about the "Jing Yuan Gong" in his heart.

This set of mental skills has seven levels in total. There is no detailed method of cultivation on it. Many parts are also difficult to understand. Whenever he does not understand something, he has to ask Gong Yang for advice.

Although the frequency of the two people bickering has increased recently, the old man does not hide his knowledge. This is the advantage of having a master.

In the past, almost all his cultivation was done behind closed doors.

Whenever he encountered something he did not understand, he could only explore it on his own. It was okay to take a detour, but the most fatal thing was that he went astray due to improper cultivation.

The cultivation of spiritual consciousness is different from the basic exercises. If there is a slight mistake, it will cause irreversible damage.

After these days of research, he has probably sorted out most of it. And according to Gong Yang, if he can cultivate the first three levels, it will be more or less helpful for his Dan formation.

The only thing to consider now is the allocation of time.

After all, he still has to spend a lot of energy studying the formation. If he adds spiritual consciousness cultivation, it is obviously a bit beyond his ability.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun sighed quietly to himself.

It is said that immortals live long, but for those of them with mediocre qualifications, perhaps the leisure time in their lives is not as good as that of many ordinary people.

He couldn't help but think of a joke he had seen before.

An old man met a Yuanying cultivator who was about to die on the road, bowed his head and bowed, and asked, only to find out that the old immortal had lived for more than a thousand years.

After the two chatted, a doubt arose in the old man's heart, and then he boldly asked: "Old immortal, you have lived for a thousand years, but you have been practicing in seclusion for more than nine hundred years, and although I am only a hundred years old, I have also been free for a hundred years. So, it seems that there is not much difference between us."

Hearing this, the Yuanying cultivator was speechless.

Although there is a bit of a substitution of concepts in this statement, it is from another side that the road is difficult!

This group of immortal cultivators seem to be able to fly in the sky and hide in the ground. They can turn over the river with a raised hand, crush rocks with a dropped palm, enter the Thunder Mountain without changing their expression, and walk into the sea of ​​fire as if walking on flat ground. They kill demons and monsters, shock ghosts and gods, compete with the sky for longevity, and are as famous as the earth, creating all things invisibly.

But to be honest, how many people can really live more easily than ordinary people?

Putting away the iron plate, Mo Xun took out several storage bags in succession.

These were dug out bit by bit from the buried lonely mountain before.

After returning from the secret room, I haven't made time to take a good inventory.

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