Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 428 Return to the Sea of ​​Thunder

In the sea of ​​thunder, there were still desolate lightning and thunder.

This world seemed to be made up of light and electricity. For thousands of years, no one knew where this endless energy came from.

Sometimes, it would make people have a kind of reverie.

Does this place belong to the human world? In the depths of this sea of ​​thunder, is there such a place, along with a world of thunder?

When Mo Xun opened his eyes again, before his vision was restored, he heard thunder that resounded through the world.

The surging arcs of electricity seemed to have found a window to pour out, and all gathered on him.

He was like wearing a layer of photoelectric holy clothes.

Fortunately, there was a circle of silver halo on his head, which emitted a layer of faint spiritual power shield.

It was the exquisite ring!

When he saw the flashing arcs in front of him, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel happy.

After being trapped for more than 20 years, he finally got out!

It seems that all these years of formation attainments have not been learned in vain.

I still remember that before, when he saw the "Five Elements Fighting the Universe", he even needed others to guide him in the direction of the array, but now, he can coordinate to break the array.

This shows that he has some experience in the five elements.

After a brief excitement, on the one hand, he sealed his ears to avoid the impact of the thunder, and on the other hand, he quickly took out the Thunder Star Plate. On the black disk, there were three red light spots flickering slightly.

Without any hesitation, he ran towards the nearest array center like a gust of wind.

If nothing unexpected happens, the relative position of the five people now should be the same as when they came in.

But as for whether it is still the previous coordinates, that is not certain.

But now is not the time to explore these.

From the distance ratio between the light spots on the Thunder Star Plate, the distance between several array centers is about two or three miles.

In this sea of ​​thunder, although it is a bit inconvenient to move, and the sight and consciousness are greatly disturbed, but at such a distance, even if it is slow, how much time can it take?

But I was afraid that other complications would arise in this short time.

After all, in addition to the huge and powerful lightning that could annihilate everything that fell occasionally, there were also the elusive thunder beasts.

His several incarnations only had a trace of consciousness. Without anyone controlling them, they were just empty shells with cultivation. Any crisis they encountered would be fatal.

About an incense stick later, he finally found the first incarnation in the sky full of lightning.

Mo Xun felt relieved and quickly put it into his long sleeves.

He did not dare to stop for a moment and continued to run to the second place.

But when he was about to reach the next location, a strong wave of mana suddenly came from the front of the silver light.

Mo Xun's heart, which had been put down, was lifted up again.

A flash of rosy light flashed in his hand, and he immediately clenched the Qiankun bow, restrained his breath, and quickly ran towards the green light.

In the thunder and lightning, a figure was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a protective magic weapon on his head, a transparent shield on his front, a yellow talisman on his chest, and a faint spiritual light lingering on his body.

Not far away from him, a man was wandering around with an excited look on his face, clapping his palms one after another, and from his palms, thick lightning continued to shoot out, bombarding different parts of the figure.

For a moment, lightning and soil were mixed together, and smoke and dust were lingering.

In the center of the smoke and dust was Mo Xun's second incarnation.

And the attacker had no protection on his body, and his upper body was completely naked. On his dark skin, it seemed that he was wearing a robe made of lightning, which made him look extremely fierce.

Judging from the state of this person being at ease in the thunder and lightning, he was probably a thunder attribute monk who was practicing here.

To be honest, the location where this incarnation appeared was really unlucky.

Fortunately, before breaking the formation, Mo Xun brought enough protective treasures for each incarnation, so that they were not easily broken in this moment.

But the incarnation is just a dead thing after all, and his spiritual power is not enough, resulting in little independent consciousness. When the distance is too far, he can only mechanically execute some simple commands.

It was good to cooperate with him to break the formation before.

At this moment, such careful defense is obviously the ultimate.

When Mo Xun saw the cultivation level of this person, he couldn't help but snorted in his heart.

A small initial stage of foundation building actually dared to attack his incarnation!

Although this place has a natural geographical advantage for thunder attribute cultivators, the gap in realm cannot be easily eliminated by such external factors!

He even put away the Qiankun bow directly.

Then he turned into a red light and rushed towards the man in the thunder and lightning with an imposing manner.

Just when he approached the distance of about ten feet, the naked man's heart suddenly jumped.

Although the spiritual awareness in this place is limited, this person, because of his skills, is like having an extra pair of eyes in the sea of ​​thunder, and he immediately dodged.

But Mo Xun has been in the realm of false elixir for decades, and his cultivation is solid and profound. Even if this place is not favorable for him, once he bursts out with all his strength, his speed is naturally not comparable to that of the other party.

When Mo Xun reappeared, the naked man had already spit out blood and flew out with a painful face.

Mo Xun moved his feet lightly, and his figure blurred again. At the same time that the man fell to the ground, one of his hands had already pinched the other's neck.

Mo Xun wanted to ask about his origin and identity, but he felt that it was unnecessary. He exerted a little force on his hand and was about to break his neck.

But at this moment, something suddenly jumped out from his sleeve, and then disappeared in the light in the blink of an eye.

Mo Xun frowned. Although he didn't see clearly what it was, he immediately realized that something was wrong.

It seems that there is more than one person nearby.

Thinking of this, he became ruthless and immediately raised his knife and chopped the man's neck with a flame.

In the horrified eyes, a bloody head rolled off the shoulder.

Mo Xun took off the storage bag on his waist and flicked his finger. A ball of fire suddenly ignited, and instantly covered the head and body in the flames.

After doing this, he no longer cared about the surrounding situation. He hurriedly recalled the incarnation and rushed in another direction.

This sudden change made him feel a sense of urgency.

He had overlooked this before. In the sea of ​​thunder, besides people like them who were looking for treasures and exploring objects, there were also many thunder-attributed monks.

Fortunately, there were no more accidents afterwards.

After another stick of incense, he finally safely retrieved the last incarnation, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.


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