The dark and damp room was filled with a strong smell of alcohol and mold.

A man with dirty clothes and disheveled hair just lay in a pile of weeds and fell asleep.

Mo Xun glanced at the dilapidated and messy surroundings, and there was a mess at his feet.

I saw the sleeves of his robe flicking, and he placed a circle of isolation restrictions around the room. Then he flicked his fingers, and a stream of spiritual power penetrated into the other party's body.

Ye Ping groaned and then slowly opened his eyes.

But the strange thing is that when he saw Mo Xun, he didn't show much surprise. He just pushed his long hair away from his face, moved weakly to the side, leaned against the wall, and stared at Mo Xun with his head tilted. Searching.

"Did she send you here?"

Mo Xun asked in confusion: "Who is she?"

Ye Ping was also surprised for a moment, and then said calmly: "Go away, I don't have what you want."

"You know what I want?"

Within a few words, Mo Xun was sure that this person was out there, pretending to be crazy and acting like a fool.

"Haha...cough cough cough..."

After a heavy cough, Ye Ping panted lightly and said with a smile: "For a master like you to condescend to come here, what else can it be besides the inheritance of my Ye family?"

"Can you see my cultivation?"

Ye Ping smiled bitterly and did not answer. As soon as he closed his eyes, he seemed ready to fall asleep again.

Mo Xun couldn't help but frown. Ever since he established the foundation, he had rarely encountered a Qi practitioner who dared to talk to him like this.

"Since you know my purpose of coming here, let's talk about it!"

Ye Ping still ignored it and didn't even raise his eyelids.

Seeing this situation, Mo Xun knew that probably half of the rhetoric he had originally thought of was of little use.

This is a desperate person, and neither threats nor inducements will have much effect.

The atmosphere became a little quiet for a while.

After a long time, Mo Xun said straight to the point: "Don't you want revenge? Your parents and relatives, they are underground right now, maybe they are watching you!"

Hearing the word "parents", Ye Ping finally had some reaction. His lifeless eyelids seemed to twitch, but that was all!

"And your woman is probably right now under the enemy's crotch, twisting her slender waist to her heart's content, right?"

"That's enough! You don't know anything at all!"

Ye Ping finally broke out, his eyes were full of bright red bloodshot eyes, his teeth were clenched, his face was ferocious, as if he was going to tear Mo Xun into pieces.

"What's the use of yelling at me? I can't protect my parents, and I can't protect my wife. I'm like mud. I only know how to live in a drunken dream. I really can't think of a life like this. What's the point of living for you?"

Mo Xun folded his hands on his chest and looked at him with disdain.

"It's true that I don't know anything, but that doesn't cover up your naivety at all!"

Ye Ping suddenly clenched his fists, veins popped out on his neck, and his whole body was shaking. If his eyes could kill, he would have wanted to cut the person in front of him into pieces with a thousand knives!

Mo Xun sneered.

"Do you really want to kill me?"

Just hearing a "clang", a sharp blade fell next to Ye Ping.

"If you still have some masculinity, pick it up, but don't tell me that your enemy did it so thoroughly that he even cut off the lifeblood for you!"

Ye Ping suddenly roared, picked up the dagger on the ground, and stabbed Mo Xun like crazy.

"I kill you!"

Along with this roar, the sharp blade glowing with cold light passed through Mo Xun's body, but it was nothing more than a phantom.

When Mo Xun appeared again, he was already behind Ye Ping.

He raised his foot and kicked the opponent's back as he leaned forward.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "boom", and the wooden table, which was not very strong in the first place, shattered on the spot, and the body, which was almost hollowed out by the smell of alcohol, fell heavily to the ground.

"It seems that my guess is correct. You really have no eggs. No wonder even your own woman has abandoned you!"

Ye Ping got up again, roared and rushed towards Mo Xun. His face covered with blood looked like an enraged lion, but his clumsy movements looked like a wild boar desperate for his life.

Mo Xun kicked him again and knocked him to the ground.

Like this, it was like a hunter teasing his prey in a cage. Before long, the entire room was dilapidated. If it weren't for Mo Xun's layer of barrier, the roof above him would have collapsed long ago.

As for Ye Ping, he finally fell helplessly into a pile of rubble.

But the strange thing is that instead of being filled with anger after being played with, his face was filled with laughter.

Mo Xun on the side didn't urge him, just looked at him quietly.

"Since you think I'm a loser, why don't you kill me?"

Mo Xun walked around to him, and the two looked at each other again.

"If you want to die, you can do it yourself, so why ask me for help? It seems that you are not only cowardly, but also greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"Hahaha...I am greedy for life and afraid of death!"

Mo Xun raised his head and glanced out the window. After all this trouble, it was already dark.

He didn't have much energy, so he continued to fool around with this person, and Dang even stopped beating around the bush and said: "Okay, give me what you want, and I will help you get revenge!"

"Revenge? Kill those idiot couple? Even if you kill them, what can you do?"

Speaking of this, Ye Ping suddenly showed a bit of sarcasm.

"You are not the first one who has threatened to avenge me these days, and I think you will definitely not be the last one. As for the inheritance of the Ye family, you don't have to waste your efforts. No matter how powerful you are, as long as I don't want you to, even if I force you to search your soul, you won't get anything."

Mo Xun was about to speak, but he couldn't help but pause.

To be honest, he really had the idea of ​​searching his soul just now.

But now it seems that the other party's soul should have a way to guard against this method.

After a while, Mo Xun raised his mouth.

"There are many ways to take revenge. Sometimes, taking revenge in another way may give you a sense of accomplishment more than killing people."

Ye Ping finally showed some doubts on his face.

Mo Xun smiled in his heart. As long as he could arouse this person's interest, things would be easy.

"Did he originally have parents and a wife?"

Mo Xun didn't specify who this "he" was, but Ye Ping naturally knew what he was asking.

"So what?"

"Since he has robbed your beloved, why don't you give him back in return and let him have a taste of the pain of your first wife being in the arms of another man? This will allow him to watch his loved ones die bit by bit in despair. Wouldn't this make you feel better than killing him?"

After saying this, Mo Xun showed a rare evil expression.

Obviously, such provocation did have some effect, at least it touched Ye Ping's originally dead heart.

That's all I have to say.

At least in Mo Xun's opinion, this is all he can say.

"I will stay in this city for half a month. If you have figured it out, you can come to me anytime!"

After the words fell, Mo Xun's figure gradually faded away.

In the air, a sound transmission note slowly fell.

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