Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 435 Bad Experience

Now that the direction is unclear, the most rational choice would be to stop immediately and wait for Wen Yue to wake up, then let her lead the way away.

But once you stop, what should you do if you are overtaken by the pursuers from behind?

By then, if there is no one to control the beast, the good luck will no longer be there.

Or just let these thunder beasts run around as they please, and go wherever they want.

In this case, the result can only be two.

If you're lucky, you might escape from the sea of ​​thunder in an unexpected way, but if you're not lucky, you'll get stuck deeper and deeper.

Mo Xun briefly told Gongyang his doubts, but unexpectedly he got such an answer.

"Is it in vain that you usually think of yourself as smart, but you can't understand such a trivial matter?"

Mo Xun frowned and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"This is not simple. Miss Wen has fainted, but these beasts still haven't stopped. What does it mean?"

Mo Xun suddenly fell silent. What could this kind of thing mean?

After a long time, he tentatively replied: "You mean, Miss Wen had already arranged her next trip before she fell into coma, and these thunder beasts are just following her instructions now?"

"Based on my many years of experience, this should be the case. You know, Fairy Wen is much more reliable than you in doing things!"

Mo Xun rolled his eyes silently. How could this old guy ever be so accurate with his experience?

However, this explanation is not impossible.

Unconsciously, he glanced at Wen Yue beside him again.

Immediately afterwards, he held Wen Yue's arm tightly again and injected a trace of spiritual power into his body.

Although he has never been deeply involved in the treatment of injuries, as the saying goes, a long-term illness makes a good doctor. He himself is often injured. Even if he does not understand the systematic diagnosis at this moment, he can still see some clues.

After a long time, he checked Wen Yue's injuries again and applied some medicinal powder on the obvious wounds.

As for the next step, we can only follow what Gongyang said for now.

More than an hour passed unknowingly. As a light cough came, Wen Yue moved weakly. Mo Xun quickly helped her sit up and leaned against the corner of the car wall.

"Don't be in a hurry to speak, just take this first!"

Mo Xun casually handed over a bottle of elixirs to replenish his mana. After years of accumulation, God knows to what extent he had accumulated various spiritual herbs and elixirs in his hands.

In addition, this trip to the ruins has caused his net worth to skyrocket. I am afraid that he will not have to worry about spiritual stones for a long time.

After recovering for a moment, Wen Yue panted lightly and wiped the dry blood from the corner of her mouth. She was wearing a snow-white dress, which had long been tattered and dirty. The black color after blood coagulation was stained with soil. Her hair was covered with black hair and her hairpins were messy, making her look extremely embarrassed.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the shattered Raikage car was still traveling quickly.

In this dark world, stand out from the crowd!

After Wen Yue calmed down, Mo Xun asked: "How did you find me?"

"I don't know, I felt like you should be there, so I went!"


Mo Xun frowned slightly, what kind of answer was this?

Looking at the other party's head gently nodding, although he was confused, he did not dwell too much on this issue.

Perhaps, there are factors in this that Wen Yue has lived here since she was a child, and chance and coincidence also account for some chances.

After all, at the moment, there are more important things that require him to inquire in detail.

Next, Mo Xun asked Wen Yue to tell him from beginning to end everything he had experienced while casting the spell, how to skillfully fight Wu Chuan Qiong, how to consume blood essence, and how to control the beast to escape. The scenes were thrilling, as if he had experienced them personally. Like, appeared before his eyes.

This girl is also kind and righteous enough to protect him in such a dangerous situation. In this world of immortality where the jungle is strong and the strong prey on the weak, there are not many such simple people anymore.

Mo Xun sighed softly and looked into the distance with complicated eyes.

"Actually, you don't have to wade through this muddy water!"

I saw Wen Yue slowly taking out something and saying something that Mo Xun would never forget in this life.

Until he was ranked in the Immortal Class and achieved Zhengguo, but every time he thought of that woman who was dressed in white and looked like a snow lotus, he would feel a little sad.

If he wanted to know that in the near future, the woman in front of him would become a victim on his way to advancement, no matter what, he would not choose to form a pill like that!

But fate is like the beginning of a chess game. Once the first piece falls, every subsequent step is as if it has been arranged in advance. Win one piece, lose another piece, and you will never escape the final reincarnation.

" one has ever been so kind to me!"

Mo Xun turned his head in surprise. This was the first time he heard such slightly emotional words from Wen Yue's mouth.

Although the eyes in those eyes were still clear and unruffled, as if they were mechanical narrations, it was so ordinary that people couldn't help but wonder, what kind of experiences did this weak woman have in the first half of her life?

He immediately saw what was tightly held in the slender white palm, which was the storage bag he had given to her in a hurry when they were separated.

If I remember correctly, most of them contained cultivation objects, self-defense weapons, and various elixirs and talismans.

In his opinion, this was a very casual parting gift, but unexpectedly, it touched the weakest emotional weakness in Wen Yue's heart.

Sometimes, it's just such a coincidence.

If he had not separated from Wen Yue, he would not have appeared to save her later. If he had not left those talismans for Wen Yue, the situation at that time would not have been disrupted, and the two would have found it difficult to escape.

Everything seemed to have a cause and effect!

The two of them were silent for a while. Mo Xun sighed again, wanting to say something, but not knowing how to start.

In fact, it is understandable that a young girl has been imprisoned in this dangerous sea of ​​thunder by her father since she was a child, like a spirit beast, and later used as a tool for revenge, secretly throwing herself into the arms of her enemy as a furnace.

In such a situation, how much family warmth has she felt?

Of course, perhaps such a complicated emotion is just Mo Xun's wishful thinking. In Wen Yue's heart, it is just a very ordinary experience.

After a long time, as if to ease the embarrassment, he suddenly pointed outside the car.

"Take a look, do you know this place?"

But the answer he got this time was a shake of the head.

"You mean, you don't recognize this place either?"

Wen Yue looked outside the car again and said calmly: "No, I've never been here, but judging from the power of the lightning, it should be closer to the depths of the sea of ​​thunder."

"So... during your coma, these thunder beasts were all running around without your control?"

"That should be the case!"

Hearing this answer, Mo Xun supported his forehead. This time, he was really going to be hurt by Gong Yang's bad experience.

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