Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 443 Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch

Mo Xun looked out the window in the distance, muttered in silence for a while, and then shook his head gently.

"Senior, do you think it's too long?"

"Yes, it's too long!" Mo Xun's tone was inevitably a little depressed.

"In fact, I think that twenty years of waiting for a handy magic weapon is not too long for you at your level."

Mo Xun smiled helplessly. If he hadn't had other important things to do, he could wait for forty years, not to mention twenty years.

But now, it's different!

Seeing that Mo Xun was about to get up and leave, Tang Yun hurriedly ordered someone to pack tea leaves, and at the same time followed behind him, still selling with great determination: "In addition to custom-made products, our store also has several ready-made magic weapons. I wonder if the senior is interested?"

Mo Xun couldn't help but stop and asked curiously: "What kind?"

"One is the flying flower five-color seal, and the other is the eagle red moon knife..."

After listening to the introduction of these treasures, Mo Xun's interest, which had just been raised, fell again.

According to Tang Yun's meaning, you can buy a temporary one first, and use it as a transition during the process of refining the required magic weapon.

But Mo Xun smiled.

He has nine magic weapons in his hand, so why does he need any other transition?

Once you enter the Jindan stage, you can't choose weapons as casually as before.

The biggest difference between magic weapons and magic tools is the connection between the mind and the cultivator.

If a magic tool is compared to a sharp blade, then a magic weapon is equivalent to a person's arm. After a long period of internal nourishment, it has long been equivalent to a part of the body.

No matter how good a blade is, once it is out of control, it becomes a dead object and can even be used by the opponent. However, the arm is different. It can move at will and react instinctively at the first time.

Coming out of Yuding Pavilion, Mo Xun was thinking when a foul smell of alcohol came to his nose, and a figure fell towards him.

Mo Xun did not dodge. The figure hit his body shield and was immediately bounced out. With a "bang", he fell heavily on the wall on one side, coughing and spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Mo Xun couldn't help but frown and turned around to see that it was a dirty drunkard with disheveled hair and almost invisible appearance.

This man didn't know how much alcohol he drank. After such a collision, he didn't sober up. He just lay on his back on the ground, cursing incoherently.

A few pedestrians were about to stop and watch, but after seeing Mo Xun's cultivation, they hurried away. However, in that fleeting expression, there was a clear sense of gloating.

Mo Xun glanced at the drunk on the ground with some disgust, snorted in his heart, and then flicked his long sleeves and ignored him.

This man was lucky. If it were any other Jindan cultivator, just those few rude words would be enough to take his life, not to mention the collision just now.

Mo Xun naturally didn't take such an episode to heart. Then, he went to two refining shops in succession, but the answers he got were almost the same. One of them even asked him to pay 10,000 spirit stones in advance, and the goods would be delivered after 30 years.

Mo Xun sighed inwardly. Although this city is famous for refining, high-level refiners are too rare after all.

Of course, it may also be because he is unfamiliar with the place and has no relationship.

If he could make friends with one or two weapon refiners, he would not be in such a dilemma now.

However, he was not in a hurry to leave the city. Since he was here, he would try his luck.

In fact, he already had some ideas about refining his own weapon.

But in this way, he would be too distracted from cultivation.

Although he still had a few hundred years to waste before the end of his life, there were too many things to do.

Putting aside Gong Yang's promise, he still had to plan his cultivation. Now, the golden elixir he had formed was more condensed and profound than others in terms of mana, but according to normal logic, the subsequent advancement would be much more difficult than that of ordinary people.

This is like climbing a step. It is always more difficult for a fat person than a thin person.

In addition to his already worrying qualifications, I am afraid that it will not be easy for him to make further progress in the future.

There is also the cultivation of Jing Yuan Gong. Although this method was not of much use when he was forming a pill, as long as he wanted to reach the Nascent Soul stage, he could not do without the deep power of spiritual consciousness.

These two alone would probably exhaust his energy. How could he spare time to study the way of refining instruments?

Moreover, based on what he saw on this day, it can be inferred that becoming a master of refining instruments is not a matter of overnight. Otherwise, there would not be so many refiners above level seven in the entire Mengtian City.

Mo Xun shook his head lightly. He did not leave in a hurry, but found an inn in the city and stayed there temporarily.

In fact, from many aspects, it can be seen that this person is a complete pragmatist.

In order to advance, in many fields, he knew that he was not good at it, but he would always do everything possible to study it, and the effort he put in was even greater than that of those who were proficient in this way. However, once he succeeded in cultivation, he would put it aside and no longer go deeper.

This is the case with the Dao of Alchemy, the Dao of Formation, and the art of talismans, which has stagnated for many years.

Perhaps with his personality, if he had only dabbled in one comprehension from the beginning, even if he could not become a top-notch person in the end, he should have no problem getting into the upper class.

But this person, everything he learned was for cultivation.

He had no interest in anything that had nothing to do with cultivation.

In life, he is a dull person without any hobbies. Even if he plans to learn Go, it is to cooperate with the Wulu Nebula Disk.

In addition, in the world of immortal cultivation, there are probably few people who can still maintain their virginity at the age of more than 140.

To put it nicely, this is called a hard-working person, and to put it bluntly, it is just a dull person without any interest.

For a period of time, Mo Xun continued to walk in various stores.

After receiving almost the same answers, he participated in some auctions or exchange meetings to prepare for the next practice, and bought a lot of refining books on the other hand, which was considered to be a two-hand preparation.

However, what can be exchanged on the market is just ordinary goods after all. The real secret things are not so easy to come across.


"Brother Zhou, have you heard about the wedding celebration of Zisheng Tianjun?"

In the wine shop, two young foundation-building cultivators chatted in a low voice without being too shy while drinking.

The man in green nodded and smiled, "The Five Elements Spiritual Sect is so powerful this time, who doesn't know about it? I heard it will be held in half a year, right?"

"That's right, Brother Zhou, don't you plan to join in the fun?"

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