Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 450 Thousand-layered Monument

This city is affiliated to the Five Elements Spirit Sect, and in terms of scale alone, it can be ranked among the top five in the entire Central Region.

Just the city gate, which is more than ten feet wide, and the city wall, which is so tall that one can almost see the end of it, are shocking.

I am afraid that such a big city can only have such momentum if it is backed by the Eight Star Sect.

The city is backed by a mountain called the Jiuqing Mountains, which stretches for thousands of miles and is extremely spectacular!

The Five Elements Spirit Sect is located among these misty mountains.

One side is close to the water, called the Red Flame Sea!

The reason why it is named like this is because in the evening, under the afterglow of the setting sun, the sparkling waves on the sea are like burning flames, connecting with the sky into a fiery red patch.

To the north is the vast God's Tomb Jungle. It is said that it was named after an ancient power was buried inside.

The jungle is also known as the sect's hunting ground due to the numerous monsters roaming freely.

Many of these monsters were deliberately indulged by the Five Elements Sect and were imprisoned into several secret trial areas for disciples, which can be regarded as a unique feature of this place.

Even before entering the city, you can already feel the bustling city with its endless crowds of people.

Where the city gate is, there is a constant flow of monks coming and going.

Outside the entire big city, there was a faint circle of spiritual power fluctuations.

Because of the Forbidden Sky Array, no matter what realm you are in, once you enter the city, you must enter through the city gate, so the city gate at this time is full of monks from all walks of life who have traveled a long way.

Some were traveling in groups, some were traveling alone, and some were riding in beast carts or riding beasts directly.

The spiritual beasts under his feet were also full of strange things.

Some were as strong as mammoths, some were century-old turtles, and some were crawling slowly. There were also birds that were flying at low altitude, with wings spread out, and were two or three feet wide.

The monks' clothing is also diverse.

There are many Buddhist and Taoist masters like Mo Xun, who are low-key casual cultivators, have uniform Taoist uniforms, seem to belong to some small sect, and have colorful and fancy clothes. They are like worldly masters.

Such a weather gives people an all-encompassing feeling.

Compared with other major sects, the Five Elements Sect has no particular preference.

There are dedicated branches for alchemy, weapon refining, formations, beast control, sword sect, and even insect control and talisman.

Of course, the result of such a comprehensive sect is that it can do everything, but it is not good at everything!

Mo Xun once again grew a long beard, wore gray robes, his eyes were free and indifferent, and he had a vague air of immortality.

After completing the formalities for entering the city, Ye Ping held the disciple ceremony and followed closely behind.

Such big cities, like other places, have strict rules.

General Mo Xun suppressed his cultivation to the middle stage of foundation building. Such a state would not attract too much attention and would not cause any trouble for nothing.

Ye Ping had been here before, so there was no need to go to the trouble of finding a guide. The two of them walked through the streets and alleys, renting a cave to settle down first.

While walking, he would occasionally see Mo Xun stop and stare at him, and Ye Ping would introduce him to him in an interesting way.

When passing by a seven-story tall building called "Lingbaoxuan", Ye Ping said: "This is a very big auction house in this city. It is said that the items auctioned every year add up to tens of millions of spiritual stones." , even the Nascent Soul cultivator occasionally goes in and out."

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but take a second look.

It is said that at the level of Nascent Soul, many cultivation resources can no longer be purchased simply through spiritual stones. Even if they are needed, most of them come from exchanges between people of the same level.

There are many shops on both sides of the street, and both in terms of size and the number of monks coming and going, it is indeed more prosperous and lively than the places I have been to before.

Along the way, Mo Xun also met several high-level monks who, like him, had hidden their cultivation, but most of them were Qi Refiners and Foundation-Building monks.

In front of a grand square, the two were once again attracted by the noisy noise.

I saw a huge stone tablet standing high in the center of the square, which was over a hundred feet high.

Around the stone tablet, there is a circle of extremely obvious formation fluctuations.

On the stone tablet, from a distance, there are densely engraved words, but these words are large and small, deep and shallow, some are neat, some are flying and phoenixes, and extremely twisted, like graffiti.

"Master, this is the Thousand-Layer Monument that my disciple mentioned before!"

Mo Xun raised his eyes, looked at the stone tablet reaching into the sky, and nodded clearly.

This monument is covered with a thousand layers of formations, hence its name.

Once you enter this formation, your body will invisibly gain an extra layer of weight, and the higher you go up, the stronger this feeling of weight will become, eventually becoming like thousands of mountains weighing on your shoulders.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a means of testing one's cultivation.

Anyone who wants to test their magic power can join the challenge and leave their name on it, and the higher the name, the easier it is to attract more envious eyes.

At this moment, with waves of cheers ringing out in the square, it seemed that another comrade who liked to show off was revealed in front of people.

Mo Xun felt a little curious and couldn't help but walk over.

The outside of the square was overcrowded and surrounded.

It stands to reason that there is no limit to spiritual awareness in the city. With his current level of cultivation, even without getting closer, the situation inside can be clearly seen.

But spiritual consciousness is a double-edged sword. When used properly, it is like a divine aid. However, if it is abused at will, in this world of immortal cultivation with so many powerful people, it may be difficult to survive for more than three days.

Using spiritual consciousness to spy on others casually is an extremely rude and provocative behavior. If you meet someone with a good temper, you can only give a warning look at most. If you meet someone who has secrets and is extremely sensitive, you may be killed if you disagree with him.

Of course, if you think you have a high level of cultivation, you don't have to worry about this.

In other words, if your spiritual consciousness is strong and can achieve the purpose of spying on others silently without being discovered by the other party, that's another matter.

Therefore, in an unfamiliar environment, using spiritual consciousness carefully is the first step that every cultivator must learn to survive.

Mo Xun brought Ye Ping to a higher place. Looking through the crowd, he saw a middle-aged man slowly walking out from under the stone tablet. Once he left the range covered by the formation, the expression on his face was obviously a little more relaxed, and his steps became lighter.

Not far from him, there were two other people standing. They seemed to know him and were waiting with a smile on their faces.

The three realms were similar, all in the early stage of Jindan, but one of them had reached the peak of the early stage.

Moreover, the moment Mo Xun saw this person, his originally calm eyes became as sharp as a knife.

He knew this person!

To be honest, it was thanks to this person that he came to Xihezhou, where the spiritual energy was dense.

But he didn't expect that after a hundred years, the other party was still alive and had already formed a pill.

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