Regarding this sudden and unreasonable disaster, Mo Xun was speechless.

However, now that he has encountered it, it is not his character to blame others. However, although the carriage and horse are fast, they are not under his control, which has become the biggest problem at the moment.

If he abandoned his car and walked away, his steps would be bumpy in this thunderous sea of ​​dangers, and he might be overtaken by his pursuers before long.

After walking so directionlessly and quickly for more than two hours, the movement behind me finally disappeared.

Just as he was thinking about how to temporarily avoid this crisis, an ominous premonition rose from the bottom of his heart again.

Before he could take precautions, he felt his whole body fly into the air.

Then, it hit the car wall on the side hard.

The three thundering beasts in front of the car, howling and neighing, also got off the ground. In panic, they fell to the ground sprawled out, rolled twice, and splashed a large amount of dust.

Fortunately, this precious car was strong enough. Not only did it not fall apart under such heavy damage, it even swayed left and right without overturning after rolling.

I saw a figure faintly appearing in the thunder and lightning in the distance.

At the feet of the figure was a strong spiritual beast, making him appear extremely tall.

The moment he saw that figure, Mo Xun's heart skipped a beat.

The alchemy monk!

This is really what you want.

If he saw it correctly, the thing that the man stepped on was probably a thunder beast, and judging from its size, it was at least level four.

"Which descendant of the Qian family are you? Why haven't I met you before?"

As the voice came, the figure gradually became clearer.

A tall man with a beard slowly appeared.

The man's face was calm and intimidating. Although he did not deliberately release his aura, the core-forming aura alone was enough to make all the foundation-building monks retreat.

Mo Xun's heart was almost in his throat at this moment.

At this moment, he had placed his palms on his waist and looked around cautiously.

At least within his perceptible range, there was no trace of the second person.

In other words, this person is the only one who is catching up.

It seems that the woman killed earlier did have a good background, but this Dong family came from a wealthy family out of nowhere?

Mo Xun frowned and said nothing. It wasn't that he didn't dare to speak, but that he didn't know what to say.

Maybe if he doesn't speak, the other party will continue to misunderstand him, and he won't have murderous intentions for the time being, but once the secret is exposed, how many times can he withstand the anger of the Danjie monk?

Even though he had reached his peak during the foundation building stage, as long as that layer of window paper was still there, it was like a natural chasm, lying in front of the two of them.

He quickly calculated his many methods.

It's definitely not possible to fight head on. There are still many life-saving things, but due to the limitations of lightning, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced.

Moreover, this gap in strength cannot be made up by some tricks.

It seems that the only option is to find a way to distract the other party's attention and catch him by surprise!

First use the saturation attack to disrupt the situation and gain the upper hand, then use the escape talisman to leave quickly...

But no matter which one it is, it requires casting time.

If he releases his avatars to fight with them, he can buy some time, but in this case, these avatars of his will have to stay here.

After decades of preparation, could he be willing to give up so easily?

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart and couldn't help but think, it would be great if he knew how to escape from heaven at this moment!

At this time, the male sheep, who always considered himself resourceful and thought highly of himself, was silent, which was a bit irritating.

"You may still not know how big the trouble is this time. The woman you killed was the most favored daughter of the head of my landlord's family. Even my ancestor loved her very much. With her qualifications , maybe it won’t be long before we can add another pill-forming monk to the Dong family. Now that he has died so tragically, the head of the family will not let it go..."

Having said this, the man paused for a moment, but he lost the arrogance he had just now.

"I miss your Qian family and have been friends with my Dong family for generations. I won't embarrass you. As long as you come back with me honestly, the elders will decide how to deal with it. I think, when the time comes, your money The head of the family will definitely not sit idly by, so whether he will live or die is still unknown, but if you continue to be can't blame me!"

This last sentence was obviously made with gritted teeth.

When Mo Xun heard this, he probably already had some speculations.

From the standpoint of speaking, this person should be just a guest of the Dong family.

In addition, as long as he does not resist and threaten the Qian family's strength, the other party will not dare to do anything to him for the time being.

But even so, what's the use?

He was a little hesitant now. Should he sacrifice his incarnation now to gain a chance to survive, or should he surrender his life and find a chance to escape on the way back with this person?

If he leaves the sea of ​​thunder, the power of his treasures and escape talismans should be greatly improved.

But think about it from another perspective, the opponent's strength will also increase.

but if……

He suddenly pondered and looked at the man thoughtfully again.

If this person is also a thunder attribute monk, then after leaving the thunder sea, his strength will not be improved but weakened, which means that his chance of escape will be even greater.

But in this world, how could there be such a coincidence, and how could there be so many thunder-attribute spiritual roots?

There was another thing that made him worried.

Where are the three foundation-building monks who rode the thunder cart earlier?

If he delayed any longer and was caught by the three men, he would be surrounded. Even if he had three heads and six arms, what could he do?

Thinking of this, he immediately made a decision.

If he lost his incarnation, he could cultivate it slowly, but if he lost his life, how could he talk about the great way?

After a while, Mo Xun finally spoke.

"Who are you?"

"I am Wuchuanqiong, and I am now the elder of the Dong family!"

Mo Xun pretended to ask, and in one hand, he had quietly grasped a handful of talismans, and in the other hand, he was ready to take out a magic weapon at any time.

But just when he was about to take action, a white figure rushed out like lightning.

Mo Xun was startled, thinking that it was the three people who came before, and he immediately put down his raised arm.

But what puzzled him was that the figure did not rush towards him, but rushed towards Wuchuanqiong.

Wuchuanqiong snorted coldly, then raised one arm and slapped it out.

"Don't overestimate your abilities!"

A stream of blood immediately sprayed in the thunder and lightning.

The figure was hit by a palm, and his body was like a kite with a broken string, flying through the air and flying towards the treasure car where Mo Xun was.

With a "bang", the figure landed on the car, but it was not as embarrassed as expected, but rolled on the ground and came directly to the room where the carriage was controlled. Then a familiar face appeared in front of Mo Xun.

Mo Xun was slightly stunned. Why did she appear here?

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