This person was Wen Yue, who had just separated from him.

She had a pretty face that was slightly pale, with blood stains on the corners of her mouth, and the white skirt on her chest was also bright red.

The eyes, which usually had almost no emotion, were still so empty, but at this moment, their expression was a little more anxious, and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Just as Mo Xun was about to speak, Wen Yue threw a handful of talismans and exploded outside the car. Instantly, smoke and dust filled the air, fire and lightning intertwined, and the area within a few feet was plunged into chaos.

Then a pair of slender hands quickly pinched the Taoist formula on the undulating chest, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out, turning into dots of starlight and sprinkling on the bodies of several thunder beasts.

Those thundering beasts immediately seemed to be possessed by magic, and jumped up at the same time, roaring and running forward like a gust of wind. In the blink of an eye, they left Wuchuan Qiong far behind.

In the chaos, Mo Xun vaguely heard a roaring roar.

Sitting on the speeding treasure car, although Mo Xun was puzzled, he was wise enough not to bother asking.

After a moment, he suddenly remembered that this Miss Wen was the real Thunder Sea Enchantress. She had grown up here since she was a child, so she was naturally quite familiar with it.

No wonder the two of them were separated for a long time and the other party could still find him again.

In addition, this unique method of controlling beasts must have been learned through years of training in Lei Hai.

But what is a little surprising is that this woman has thunder spirit roots. Why didn't she practice thunder attribute skills in the first place?

Could it be that the person who trained her was afraid that after she became successful in cultivation, she would not be easy to control?

This doesn’t seem right either!

According to Wen Yue, she was raised by her father, and her daily practice was also arranged by Wen Fengyao.

If that's the case, with this unique advantage of the thunder sea, how could Wen Fengyao not teach her the thunder attribute skills, but practice other ones?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. I am afraid that this question will not be revealed until after the soul-obsessing spell is lifted.

"Huh? Boy, why is this girl back again?"

Facing Gongyang's shameless pretense of stupidity, Mo Xun really didn't want to pay attention to him.

"This car is quite good. Where did you get it from? I didn't expect that I slept all night. So many things happened. It seems that it is better to sleep less in the future!"

As he spoke, Ram Yang pretended to yawn.

Mo Xun snorted in his heart.

He could almost guess that if he died, the old man would probably not have other ways to save his life as he said before.

Everything will be lost if one loses it, and only he believes it to be true!

It didn't take long for the man and beast behind him to catch up again, looming.

Mo Xungang wanted to remind him, but Wen Yue had already formed a seal on his chest and slapped it out with all his strength.

Silver light flashed, and the three thunder beasts suddenly accelerated twice as fast as if they had been injected with blood.

Mo Xun couldn't sit still for a moment, and hit the wall of the car behind with a "bang" sound.

The three thunder beasts exerted their strength at the same time, once again leaving Wuchuan Qiong far behind.

However, Mo Xun noticed that the direction the two of them were going now seemed not to be at the edge of the Thunder Sea, but deeper.

Ordinarily, with Wen Yue's understanding of this place, she shouldn't have gone in the wrong direction.

After thinking about it, Mo Xun still couldn't hold it back. He frowned and asked, "Miss Wen, are you going in the wrong direction?"

"If you want to get rid of this person, you have to go like this!"

Mo Xun nodded understandingly. It seemed that he was a little confused at this time.

I am afraid that outside the thunder sea at this moment, a big net has been woven, waiting for him.

The advantage the two of them have now is actually the thunder and lightning in the sky and this precious car.

If you stay here, you can still get around for a while, but once you get out, it will be a disaster or a blessing.

Immediately, he stopped thinking about this. After speaking to Wen Yue, he set up a forbidden barrier around himself to temporarily isolate himself from the outside world, and continued the unfinished seal without any distractions.

If the soul mark is not resolved, no matter how far the two of them go, it will probably be in vain!

In a daze, he seemed to feel that the carriage and horse were getting faster and faster, and he gradually forgot the passage of time.

I don't know how much time passed before he slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and slowly opened his eyes.

What you can see is still an endless ocean of thunder and lightning, with three thunder beasts running wildly and panting. When they sit down in the treasure car, it occasionally bumps, but most of the time, it is still as smooth as water.

I just turned around and saw that Wen Yue had fainted at some point.

There was no blood on his pale face, and his breath was extremely weak.

Mo Xun grabbed her wrist and felt for her pulse.

After a while, he took out a pill and put it into her mouth.

"Gongyang, how long have I been practicing just now?"

"Five or six hours!"

It’s been so long…

Mo Xun pondered and looked back. There was nothing unusual in the endless lightning and thunder behind him.

Then he transformed into a water mirror and looked at his forehead. The original shallow mark had completely disappeared.

According to Gongyang, this sealing technique can at least hide it from those who are in the late stage of pill formation or below.

"Nothing happened during this period, right?"

"Your kid's luck is really not simple. He fell into the tiger's mouth, but you escaped unexpectedly. This girl is kind and righteous. Not only did she sacrifice her life to save you, but she also risked her life to protect you along the way. Zhou Quan, I don’t know how lucky you have been in this life, even I am a little envious of you!”

After saying this, the male sheep clicked his tongue twice.

Mo Xun then noticed that the body of this originally gorgeous and exquisite treasure car was already tattered, as if it had just walked off the battlefield.

It seems that Wen Yue had experienced many twists and turns during his spellcasting. The current weakness was partly due to the blood and spirit beast control, and partly due to the dealings with Wuchuanqiong.

However, judging from the result, the two were lucky after all.

After a simple calm, Mo Xun's mind immediately focused on the new problem he was facing.

He was lost!

It is said that in the sea of ​​thunder, the vision is unclear and the consciousness is difficult to distinguish. Only some undulating terrain can be used as a reference to identify the direction.

But after Mo Xun compared the mountains and rivers under his feet with the map in his hand, he could no longer find any familiar traces.

He turned his head again and glanced at the sleeping woman beside him.

Now, he can only wait until Wen Yue wakes up to know where this is.

Although Wen Yue was unconscious, the thunder beasts still did not stop, just running forward aimlessly.

Mo Xun suddenly asked with some concern: "Gong Yang, if we keep going like this, will we enter the depths of the Thunder Sea?"

"Why don't you take a look around first!"


Mo Xun raised his head in doubt, and after a moment, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

There were still thunder and lightning all around, but after careful observation, both the density and power had increased significantly compared to before.

Fortunately, the lightning protection array on the treasure car was not damaged much, otherwise it would be almost tantamount to seeking death to travel at such a speed.

"Could it be that this is already the depths of the Thunder Sea?"


Mo Xun frowned secretly, this is not a good sign.

Now that Wen Yue has been found, according to his meaning, he is trying to find a way to leave the Thunder Sea, secretly return to Qianguang City, purchase all the materials for the array, or return to Guixu, or find a place to secretly form a pill, but if he loses his way, it will be a bit troublesome.

Now there are several choices.

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