The two of them clinked their glasses, and the man in green said: "For people like you and me, we can't even enter the venue, so we're just outside to see a little bit of the big sect."

"You can't say that. I heard that everyone watching the ceremony can taste a piece of Qianyuan Fruit. I don't know if it is true or not?"

"Hahaha...Brother Yuwen still believes this rumor. Even if the Five Elements Sect is willing to spend money, do you think the Qianyuan Fruit is so easy to get? Without an equivalent gift, even the Eight Star Sect would not dare to do so. Prodigal."

The two of them clinked glasses and smiled at the same time. In this noisy wine shop, they didn't attract anyone's attention.

Mo Xun, who was not far away, was holding a wine glass and looking out the window indifferently.

What was a little strange was that, although there was no one across from him, there was an empty wine glass.

If he remembered correctly, this Qian Yuan Fruit should be an extremely rare body refining spirit fruit.

This product does not need to be used as medicine. Taking it raw can increase the effect of horizontal training.

He couldn't help but murmur to himself, the sect was so extraordinary that they even used this holy medicine as a treat for their guests.

But I don’t know how old the medicine is?

If it is too little, it may not have much effect.

As for the Purple Saint Heavenly Lord mentioned by the two of them, after asking around in the past few days, he already knew that he was the great elder of the Five Elements Spirit Sect, and his cultivation had reached the late Nascent Soul stage.

Just listen to the man in green continue to say: "By the way, how many weddings is this, Zi Sheng Tianjun?"

"It is said that this is the third time. The first two were also beauties and had bad luck. With this great monk on their back, they failed to enter the Nascent Soul stage and died of inner demons."

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but smile.

Speaking of this Purple Saint Heavenly Lord, he is really a long-lived old monster, and his life is also quite legendary.

It is said that this person formed elixirs at the age of 100 and formed the Nascent Soul at the age of 300. He once made a sensation, and then spent another 400 years cultivating all the way to the late Nascent Soul stage. He can be said to be a rare cultivation genius.

If nothing unexpected happens, this person will be the most likely person to ascend in the Five Elements Spirit Sect in more than a thousand years.

Now he is more than 800 years old, and he has survived two Taoist monks to death.

I wonder if this new lady will go ahead of him?

Of course, such a situation is nothing new at the level of Nascent Soul monks. It is just a talking point among low-level monks when it is mentioned occasionally.

Among the seven Nascent Soul elders of the Five Elements Spirit Sect, there are two late-stage monks, but the other one has been trapped in the later stage for hundreds of years. It is said that his longevity is about to come to an end, and he must have given up the idea of ​​ascension.

Not long after, a man in the middle stage of foundation building walked in rather sneakily. He first looked around in the field, then walked a few steps quickly and came to Mo Xun. Just as he was about to bow and salute, he was blocked by Mo Xun. .

"sit down!"

This man was of average height and extremely mediocre in appearance, but his eyes showed a bit of shrewdness, and one could tell at a glance that he was a man who was good at sneaking around.

"I encountered something unexpectedly just now, which delayed me for some time. Please forgive me, senior."

Mo Xun didn't speak in a hurry. He lightly brushed his hand and created a layer of soundproofing around the two people. The originally noisy outside world suddenly became quiet in his ears.

However, such an action made the man opposite him become nervous.

Mo Xun flicked his fingers, and the wine glass in front of him was immediately filled.

"It's just too noisy!"

Mo Xun raised his cup and gestured to this person with a smile.

In fact, no matter who you are, you will inevitably become wary in front of someone whose realm is much higher than yourself.

Taking the environment in which the two of them agreed this time as an example, Mo Xun could completely understand the other party's caution. With his personality, he would probably not come to such a mixed place on weekdays.

This man's name is Chen Sangui. Although his cultivation level is ordinary, he is a character with great powers in the black market.

Mo Xun likes to deal with this kind of people almost everywhere he goes.

Although he will pay more, it can save a lot of time, and in many cases, it will bring him unexpected gains.

Chen Sangui smiled awkwardly, but the guard in his expression still did not relax.

"Because time is too tight, the juniors can only find out some of the things that the seniors want to know."

As he spoke, Chen Sangui had already taken out a jade slip and handed it out with both hands.

After a long time, Mo Xun separated his mind from the jade slip, turned his palm over, replaced it with a storage bag, and threw it out through the air.

"Things went well!"

"Hehe...thank you, senior!"

Chen Sangui hurriedly took it in his hand, not daring to check it too blatantly, but with his spiritual consciousness, he probably already knew the weight of the bag.

"By the way, do you have any clues about the Po Jing thing I asked you to inquire about last time?"

Chen Sangui's face immediately showed a bit of a wry smile.

"I'm afraid this will disappoint the seniors. After all, with the junior's level, it is difficult to come into contact with such spiritual objects, let alone such a huge number. Although the juniors have tried very hard to inquire, they still have no clue. "

Mo Xun seemed to have expected it, and just nodded lightly.

At his current state, he had to worry about advanced elixirs again!

When he went to the alchemy shop a few days ago to inquire about it, his jaw almost dropped.

The price of an elixir in the elixir-formation stage is almost equivalent to that of a good-grade magic weapon, which has been sold for nearly a thousand spirit stones.

According to his past habit of eating elixirs as food, even if he is now rich, he cannot afford such a squandering.

Might as well do a simple calculation!

At his cultivation speed, he needs to consume about five pills a month, which is 5,000 spirit stones, and 60,000 spirit stones a year.

If he cultivates for 20 years like this, he will have to consume more than one million pills alone.

This is only the early stage of Jindan. In the middle and even late stages, it is conceivable that it will be an astronomical figure.

I am afraid that even an eight-star sect cannot support someone like him.

No wonder many Jindan cultivators cannot cross this threshold in their entire lives. Even if they have excellent talents, they need a huge amount of resources to accumulate in order to advance.

So, he thought about refining it himself again.

Fortunately, pill recipes are not as rare as before, but when he held dozens of pill recipes in his hand, he was dumbfounded again.

Because there were some things in it that he could not understand.

The most frequent one among them was a spiritual object called "Soul Essence".

After some research, he finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that once you enter the Golden Core stage, the spiritual herbs needed for the elixir become extremely rare, and many of them have become extinct tens of thousands of years ago.

In the absence of spiritual herbs, there was a period of time when the number of Yuanying cultivators decreased sharply, and many people were trapped in the Jindan stage and could not make any progress!

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