Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 441 Dream Sky City

It seems that everything is ready, only the east wind is missing.

And this east wind is the art of refining weapons.

Although he had some experience in refining the Soul-nourishing Lock and later learning the Dao of Formation, it was only the tip of the iceberg.

Moreover, the refining of magic weapons is very different from that of magic weapons.

Generally speaking, whether it is an alchemist, a weapon refiner, or a formation master, there are levels in their respective fields.

Take the weapon refiner for example, like the alchemist, there are two levels: earth and heaven.

The earth-level seventh-level weapon refiner has the ability to refine a magic weapon for the formation of a pill, but the success rate and the quality are a bit reluctant.

To be on the safe side, most Jindan cultivators generally choose masters above the eighth level to customize their own magic weapons.

After all, it is something that will accompany you for a lifetime, and at critical moments, it is a life-saving thing, so naturally you will not be careless.

Now there are two paths in front of Mo Xun.

First, to refine it for himself, it would take some time to learn the art of refining.

As for how long it would take, it was hard to say.

His current level was at most around level 2, and it was a bit unrealistic to break through to level 7 in a short period of time.

Of course, he now had nine ready-made second-hand magic weapons. It was not that he could not use them, but it was difficult to refine them thoroughly and not be able to do it with ease.

Second, he could ask a master of refining to help refine it.

In this way, he could start nourishing it in his body in a year or two at most.

But the problem was that the materials he needed to refine this thing were really against the sky. If he took it out and caused any trouble, it would be another trouble.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. This problem could not be discussed with Gong Yang.

Although the other party knew that he had Tongtian Jianmu, he did not know that he had cultivated this sacred tree to a tree age of ten thousand years.

After thinking for a while, he put away the jade slip again.

It seems that this matter can only be planned after arriving at the Five Elements Spiritual Sect.

Gong Yang has now achieved two out of three of his previous requests.

With the lotus incarnation, he has completed the ownerless body.

Gong Yang himself should have figured out the art of soul burial.

The most troublesome thing is the ownerless soul.

Because he refused to take the baby's soul, he needed the soul-washing umbrella of the Five Elements Spiritual Sect or the Qingming grass in the demon clan's land to refine it, but I'm afraid neither of these two things is easy to get.

However, since he came to the Central Region, he naturally had to try his luck at the Five Elements Spiritual Sect first.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to feel the style of the eight-star sect.

It is said that there are as many as seven Nascent Soul cultivators in this sect, and more than a hundred Jindan elders.

If this kind of sect was placed in the southern border, the Thirteen Sects of the Heavenly Dao would be restless day and night.

Only Xihezhou can accommodate such a giant sect.

Let's talk about his current state. Although the golden elixir is not stable, he can clearly feel the surge of mana in his body.

Take the Qiankun bow for example. When he was at the peak of the foundation building, he could only shoot three arrows with full strength, and his mana was almost drained.

But now, I am afraid that even if he shoots twenty or thirty arrows, he will still have enough strength.

This is just the difference in the concentration of mana.

The other is the growth of spiritual consciousness.

In the past, the detection range was only a dozen feet, but now it can easily break through a hundred feet.

Moreover, he now has enough life span, and he can spare a lot of time to practice Jingyuan Gong and improve the power of spiritual consciousness to a higher level.

In fact, after the formation of the elixir, the most significant change is the circulation of true qi in the body.

In the past, the elixir field, as the foundation of the cultivator, played the role of returning all rivers to the sea.

Whether it is taking qi into the body or controlling qi to cast spells, it is inseparable from the elixir field.

Now it is quite different. The inner elixir is transformed into the inner elixir by the inner dantian. There is an essential difference in the way of drawing essence and absorbing qi.

As the saying goes, "gold" is eternal and solid, and "elixir" is bright and pure without loss, and it is the nature of the round and bright true spirit.

There is an old saying:

True intention gives rise to true knowledge, and spiritual knowledge will naturally respond.

The three families become one, and the body and mind are suddenly settled.

The empty room gives rise to light, and the yang returns in the quiet.

Collect it and practice it diligently, and it will turn into purple gold frost.

The wisdom light of the spiritual orifice is born, and the nature is revealed and the worldly feelings are eliminated.

The bright night pearl is bright everywhere.

The noisy nature turns into the true nature, and the human heart turns into the heart of Tao.

If it is not forged by the divine fire, how can the gold be separated from the mine!

In fact, the general idea is to say that the golden elixir has undergone a qualitative change compared to the elixir field and the immortal cultivator.

Let alone other things, this inner elixir is far inferior to the elixir field in terms of defense.

If the sword hits the Dantian, the cultivation foundation of this person will most likely be ruined, but if it hits the Jindan, it will be a different result.

Moreover, the Jindan is condensed from mana, and it is much more vast than the Dantian in terms of storing spiritual power.

Now Mo Xun condensed the Jindan with four times the peak mana. In terms of mana strength, I dare not say that it is several times higher than that of the same level, but it is definitely several times stronger.

Putting aside Wen Yue’s matter, Mo Xun’s mood at this moment is naturally quite comfortable.

Standing on the cloud and looking down at his feet, those low-level cultivators shuttling among them are indeed like ants.

He suddenly thought, should he also find a mount, so that he can match his identity as a Jindan cultivator.

As for Bai Ze, forget it!

This beast is not only fat and strong, but I am afraid it is not as fast as him.

In addition, the identity of the divine beast is too eye-catching. If he is targeted by other high-level monks, he will not have the energy to deal with it.

Furthermore, with the urine of this beast, would he be willing to be his mount and let him show off his power?

Thinking about the time when I first started practicing, talking to Xiao Qian about the alchemy monks, it felt like a lifetime ago. I never thought that one day, he would become the old monster that I said at the beginning.

If he was still in the Liangyi Sect, the three halls would inevitably come to win him over again at this moment.

While Mo Xun was thinking, he stretched out his palm, and Huo Luan immediately floated in his palm.

The little guy murmured and circled around him.

The fiery red body surface flashed with electric arcs, as if it was covered with a layer of electric light.

The dozens of thunder beast inner elixirs were not wasted.

But having said that, he still hasn't figured out what magical abilities such a mutation will produce.

If it just looks domineering but has no actual use, it would be a bit ridiculous.

Six months later, the dusty Mo Xun landed in a place called Mengtian City not far from the Five Elements Spirit Sect.

Although this city is not very big, it is famous in the Central Region.

Just because more than half of the people in this place are engaged in the industry of refining weapons.

At the city gate, Mo Xun did not suppress his cultivation, but simply changed his appearance.

Since he wants to inquire about the refining of magic weapons, it is obvious that he can only make it through if he maintains the elixir formation period.

There was an endless stream of monks coming in and out of the wide city gate. There were two rows of guards standing next to it. The leader was a middle-aged man who was in the middle stage of foundation construction.

The moment he saw Mo Xun, the man's expression tightened and he hurriedly stepped forward.

"I've met senior!"

Mo Xun nodded lightly and looked around briefly. The entire city defense layout was very unique. Wherever he could see, there were many giant crossbows and some weird tower-shaped buildings surrounded by spiritual energy. Awe-inspiring.

As soon as Mo Xun asked about the cost of entering and exiting the city, the man said respectfully: "Senior, I don't know. The alchemy monks can come and go freely in this city, so there is no need to pay spiritual stones."

Mo Xun felt happy, but he didn't expect such preferential treatment.

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