Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 429: Old tricks repeated

There were only two light spots left on the Thunder Star Disk, one for him and one for Wen Yue.

It is said that once the two of them leave Guixu, their cooperative relationship will come to an end.

They should go their separate ways, one to the east and the other to the west!

But Mo Xun, even though he wholeheartedly pursues the truth, still has some feelings in his heart.

The two of them had been getting along for decades, and although they didn't have a deep friendship, they still supported each other and had some kind of friendship. Naturally, he wouldn't let it go.

In addition, this girl's head is really a little abnormal. Even if she has a cultivation level in the late stage of foundation building, she is really in trouble. God knows what accidents will happen!

Fortunately, Miss Wen was quite obedient and did not run around at will.

But just as he was on his way, a sudden bolt of lightning stopped him.

The moment he saw the lightning, Mo Xun's brows almost knitted together.

Just because the lightning did not fall from the top of the head, but shot straight towards him, and its shape looked like a sharp spear.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he quickly took out several talismans.

"Boom, boom, boom" continued to explode in the air, completely annihilating the entire light spear, and Mo Xun's figure took advantage of this short period of time to quickly retreat seven or eight feet.

But before he could stand firm, another sudden light spear came quickly from behind. Mo Xun turned slightly and just managed to avoid it.

But the shoulder area was swept away by the remaining power, directly cutting through the protective light shield and tearing the clothes.

At this moment, Mo Xun, no matter how stupid he was, realized that someone was secretly attacking him.

But when he looked around, he couldn't see any figure at all.

Mo Xun took out the Qiankun Bow again and couldn't help but snorted.

At this moment, three more light spears were shot at rapidly from three different directions.

But this time, he was on guard, and his figure disappeared. He moved to other places early and cleverly avoided it.

Judging from the power and speed of these attacks, the opponent's cultivation level should not be much higher than his, and they only have a lightning advantage.

On the other hand, if you really meet a Danjie monk, you will definitely disdain to hide your head and show your tail like this.

Thinking about it this way, he relaxed a little.

It's really a bit depressing to just get out of the cage and encounter powerful enemies all around.

And soon, he thought of the man he just killed.

It seems that this is another monk with thunder attribute!

But in terms of cultivation, he is obviously higher than that person.

But even if we figure out the cause and effect at this moment, what's the use?

Now he can't even catch the opponent's shadow. Even if he wants to fight back, he doesn't have a target.

While thinking, Mo Xun dodged twice more and avoided several light spear attacks.

Just when he was getting a little irritated, he was suddenly surprised to find that within a few feet of the surrounding area, a circle of lightning grid had been unknowingly formed, restraining him inside.

Mo Xun's eyes showed a bit of solemnity.

Unexpectedly, this person also knew a few formation techniques and knew how to use thunder and lightning to adapt to local conditions.

I saw him avoiding those unexpected light spears while exploring around.

If it had been in the past, he would have probably blindly attacked directly.

After a while, I saw him stepping on the Seven Gangs. After silently calculating in his mind, he suddenly looked at a direction, then neatly opened his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot a flaming arrow without any hesitation.

With a "boom", the sharp arrow exploded in the distance, blasting a hole in the power grid in the distance. He then turned into a rainbow light and got out.

But before he could relax, another seven or eight light spears, as if prepared in advance, shot out from all directions, directly locking him in front, back, left, and right.

Mo Xun was startled. The exquisite ring above his head rotated rapidly, emitting streams of silver light needles, which collided with the photoelectric spears and exploded near him.

When these explosions were over, he was once again trapped in a dense electrical grid.

This was repeated three or four times.

Whenever he uses the Qiankun Bow to break through the weak points of the power grid, he will be surrounded by a large number of light spears, and then a new power grid will be built around him immediately.

The current situation could not be more obvious.

The other party was unwilling to confront him head-on, but chose this method of consumption.

But obviously, this is extremely detrimental to him.

In the sea of ​​thunder, the lightning all over the sky can provide endless supplements to the other party, but what about him?

I'm afraid that once the mana fails to keep up, it will inevitably end up being slaughtered.

If he can't find traces of that person, he will always be passively defensive.

Although his current level of cultivation is not low, the burden brought by using two magic weapons in succession is also extremely heavy.

"Boy, you are really stupid. Can't your Xuanthen Fire absorb thunder and lightning?"

Gongyang's sudden reminder made Mo Xun react instantly.

He suddenly forgot about this!

After breaking the power grid again, he hurriedly released the Fire Luan and communicated with his mind, causing the red beetle to break into pieces and split into countless sparks, flying in all directions.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before he felt something different diagonally behind him.

Mo Xun snorted in his heart and had a plan in an instant.

His body shape disappeared again, and when he reappeared, he was already ten feet away.

It's just that the aura of this figure is slightly different.

This time, he was ready to do the same thing again.

Relying on the simple escape technique that Gongyang taught him, at this moment, his true form has come from the ground to a dozen feet away.

Fortunately, with the protection of this sea of ​​thunder, his limited spiritual consciousness and blocked vision, plus the low level of cultivation of the man in the dark, he was able to somewhat cover up others' eyes and ears during the fight.

Of course, it was precisely because of these lightning arcs that he was almost blind, but the other party was able to do so with ease.

But as long as they avoid thunder and lightning and secretly cross Chencang underground, they will be able to avoid the opponent's eyes and ears for a short time.

However, this escape method is only learned in a hurry, and the furthest distance is only that.

Otherwise, he could escape far away just by relying on his escape skills.

Over the years, Mo Xun has asked Gongyang several times, hoping to learn some complete escape techniques from him, but the old man is very self-conscious about this aspect, and no matter how much he asks, he is not willing to teach him easily.

In his opinion, this old guy probably wants to use this as a bargaining chip to exchange with him at the critical moment!

In fact, from the Ram's perspective, this is easy to understand.

After all, the relationship between the two only relied on a little promise, not even a word of oath.

Being so defensive is actually reasonable.

In addition, in these years, he has also inquired about many Five Element Escape Techniques.

But this kind of life-saving method is no more ordinary than the divine consciousness technique.

In addition, his main energy was on cultivating pill formation, so he never put much effort into searching for it.

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