Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 430 The Magical Use of Incarnation

A sharp arrow burning with flames quietly gathered powerful spiritual power, ready to go!

The arrow pointed to a dark figure in the distance.

The figure flashed with light and electricity, and disappeared in the flickering lightning, which looked particularly strange.

This person was thin and small, wrapped in black clothes from head to toe. He had the cultivation of the late foundation building period, but judging from the unstable spiritual power fluctuations, he should have just advanced to the advanced level.

However, at the moment when the sharp arrow whistled out, the figure seemed to notice it and his body suddenly tilted.

Then, a handful of blood splashed out in the silver-white lightning, and a painful look appeared on the hideous face, and the roaring sound was completely covered by the thunder.

The sharp arrow burning with flames brushed the black shadow's shoulder and shot in, leaving a long blood streak in the air.

Mo Xun's brows frowned secretly when the arrow was released.

In this arrow, although he only used 30% of its power in order not to expose the target, if it was hit in the vitals, even if it was at the peak of the foundation building, it would have to leave half its life.

But this person's caution was a little beyond his expectations.

Even in the face of danger, the opponent's instinctive dodge avoided this fatal blow, and only injured an arm!

Driven by the remaining power of the arrow, the black shadow lost his balance and fell forward directly.

But just before falling, the whole figure suddenly flashed with a burst of arcs and disappeared.

And Mo Xun had already moved at this moment.

Although the attack did not succeed, he would never miss this excellent opportunity.

With Gong Yang's previous reminder, the thousands of sparks hidden in the thunder and lightning were like his second pair of eyes at this time.

Mo Xun, who jumped in the air, suddenly swung his long sleeves, and several sharp sword auras flew out from his palms and hit the darkness in the distance.

Then, the figure reappeared, but a circle of spiritual power had already lingered around him to protect him. He covered his bleeding shoulder with one hand and staggered, almost falling.

Generally speaking, the effect of the Qiankun Bow will be greatly reduced after the first use.

On the one hand, it takes time to accumulate strength, and it is difficult to achieve unexpected results when the opponent is prepared.

On the other hand, although this thing is powerful, its attack range is extremely narrow and very easy to dodge.

Therefore, if a cultivator who uses this as a magic weapon alone cannot kill with one arrow, it will be quite difficult to rely on it to win.

When the black shadow turned around, Mo Xun could see the other person's appearance clearly.

This person was actually a woman with good looks!

The woman's pretty face was pale at this moment, and her eyes full of resentment stared straight at Mo Xun.

The two looked at each other silently, with flashes of lightning flashing on their faces, like a pair of enemies who would never stop fighting on a rainy night.

"Did you kill Zhinu?"

Mo Xun frowned and ignored the hoarse voice with strong hostility.

But there was no need to think too much, and he knew that Zhinu mentioned by the other party was probably the one who wanted to take his incarnation just now.

Of course, Mo Xun didn't need to answer, the woman had already figured out the result from the look between his eyebrows.

The woman suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed the air casually, and then condensed a lightning spear as thick as a baby's arm in her palm. The petite figure, holding lightning, looked like a messenger of light under the doomsday, which was daunting!

With a "whoosh", the light spear flew into the air.

Just as Mo Xun was about to dodge, the light spear suddenly split into hundreds of lightning blades in mid-air. In front of him, they were neatly arranged, forming a huge wall inlaid with countless silver blades, rushing towards him.

If it were a cultivator with a lower cultivation level, this kind of formation alone would be enough to shock his mind.

At this moment, Mo Xun frowned a little.

He was not afraid of this kind of attack, nor did he have no way to deal with it.

As he thought before, this person had a thunder attribute technique, which was equivalent to having infinite energy replenishment in this sea of ​​thunder.

If there was no effective means to fight the enemy, and he just kept competing in fighting techniques, even if his cultivation level was higher, it would eventually run out.

Another point is that once this person hides in the thunder and lightning, he is like a slippery loach. Although he can roughly capture it through the Xuantian True Fire, it is not easy to catch him.

With this thought in mind, he suddenly did not retreat but advanced.

At the same time, his long sleeves brushed past, shooting a ray of light behind him.

Then she rushed directly towards those silver-light sharp knives.

Such a move naturally made the woman in the distance slightly stunned.

In fact, she had already prepared for some of the following responses.

If Mo Xun dodged, she would take advantage of this opportunity to reconstruct a circle of electric light barrier around him with lightning speed.

Even if it didn't work, she could at least hide in the depths of the sea of ​​thunder temporarily, and after finding out how the other party found her trace, she would think of another way to launch a sneak attack.

Anyway, as long as she was still here, she had 70% confidence that she could drag this man to death here with the advantage of thunder and lightning.

It was just that the abnormal scene in front of her was really beyond her expectations.

However, she was only slightly stunned for a moment, and she made a decision immediately.

The woman ignored the injury on her shoulder, stretched out her hands, and quickly gathered two fist-sized spherical lightning in her two palms, flashing with a little electric light, waiting for Mo Xun to rush out of the silver-light sharp knife despite his serious injury, and she would smash him on the head.

Even if the opponent had three heads and six arms, she didn't believe that he could escape unscathed under such intensive attacks.

Of course, she was also prepared to retreat at any time.

In the distance, Mo Xun rushed forward desperately while controlling the spiritual power in his body, which madly poured into the exquisite ring on his head, and thickened the already solid spiritual power shield on the outer surface of his body.

When those silver knives were less than ten feet away from Mo Xun, they suddenly turned around and stabbed at Mo Xun.

Then, a dazzling glow exploded around Mo Xun, radiating a bright moon, and it looked like a hedgehog covered with silver thorns.

The woman was delighted.

But before she saw the expected situation happen, a fiery red arrow with great power shot from her side.

When she felt this sudden crisis, the sharp arrow was already close at hand!

With a "bang", the fire suddenly rose where the woman was standing.

Not far away, a figure could be seen vaguely, holding a longbow in his hand, with a stern expression on his face.

It was Mo Xun's second incarnation!

Just like that, the two people who met for the first time, and even before they said a word, the woman with rare spiritual roots and very beautiful at the same time, was completely annihilated and disappeared.

In the fire, not even a trace of breath was left.

The strong prey on the weak, such an example is common!

On the other side, after the silver light dissipated, Mo Xun's somewhat pale face was finally revealed, and his breath seemed a little messy.

Although the spiritual shield on the surface of the body was still there, it had become extremely weak, and the exquisite ring on the top of the head was also shaky and dim!

It seems that these incarnations, in addition to helping him form the elixir, have other great uses!

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