On the third day, they happened to meet Wuchuan Qiong again. After a hard fight, they were lucky enough to escape.

However, since this battle, both of them were only half dead.

Wen Yue's old injuries had not healed, and he had new injuries. He was in a coma for a whole day before waking up.

Mo Xun still had a lot of doubts in his heart. Why was he found if he hadn't sealed the mark?

For this reason, they also changed their clothes and carefully checked every part of their bodies several times, but they didn't find anything abnormal.

The two had no choice but to continue to go deep into the sea of ​​thunder.

In the next month, they met three or four groups of pursuers intermittently, fought several times, and each had their own victory and defeat.

Finally, in a lightning like a thunderbolt, this dilapidated treasure car finally completed its final mission.

Unexpectedly, after abandoning the Thunder Shadow Car, they finally did not encounter any pursuit.

Mo Xun then thought that perhaps the opponent's mark was not on them, but most likely on this Thunder Shadow Car, or on those Thunder Beasts.

And the lightning density in the place where they are now has reached a terrifying level.

Next, there are still two ways left for them.

Either continue to go deeper into the sea of ​​thunder and try to cross it.

But in this way, the dangers they will face next are unknown.

Or return to the original route, and what awaits them must be a net of heaven and earth, but this kind of danger can be predicted!

"Gong Yang, what do you mean?"

Gong Yang thought for a moment, and he became serious for the first time.

After all, it is a matter of life and death, and there is no room for jokes.

"In my opinion, it is better to return. After all, this sea of ​​thunder has been formed for countless tens of thousands of years. During this period, countless cultivators have tried to cross it, but only a few have actually done it. No matter how powerful the Dong family is, can it be more dangerous than this place?"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, seemingly agreeing with this heartfelt remark.

"In that case..."

After pondering, he suddenly said: "Then choose to go deeper!"

Gong Yang was about to say that the child is teachable, but immediately realized that there was something wrong with his words, and immediately said angrily: "Boy, are you kidding me?"

Mo Xun smiled.

"Thank you for eliminating a wrong choice!"

Then he ignored the irritable old man and called Wen Yue to his side. The two stood together under the defensive light shield of the exquisite ring and walked forward quickly.

Mo Xun could probably guess some of Gong Yang's thoughts.

After all these years of getting along, the two of them, although they can't say that they know each other well, are already very familiar with each other. They can often see through each other with just a few words.

Mo Xun guessed that if he died in the hands of the Dong family, the old man would probably have other ways to save his life, such as possessing other people.

But once buried in the sea of ​​thunder, Gong Yang's consciousness would obviously become a rootless duckweed, and he would have to be buried with him, so he made this suggestion.

However, Mo Xun was not annoyed by this. After all, even husband and wife would flee when disaster strikes, let alone their mutually beneficial cooperative relationship?

In this world, the only people who can truly do it without reservation are probably relatives.

Sometimes, even relatives are only entangled in interests!

Half a month later, the two encountered nine level 4 thunder beasts, killed three, and the rest fled.

Obtained three inner pills!

Two months later, they encountered three level 5 thunder beasts again, and fought hastily, barely fighting a draw.

The two were more or less injured again.

Five months later, they officially entered the heart of the sea of ​​thunder and encountered the first thunderstorm.

Those lightnings, like entities, actually formed arc vortices, no longer all falling from the sky, wandering around like a strong wind.

Almost every few days, they had to replace the lightning protection magic weapon, and at the same time, they had to be on guard against being sucked into this storm composed entirely of lightning.

There was even one time when Wen Yue was blown away by the thunder and wind. Fortunately, they had the Thunder Star Plate in their hands and were not far away, so they did not get lost completely.

After this, the two found a soft whip magic weapon and wrapped it around their waists to connect with each other.

Until a year later, the thunderstorm and lightning rain upgraded again, and they encountered the sixth-level thunder beast for the first time.

This level, equivalent to the Jindan stage, almost became their nightmare for the next few months.

Mo Xun's left arm was broken, and Wen Yue's abdomen was almost pierced. In addition to magic weapons, all offensive magic tools, large and small formations, all exploded and lost, even the black ice gourd that had been with him for many years was not spared.

The talismans accumulated over the years were all gone!

The escape talismans prepared before were squandered!

As for the elixirs for healing and restoring mana, they were consumed like water.

Until later, because there was no time to open the furnace, the two could only take spiritual herbs raw.

Before leaving the Thunder Sea, Mo Xun's storage bag had already used up a small half of the space.

But apart from that, he did not encounter a second level 6 or above.

It is said that in the depths of the Thunder Sea, someone has seen a level 7 transformed thunder beast, but they are still lucky after all.

In addition to these obvious dangers, another helpless thing is the loss of direction brought about by the thunder and lightning.

Sometimes, after walking for several days, they were surprised to find that they were back to the same place.

There is no way to trace or find the direction. Even if you leave a mark, you will be swallowed up by lightning as soon as you turn around.

Without a firm belief in the Great Dao, this kind of hesitation and helplessness will continue to spread to the depths of the heart.

Perhaps many people gradually lose the desire to survive in this kind of wear and tear.

Imagine that a person can stay calm for a day or even ten days in the deafening and continuous black and white flashes.

But what about a month or a year?

You also have to be on your toes all the time to guard against the lightning that can pour down at any time, the monsters that come without a trace, and the thunderstorms that can tear people into pieces like a gust of wind.

All of this, I am afraid, cannot be overcome by cultivation alone.

Of course, if the cultivation is strong enough, perhaps you can ignore these.

But then again, strength is always relative.

Just like the Qi Refining Stage, one can ignore water and fire, but in the eyes of the Foundation Establishment cultivator, one is just an ant; the Foundation Establishment Stage, one can fly into the sky and hide in the ground, but cannot withstand the power of a Jindan cultivator; the Jindan Stage, seemingly noble and prominent, may not be able to withstand half a move in the hands of the Yuanying cultivator.

And what about the Yuanying Stage, is it really fearless?

After all, it can't escape the limitation of lifespan!

There is no absolute strong man, only a relatively strong heart!

Mo Xun seems to understand that sentence more and more thoroughly.

Cultivating immortals is to cultivate the mind!

The state of mind is traceless, and the great way is expected!

In the third year after coming out of Guixu, the thunder and lightning storms that always hovered around him finally gradually subsided.

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