Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 447 Spiritual Weapon

In the following days, Mo Xun visited several shops in the city in the name of admiration, and also participated in some exchange meetings with a purpose.

The jade slip that Chen Sangui gave him before was a list.

The list listed the whereabouts of the things he needed.

During the last trip to Lei Hai, all his means of survival were almost exhausted.

He didn't have any escape treasures on him, and he didn't dare to close his eyes even when he was resting.

In addition to these, he also frequently went in and out of the pill shop and the black market, on the one hand to purchase the spiritual medicine seeds in the pill formula, and on the other hand, to collect soul essence.

If he wanted to refine pills himself, his attainments in this area needed to be improved urgently.

The art of alchemy is too experience-oriented. Even the most talented alchemist grew up through countless failures.

But the spiritual herbs are easy to say, it's nothing more than a little older, but the soul essence transformed from the extinct spiritual herbs is a bit difficult to deal with!

When he thought of this, a rosy glow flashed in his hand, and a white porcelain bottle appeared.

Inside, there is a spirit essence called Wuhuan Flower. A bottle of this kind costs 3,000 spirit stones, which is really expensive.

In fact, the price is secondary. The main reason is that there is no fixed way to buy it, so it is not easy to collect.

With such a dosage, about 15 furnaces can be opened.

According to the success rate of 1 to 3, five furnaces can be completed, and 40 to 50 pills can be collected. Converted to the market price, it is about 40,000 to 50,000 spirit stones.

But for these 15 furnaces of pills, the various spiritual herbs and other spirit essences required, the cost of each furnace is about 2,000 spirit stones, a total of 30,000.

In other words, even if the success rate is one-third, the profit of more than ten furnaces of pills is less than 20,000 spirit stones.

If the success rate is 1 to 5, the collected pills will be less than 30, and at that time, even 30,000 spirit stones may not be sold. Not to mention profit, it will be a problem to break even.

This is also the reason why great pill masters are scarce once they enter the stage of forming pills.

How many people can ignore the cost and cultivate a pill master with a success rate of more than 1 to 5?

Mo Xun's side is easier to say. After all, he has the heaven-defying black soil. Except for the soul essence, the other spiritual herbs are equivalent to no cost. It's nothing more than spending more time.

If he refines it himself, plus the golden mushroom fruit that can increase the success rate of the pill, the cost can be at least reduced by more than half, or even more.

More importantly, he doesn't have to worry about the pills anymore. He can find a place and practice with peace of mind.

After a moment, a green light flashed, and he disappeared in the room.

Coming to the green world, the medicine garden at this moment is full of flowers and green willows, which looks full of vitality.

Among them, two trees are the most conspicuous, one is the Tongtian Jianmu, which stands tall, and the other is the Yanghun Shenshu. Although it has black branches and black leaves, it also occupies a large space.

Mo Xun opened the wooden stopper of the porcelain bottle and pushed away a piece of black soil under his feet.

White powder, like fine sand, flowed out of the bottle and sprinkled on the black soil.

Then, Mo Xun carefully buried it again.

Although he felt that his idea was a bit weird, he still wanted to give it a try.

Even if he couldn't grow the original spiritual herbs, he could cultivate more spirits, so he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

While he was thinking, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the abandoned white soil not far away. His heart moved, and he sprinkled some powder into the white soil in the same way.

After doing this, he planted all the spiritual medicine seeds he had recently received. As for those spiritual medicines that were not used and had a long age, he put them in a jade box.

These spiritual objects still need to find a suitable time to make a move.

The demand for spiritual stones in the next cultivation will probably be an astronomical figure.

Before he couldn't open the furnace, he currently spent at least 5,000 spiritual stones on pills every month, and as his cultivation level improved in the future, these amounts would only increase.

Although he is quite wealthy now, after careful calculation, how long can he last?

This is just the cultivation pill that improves mana. It is said that in the Jindan stage, each level is a level of heaven. Every time you break through the bottleneck, the difficulty is even no less than re-forming the pill. Otherwise, there will be so many people who are trapped in the early or middle stages of their lives, and they cannot advance until they die.

At that time, whether it is to find opportunities again or find other methods, it will take more trouble.

And Gongyang, once he starts to wash his soul and return his soul to his body, the natural materials and treasures that should be prepared will be another expense.

In addition, he has no place for his natal magic weapon now.

If he decides to refine it himself, he must learn to refine instruments from the beginning and slowly start from low-level magic instruments.

Just like refining pills at the beginning, it must be only after consuming a lot of materials that he can understand it.

This item is also a bottomless pit!

But if he really learns to refine instruments, the benefits to him are self-evident.

At that time, even if the Wulu Nebula Disk is not convenient to use, he can replace it at will without being controlled by others.

In addition to these, he also had to support a useless divine beast. As the beast grew bigger, the daily demand for spiritual beast pills was also a considerable expense.

As for the three incarnations, after he drained their magic power last time, they had to start practicing again. During this period, he had to be responsible for the resources.

Of course, he didn't have to invest again.

But after tasting the benefits brought by the incarnation in several battles, he really couldn't let it go.

Thinking of this, it was quite a headache!

In the room, Mo Xun took out a scroll, and a white light flew out of it and sank into his body.

"Boy, what have you been doing behind my back lately?"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly.

"What else can I do? I bought some of the things you wanted. As for the others, I'll have to think of other ways when I get to Xuanyuan City."

"Hehe, although I can't thank you now, I will certainly not treat you unfairly after the matter is done."

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled. The favors he had received before were obviously worth all his efforts.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for this person, he would not have been able to form a pill, let alone survive until now.

Even though he was not a good person on weekdays, he still understood the principle of repaying kindness.

"By the way, can you find someone to refine the soul-cleansing umbrella you want?"

Mo Xun had made some calculations to ask this question.

Since he had planned to learn how to refine weapons, even if it took more trouble, refining the soul-cleansing umbrella would be easier than taking the risk of going to the Five Elements Spirit Sect, right?

Unexpectedly, Gong Yang sneered.

"I don't want to talk to an ignorant person like you!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. Could it be that there is another way here?

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean... Don't you know that the people who can create spiritual weapons in this world no longer exist?"

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