Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 442 Yuding Pavilion

The streets were crowded with people, mostly foundation building and Qi refining cultivators.

Mo Xun, who entered the city with his Jindan cultivation, really attracted some attention.

On both sides of the busy streets, there were mostly equipment refining shops, some selling finished products and some custom-made.

There were quite a few material shops.

As for elixirs, arrays and the like, they were much rarer.

Mo Xun walked around for a while and walked into a place called "Yuding Pavilion".

The gate was very grand, with three floors. It was not the largest on the street, but it was also quite impressive.

As soon as he stepped into the door, a clerk at the peak of Qi training came up to greet him very respectfully.

"Welcome to our shop, senior, please follow me directly to the third floor, and the Pavilion Master will personally receive you."

The young man was very discerning. Perhaps because he had been dealing with high-level cultivators for many years, he did not look timid. Whether it was his words or his behavior, he looked quite decent.

Mo Xun glanced around the hall. There were several servants who were talking quietly with guests. When they felt Mo Xun's gaze, they all looked over, but they immediately quieted down when they saw his cultivation level.

Especially those with lower cultivation levels, they might not be able to see Mo Xun's true realm, but the aura that a Jindan cultivator exuded inadvertently was enough to oppress them.

Mo Xun touched his chin and smiled slightly.

This situation is easy to understand, after all, he has come from this stage.

He has experienced all the mentality these people have at this time.

In the world of immortal cultivation, although there are some unwritten rules, there are still people who kill people directly because of a disagreement or because they don't like someone.

In this world, how can there be so many truths to talk about?

Even if there are, they are probably in the hands of the strong.

He couldn't help thinking that this might be the first time he has been so high-profile!

The artifacts on display in the hall were all low- and medium-level magic weapons. From their quality, one could tell the level of the weapon refiner.

On the third floor, a man in the late stage of foundation building stood there early. The moment he saw Mo Xun, he put on a warm and respectful smile and said, "I saw birds chirping outside the house early in the morning. I expected that there would be a distinguished guest today, so I waited for you."

Mo Xun smiled faintly. Although the man in front of him looked a little plain, he was really good at talking.

"Junior Tang Yun, may I know your name?"

Tang Yun waved to the side and sent the man away. At the same time, he welcomed Mo Xun to the main seat and poured a cup of tea himself.

"My last name is Mo!"

Mo Xun brought the tea bowl closer, but did not drink it. He just put it to his nose and smelled it, then nodded and smiled, "You are thoughtful!"

"This is the Canglong Chushui that just arrived a few days ago. If you like it, I will have someone pack some before you leave."

Mo Xun glanced at the surroundings. The huge hall was very elegant.

The desk, fragrant tea, calligraphy and paintings, and antiques did not have the atmosphere of a businessman, but rather a place for scholars.

"You are polite, Pavilion Master Tang is so elegant!"

Seeing Mo Xun staring at a set of Go not far away, Tang Yun smiled and asked, "Senior Mo also likes this?"

The chessboard was made of white jade, which faintly exuded a cool feeling.

The chess pieces were one black and one green, and they were obviously made of special materials.

There was a game incomplete on the board at this moment, most likely because Pavilion Master Tang was playing chess with someone or playing alone.

However, judging from the faint fragrance of a woman in the room, the former possibility should be greater.

After chatting for a while, the two finally got to the point.

"Can your pavilion customize a magic weapon?"

Hearing this question, Tang Yun's face did not show the slightest surprise. After all, with Mo Xun's cultivation, this was the only reason that could make him come to the door.

"Of course, this is possible. Our store has an eighth-level weapon refiner. Although he dare not boast, he is also well-known in the entire Mengtian City. Almost every once in a while, there will be new Jindan cultivators like the senior who come here to order their life magic weapons."

Mo Xun nodded secretly.

An eighth-level weapon refiner is enough for him.

It's just that he hasn't thought about many things for a while. He came here today just to find out the market.

"I wonder how much your store wants?"

"That depends on your requirements. Different magic weapons have different prices according to their power, functions, and refining materials. You need to list them in detail before we calculate them."

After Tang Yun finished speaking, he saw Mo Xun's strange expression, so he continued to explain: "Let me put it this way. It usually takes at least three years to refine a magic weapon. If it is more troublesome, it may take five or six years. During this period, in addition to the materials, the annual salary paid to an eighth-level refiner is at least 10,000 spirit stones."

Mo Xun fell silent for a while, tapping his fingers on the table.

He thought that the refining of a magic weapon would take at most a year or two. Now it seems that he had simplified the problem before.

As for the price, it is secondary. He now has at least 70,000 to 80,000 spirit stones in his storage bag.

Seeing Mo Xun's expression, Tang Yun thought that he was asking too high a price, so he hurriedly said, "I'm afraid you don't know that although this city is famous for refining weapons, there are only a handful of shops that can refine magic weapons, and eighth-level weapon refiners are also extremely rare. Take the senior who serves in our store as an example. Each of them has five or six orders in hand, so if you are interested, you should decide as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Mo Xun's brows immediately frowned.

"According to you, even if I order it now, it will take 20 to 30 years to get it in my hands?"

Tang Yun smiled awkwardly.

"That's right... But it's not the case in our store!"

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air. This situation was obviously beyond his expectations.

If it were five or six years, he could still wait, but twenty or thirty years would make him hesitate.

The matter of Gongyang could not be delayed any longer. He couldn't waste so much time waiting for a magic weapon.

After a long time, Mo Xun asked tentatively: "If I raise the price, can your store give priority to refining it for me?"

Tang Yun showed some helplessness on his face, and smiled carefully: "This... I am afraid to disappoint you, if it is an ordinary magic weapon, I can make it for you quickly, but it is different for magic treasures. After all, those who can customize this thing are all Jindan cultivators. No matter who they are, they are not people that our store can afford to offend. So it is not that I don't want to help, but I am really powerless."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. He naturally understood what the other party meant.

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