Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 427 Happy New Year (12)

Chapter 427 Happy New Year

The first thing that surprised him was that there was a spirit beast bag inside these.

When his consciousness was immersed in it, he almost screamed in surprise.

Just because there are actually three level four thunder beasts inside.

It seems that this opportunity can really be called "unbelievable".

But what happened next made him hesitate.

Should he kill it directly and leave it to Chili to continue to mutate, or should he keep it like this and wait for other uses in the future?

Apart from this harvest, the other storage bags looked a little shabby.

The main reason is that his vision has improved now, and it is really difficult to be tempted when encountering ordinary things.

In fact, what he valued most was naturally the relic of the young master named Qian.

It goes without saying that those who can spend hundreds of thousands of spiritual stones at an auction are rich.

Especially the fifth-level thunder beast inner elixir was still fresh in his memory.

But no matter how good luck is, it has its limit.

The contents of these storage bags were obviously not consistent with the identity of the wealthy young man.

There are quite a lot of spiritual stones, totaling thirty to forty thousand. As for the magical artifacts and treasures, they are quite ordinary.

Only the appearance of one thing surprised Mo Xun for a long time.

A jade pendant also engraved with the word "Qingyang"!

Mo Xun held one in each hand.

Of these two jade pendants, one is milky white and was obtained from a mummified corpse, making it appear older.

The other one is green and slightly smaller, perhaps because of frequent play, it is rounder and smoother.

In the storage bag containing the jade pendant, there are two Taoist robes and women's undergarments.

Without thinking too much, it is clear that it belongs to Fairy Qingyi.

This is what surprised him!

I originally thought that Hu Weizhou was so familiar with this place because he had some involvement with the Thousand Machines Old Demon, but now it turns out that it is that woman.

The word "Qingyang" probably has something to say.

On this day, while Mo Xun was deducing the formation, there was a faint cry of pain in his ears.

He quickly dropped a handful of stones in his hand and rushed out like a gust of wind.

When he came to the secret room aside, Wen Yue had fainted with blood in her mouth, her face was bright red, her body was hot, her breath was as thin as a gossamer, and her whole body seemed as if she had just been soaked in boiling water.

Mo Xun knew that this was a sign of obsession without even having to investigate.

He quickly took out a pill, grabbed the slender wrist, and helped guide the energy to remove blood stasis, dissipating the spiritual energy rushing around the body, and at the same time protecting the mind and Dantian to avoid collision with the foundation.

This is already the second time in several months that Wen Yue has been furious.

Fortunately, he discovered it in time. If it had been so late at night, even if he saved his life, he would probably be a useless person.

After a long time, Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air as he looked at the thin beauty who was still sleeping as her breathing gradually stabilized.

Perhaps, the pressure he put on the other party was too much!

After all, he has the body of a woman, so it would obviously not be appropriate if he continued to practice according to his previous methods.

After leaving a message on the ground, he turned around and returned to his secret room.

In fact, he knows better than anyone else that haste makes waste, but he understands it, but after being trapped here for a long time, even a person like him who can endure loneliness will inevitably become a little anxious.

Fortunately, the research on formations has been quite fruitful.

As life calmed down, his cultivation path gradually became regular.

Although most of his energy is still concentrated on the deduction of formations, he will spend a certain amount of time every day practicing "Jingyuan Gong".

Occasionally I would walk around this ruins.

On the one hand, I want to try my luck and see if I can encounter other opportunities. On the other hand, because there are many restrictions here, I can practice what I have learned recently.

Although he was a little reckless, sometimes even had bad luck, or was in great danger because of his lack of talent and knowledge, it had to be said that doing so was indeed of great benefit to his progress.

Although the formation method pays great attention to theory, experience also plays a large role in it.

Regardless of the current situation, this place is an excellent place to practice the magic circle.

In addition to the first two reasons, the most important point is to be familiar with the formation of the "Five Elements Fighting the Universe Formation" so as to make preparations in advance for successfully breaking the formation in the future.

Apart from these, every once in a while, Mo Xun would also ask about Wen Yue's cultivation situation, answer some questions for him, and help him break through a series of bottlenecks.

With sufficient elixirs and Mo Xun's careful guidance, Wen Yue, who was already quite talented, naturally made rapid progress in his cultivation.

Time flies, twenty-five years...

Because the sun and moon are not distinguished here, time cannot be accurately measured. Mo Xun can only roughly estimate such a period of time.

Over the years, although he still remembers the date of his birth, the calendar in Western Hezhou is completely different from that in southern Xinjiang. In addition, in the world of immortality, it has always only known the spring and autumn, but not the time. He can only roughly guess where he is now. , should be over a hundred years old, but the specific age is unknown.

As for parents and relatives, they should have been buried in the loess at this moment!

I wonder if I will be able to return to my hometown in my lifetime, stand on Xiaoling Mountain, and take a look at the past.

In fact, over the years, he rarely recalled the people and things in the past.

Those faces that are only familiar in the depths of one's heart...

The Dao is ruthless, ruthless, and will eventually be annihilated in the long river of time.

Let's talk about his gains during this period.

Through the study of hundreds of five-element formations, his attainments in the Dao of Formation are still far from the top, but compared with Dong Qianxue at the beginning, he should be no less than that.

Although the Dao of Formation has always been about talent, as the saying goes, a slow horse can be driven ten times, and the success lies in perseverance. Even the dumbest person can wear away a stone by doing one thing for decades.

All this depends on the full preparation he made before, and on the other hand, it is also due to the great help of Gong Yang.

How many people at his level are willing to stop practicing and specialize in studying formations, and how many people have such financial resources to collect so many mature formations for research?

And there is also half a master of formations beside him, who can give instructions at any time.

So, there is destiny in the dark. Perhaps the seemingly coincidental trip to the ancient wilderness has already laid a deep foreshadowing for his future advancement.

After more than 20 years of hard work, it has finally paid off.

After practicing day and night, he finally improved the five elements to four elements, and at the same time achieved a clever fusion of different attributes.

For the first set of formations he designed, he also gave it a resounding name.

"Four Spirits Xuantian Purple Mansion Formation"!

As for why it is called this, I am afraid only he knows it.

Now what needs to be done is to wait.

After waiting to get out of here, he will start to refine the formation equipment, choose a suitable place, and form the elixir.

If it still doesn't work...

Mo Xun looked into the distance with a dazed look. If it still doesn't work, then it should be fate!

No matter what the result is, after this incident, he will first help Gong Yang fulfill his wish.

In addition, the three incarnations have all reached the peak of foundation building. As for Wen Yue, she just broke through the middle stage of foundation building and reached the late stage of cultivation a month ago. Mo Xun told her to consolidate it first, and then he would tell her in detail about breaking the formation.

At the moment, it seems that everything is ready, just waiting to be carried out according to the plan.

As for the cultivation of Jingyuan Gong, it is a bit disappointing.

In these years, he has only completed the first level intermittently.

Beforehand, although he expected the difficulty of this method, he didn't expect it to be so slow.

Of course, there is a reason for his lack of energy, but even so, I am afraid that he will not be able to complete the seventh level without two or three hundred years.

However, the effect presented is really exciting.

He can clearly feel that both the range of spiritual consciousness and the degree of condensation have been significantly improved compared with the past.

According to Gong Yang's speculation, this Jingyuan Gong should be a rare top-grade among the spiritual consciousness methods.

So, he really picked up a treasure this time.

Although this trip was fruitful, if we really want to rank them by value, it is this spiritual consciousness technique.

In addition to these, he also dabbled in some ways of refining instruments, but in this regard, most of them are related to the formation of instruments, which is not considered a great achievement.

Fortunately, he has the Xuantian True Fire, which is not only of great help in the way of alchemy, but also much more handy in refining instruments at this moment.

It's just a bit aggrieved that Chi Li finally didn't make up his mind to hand over those thunder beasts to Huo Luan for nourishment.

Speaking of the way of alchemy, perhaps the only thing that has not grown in these years is alchemy.

Although he would open a few furnaces every now and then, it was also for the cultivation of the incarnation and Wen Yue. They were all the recipes that had been refined thousands of times, and they were just more proficient.

As for the divine beast Bai Ze, since he found that there was no danger here, he released it from the spirit beast bag and raised it outside.

But this beast has only grown a little bigger, and nothing else has changed.

However, the amount of elixirs consumed is increasing day by day.

Sometimes Mo Xun even wondered, what is the point of raising such a useless thing?

On this day, Wen Yue finally came out of retreat.

Mo Xun first spent three days patiently explaining the secrets of the Qiankun formation to him, and at the same time explained the preparations for emergencies.

For example, elixirs for rapid recovery when the mana is insufficient, healing medicines after injuries, life-saving talismans and magic tools when facing crises, and protective items after returning to the sea of ​​thunder are indispensable.

In fact, the most troublesome thing is the way to communicate.

Whether in Guixu or in the sea of ​​thunder, the positions between him, the incarnation, and Wen Yue are far beyond the perception of spiritual consciousness, and communication between them becomes extremely difficult.

It is better here. Even if the formation cannot be broken, the few people don’t have to worry about any danger.

But once he loses contact in the vast sea of ​​thunder, it will not be so easy to find someone.

This is what he is most worried about at the moment.

You know, if he loses one of his incarnations, his plan to form a pill will almost be aborted.

Although he has the Lanxin Lotus, he can continue to refine other incarnations after they mature, but he will inevitably waste decades of effort to cultivate them again.

He is now over a hundred years old, and the day of forming a pill is still far away. If this method doesn't work, how much time will he have left to find other good recipes?

At this moment, he is a little bit thinking about the Bailing Fruit.

He couldn't help thinking, if things really go wrong, should he find the way back to South Xinjiang as soon as possible, enter Tianxiang Valley again, find the Yuehua Fairy, and ask about the whereabouts of Huanyang Zhenshui.

"Senior Mo, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Mo Xun suddenly silent, Wen Yue took the initiative to speak for a rare time.

Although Wen Yue has now reached the late stage of foundation building, she has always called Mo Xun like this over the years.

"Oh, nothing, you just need to follow the orders at that time, as for other things, you don't need to worry about it... In addition, after entering the Thunder Sea, if there is no sudden situation, do not act rashly, do not run around, and wait for my voice transmission for everything."

Wen Yue nodded in understanding. In fact, Mo Xun has repeatedly explained these words.

It's just a little pity that the Thunder Star Plates of the five people that day can no longer be gathered together. In terms of positioning, they can only rely on the little memory when Hu Weizhou led them into the formation at the beginning to judge.

I hope that after going out, everyone's position will not change significantly.

After the two of them meditated for a while to gather their strength, Mo Xun took Wen Yue to the first array center to wait.

Then he left several avatars in different places according to the five elements.

After walking in Guixu for these years, the many restrictions inside no longer posed any threat to him.

But sometimes, he always unconsciously thought about what the old demon Qianji wanted to do by opening up such a wild place and laying so many arrays and restrictions?

Was he guarding something, or was there something else?

Or, this place also originated in ancient times, but was discovered by the old demon Qianji occasionally!

Perhaps a long time ago, this place was also an excellent place for cultivation, but it was abandoned and lost for some reason.

Mo Xun came to the last array center, and after a simple preparation, he sent out four sound transmission notes in succession.

After a cup of tea, a dazzling red light column rose from where he was, piercing through the gray sky and going straight into the sky.

Then, from all directions, as if echoing each other, four rays of light of different colors rose from the ground at the same time, forming a large colorful formation in this black and white world.

This originally quiet and desolate place seemed to suddenly boil.

I wish all book friends a happy new year.

To be honest, it has been more than eight months since the beginning of the book, and until today, it has just reached 800,000 words. I am a little ashamed of your follow-up and gifts.

In fact, it is also related to the speed of writing. Often because of the connection of the plot, I wrote a few thousand words, and suddenly found that there was a bug in the plot, and I had to delete it and start over, resulting in a lot of waste.

To be honest, this book has too many imperfections, but it has been written until now, and it can no longer be modified.

As for eunuchs, it is definitely not.

In the new year, I will write furiously, continue to work hard, and update steadily!

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