Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 448: Become a Disciple

"Spiritual weapon?"

"Yes, this object is not a legal weapon, but a genuine ancient spiritual weapon!"

Mo Xun stood up slowly and put away the scroll. To be honest, this was the first time he heard this name.

Seeing this, the ram started to show off again.

"The so-called spiritual weapons are obtained from one's creation. They are divided into innate and acquired. However, no matter which type they are, they all have the ability to be unpredictable and swallow up mountains and rivers. Generally speaking, those who can refine acquired spiritual weapons are at least All heaven-level weapon refiners are required, and their cultivation is above that of transforming gods. As for innate spiritual weapons, they can only grow naturally and are nurtured by all things. Once they are temporary, there must be visions. It can be said without politeness that innate spiritual weapons Even if we search the entire human world, we will not find more than three treasures.”

Although Mo Xun was no longer as ignorant as before, he still felt dumbfounded after hearing these words.

After a moment, Mo Xun asked curiously: "Is the soul-cleansing umbrella you are talking about considered innate or acquired?"

"Of course it is the day after tomorrow. In this world, I only know the whereabouts of two innate spiritual weapons. One is the wordless Chixia Bell in Jiulong Temple, and the other is the Spirit Heart Fairy Staff of the Holy Palace."

Hearing the names of these two Nine Star Sects, Mo Xun sighed again.

Sure enough, all good things come to those who are capable.

And after saying these words, Mo Xun felt even more uncertain about his next actions.

Although the soul-cleansing umbrella is just an acquired spiritual weapon, it must be a unique existence in this world that has long since lost its divine transformation stage. Will the Five Elements Spirit Sect take it lightly?

This kind of thing is probably regarded as a treasure of the sect and is always guarded closely.

At the same time, he soon realized another problem.

"According to what you said, if you want to control a spiritual weapon, you will definitely need advanced cultivation. Even if you can get it by then, will you be able to control it with my magic power?"

"Don't worry about this. You just need to put me into the umbrella, cleanse my soul for a while, and you'll be done. And in this way, you are not without benefits. This acquired spiritual umbrella will naturally be in your pocket. ”

Mo Xun sighed bitterly in his heart, if only it were so easy, that would be great!

At this moment, a transmission note flew in.

After a cup of tea, Mo Xun sat at the main seat, looked at the strange yet familiar face in front of him, and smiled slightly.

Standing in front of him now was the drunkard Ye Ping.

But at this moment, she changed from her sloppy appearance from the previous days. She was wearing a long green gown, elegant and free-spirited, her black hair was neatly arranged, and her fair face showed a bit of elegance.

"Have you thought about it?"

In the end, it was Mo Xun who was the first to break the dullness between the two.

Since the other party can come, Mo Xun has probably guessed the outcome. Next, it depends on the price.

Although there was no despair on Ye Ping's face that day, there was no fear that he should have shown after seeing a high-level monk.

"Can you really help me get revenge?"

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head.

"You can only take revenge yourself, and only if you take action yourself can you truly be freed. As for me, I will help you gain the ability to take revenge."

Ye Ping was silent for a while, then nodded slightly.

To be honest, as long as it can be exchanged for top weapon refining skills, Mo Xun does not mind providing some resources to the other party. If this person has good qualifications, what's wrong with helping him form a pill in the end?

But these can only be discussed later. Even if he cannot form a pill and cultivate it to the late stage of foundation building, he still has the confidence.

Of course, the premise of all this must be that what the other party comes up with can satisfy him.

If they are still ordinary goods from the bad streets, that is a different matter!

After all, everything about him was made by wading through mountains of swords and seas of fire. Kindness can be something like this, but it cannot be without principles.

But at this moment, Ye Ping suddenly made a thud and knelt down.

"If the senior accepts me as his disciple, the junior is willing to teach me the unique knowledge passed down from my family, and swear that once the great revenge is avenged, I will serve the senior for the rest of my life!"

These words were so convincing that even Mo Xun was frightened by those determined eyes for a moment and was slightly stunned.

After a long time, Mo Xuncai frowned and said slowly: "I never accept disciples..."

Seeing that Ye Ping was about to speak, Mo Xun quickly waved his hand to stop him.

"It goes without saying, but apart from the master-disciple status, which I can't give you, the other things you need for cultivation will definitely satisfy you."

Mo Xun had his own considerations in mind.

He is a person who is very afraid of trouble, and he is used to living alone. If it is just some material exchange, he does not have much concern, but once such a burden is added, the problem becomes complicated.

Perhaps it is very possible that he could unknowingly be involved in the other party's hatred, which is something he does not want to see.

In his view, if something can be done in one transaction, why should it involve more causes and effects?

But his idea could not be recognized by Ye Ping.

This young man, who had just been deceived by a woman and lost his parents and relatives not long ago, seemed to have grown up suddenly overnight, and he had his own calculations in his heart.

In his opinion, since it was just an exchange of equal value, why bother to come to this person? His family's secret knowledge would definitely command a good price no matter which auction house it placed.

But is this all he needs?

Or, if we give him a sacred mountain now, can he defend it?

I am afraid that before he grows up, there will be countless wolf-like eyes that will tear him to pieces!

He needs cultivation resources, but he needs a backer even more!

He can take revenge slowly by himself, but if he does not have a strong enough support, he may not even be able to leave this city.

For so long, he pretended to be crazy and stupid, pretending to be crazy, because he was depressed and could not accept the blow brought by the great change in his life, but there was another reason that only he knew.

That is to paralyze those people, making them feel that they have become ants without any threat, and find a humble way to survive in endless ridicule.

As Mo Xun said before, he seems to see through life and death, but in fact, he is a person who fears death in his bones.

This time he changed his clothes and restored his previous appearance. From this point of view alone, he was determined to go all out!

Ye Ping did not stand up, but just lay on the ground, saying indifferently: "Senior, apart from this request, I cannot agree to any other conditions."

The atmosphere fell into a suffocating silence again.

There were two people in the room, one with a frown and a cold look, and the other prostrated himself on the ground, motionless.

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