Just as Mo Xun was slowly breathing heavily and walking out of the mess, a white light suddenly rushed out and sank into his forehead very quickly.

His head suddenly made a "buzzing" sound.

But in a moment, it returned to normal.

Mo Xun was shocked, thinking that he had been tricked again, and hurried to check his body.

At this time, Gong Yang's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Boy, it seems that you are going to be unlucky again this time. This woman is not simple!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

Gong Yang said with a bit of gloating: "You will know if you touch your forehead."

Mo Xun reached out and touched it in doubt, and his face changed immediately.

He then brushed his robe sleeves, and a water mirror suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the mirror, between his eyebrows, I don't know when, a dark red lightning mark appeared, like a birthmark.

"This thing is called a soul mark. Before the woman died, she gave up reincarnation and used her soul as a guide as a marking method to imprint her soul on you."

"What is the use of this?" In fact, Mo Xun had probably guessed it in his heart, but he still asked with a bit of luck.

"Since it is a marking method, it is naturally to find you..."

At this point, Gong Yang suddenly changed the subject.

"This method is not something that everyone can use. It requires a Yuanying cultivator to plant a ray of true essence in the body in advance with a secret method. Once in danger, it can break out of the body and locate the whereabouts of the murderer in time."

That's all. In fact, there is no need to say more. Mo Xun has already understood that he might have caused a big disaster this time.

Who would have thought that a female cultivator who was killed casually actually had a Yuanying cultivator standing behind him.

This time, he really encountered a birthday man hanging!

On weekdays, he was always cautious when he met a Jindan cultivator, let alone a Yuanying cultivator?

When I first established my foundation, I was greedy and killed the man surnamed Bai. As a result, he was chased by his brother for thousands of miles. If I hadn't accidentally escaped into the bloody fog, I would have died long ago.

Previously, he felt that he had good luck. In Guixu, he obtained several treasures in a row. Who knew that he would encounter such bad luck just after leaving this place.

"Gong Yang, do you have any solution?"

"Even if there is a way, what can it do? This mark contains the true essence of a Yuanying cultivator. Unless your cultivation is higher than that of the other party, I am afraid that you will have to live with that mark for the rest of your life."

Mo Xun's mood immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.

Although this was not said explicitly, he could still understand the truth.

This is like water can extinguish fire, which everyone knows, but how can a cup of water extinguish the fire of the vast sky.

Perhaps the solution is very simple, but trapped in the realm, it is ultimately powerless.

Seeing Mo Xun standing there in a daze, Gong Yang tried to persuade him, "It's already come to this point, it's useless to think too much. For now, let's leave this place first. Under normal circumstances, Yuanying cultivators will not easily come out of the mountain. There may be people who want to avenge their children, nephews, and grandchildren, but those people still put the Great Dao first, and may not come to find you on purpose."

This comforting words obviously didn't have much effect.

Mo Xun said with some pain, "Even if the Yuanying cultivator won't take action personally, sending one or two Jindan cultivators is not something I can handle."

"If that's the case, I have some ways to help you seal it temporarily. As long as it's not in the late Jindan stage, it should be able to delay it for a while."

"Are you serious?"

Gong Yang chuckled.

"I share weal and woe with you, so I won't speak nonsense on such matters."

Mo Xun took a deep breath, then put away his incarnation, and disappeared on the spot like a gust of wind.

Arriving at the last place, Wen Yue really stayed there obediently.

Fortunately, after such a long delay, there was no more trouble here.

Wen Yue was a little surprised when she saw the strange mark on Mo Xun's forehead, but she didn't ask much.

After thinking for a while, Mo Xun suddenly handed over a storage bag, and then transmitted a voice: "Miss Wen, I originally wanted to take you away from here safely, but now, Mo has encountered some troubles, so now, you and I have to go our separate ways. There are some elixirs and magic tools in it, and there is also a map. Be careful, and you can leave the Thunder Sea after a few days."

When Wen Yue took the storage bag, Mo Xun bowed, and then turned into a rainbow light without looking back and fled into the distance.

"Boy, are you really willing to give up such a good fortune?"

Facing Gong Yang's teasing, Mo Xun was in a complicated mood at the moment, and he didn't have time to chat with him.

The two of them were considered to be working together. Mo Xun had thought about it before. After leaving the Thunder Sea, he would find a way to help Wen Yue break the soul-stealing spell and restore her to normal.

But after this incident, he might not be able to protect himself. If he continued to go with her, he might harm her.

Seeing that Mo Xun was concentrating on following the map and looking for the exit of the Thunder Sea, Gong Yang spoke again: "I advise you not to leave here in a hurry."

Mo Xun stopped immediately and asked in confusion: "Why is that?"

"Although this place seems dangerous, it is an excellent place for refuge. It is better to follow what I said and seal the soul mark before leaving."

Mo Xun slapped his forehead. He was really a little confused.

As Gongyang said, it is difficult to find spiritual consciousness in this place. Even if there is a hunter coming here, it will probably be difficult to sense the mark. Isn't it the best place to take refuge?

It seemed that he unknowingly owed Gongyang another favor.

Thinking of this, he secretly felt annoyed at his own stupidity.

Since we are taking refuge, why not return to Guixu?

He insisted on leaving there before, mainly for several reasons.

Firstly, I wanted to verify my attainments in formations over the years and whether I could open the "Five Elements Universe Fighting Formation" to avoid being trapped inside forever.

On the other hand, when faced with pill formation, it is necessary to purchase formation materials that match the "Five-turn Hunyuan Gong" and refine formation equipment.

In fact, apart from these factors, Guixu is indeed an excellent secret place for escaping from the world and practicing cultivation.

But it’s obviously too late to think of this now.

Without Wen Yue's help, how could he activate the formation?

In other words, take a little risk, and after leaving the Thunder Sea, first purchase all the materials, then find someone to help him open Guixu, and form elixirs inside.

After a few decades, perhaps this grudge will be forgotten.

But then again, who to look for?

In addition, once out of the sea of ​​thunder, if he and Gongyang's expectations are not different, he will inevitably face a period of pursuit. How to avoid this crisis is another big problem.


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