This person was the late foundation building expert who had vowed to avenge his brother more than a hundred years ago, and had hunted him for several months in southern Xinjiang, and finally fell into the bloody mist with him.

If I remember correctly, this person should be surnamed Bai!

Mo Xun took a half step back without leaving a trace, lowered his head slightly, and hid behind the figure in front.

The ancients said that they would meet old friends in a foreign land, but they never expected that they would appear in this way.

I am afraid that there is no third old friend in southern Xinjiang in the whole Xihezhou.

"Boy, what's wrong?"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Mo Xun replied solemnly: "I met an enemy!"

Gong Yang then noticed Bai Li in Mo Xun's field of vision, and was a little speechless.

He really couldn't figure out how many people this kid had offended, and why he always ran into enemies before he stood firm wherever he went.

Could it be that this is the legendary "disaster-inducing body"?

Bai Li stroked his beard and smiled, "Brother Yang, if you do this, aren't you afraid that the Wu brothers will come to you?"

The Brother Yang mentioned by Bai Li was the cultivator who had just left his name on the Thousand Layers Monument and whose breath was still a little unstable.

This man was dressed in black and looked very rough.

"Haha... so what? If they don't accept it, just come to me!"

Mo Xun narrowed his eyes and followed the gaze of the crowd. Only then did he notice the three big characters newly engraved on the stone tablet, about fifty feet above the ground.

"Yang Tianxiao!"

If you are careful, you can also notice a strange place.

Beside these characters, there are a few faint strokes.

It seems that there were characters in that position originally, but they were forcibly erased and a new name was written.

In an instant, many people have reacted.

It seems that this masterpiece must have been deliberately done by the cultivator surnamed Yang!

But in this way, it is obviously a bit provocative.

If the monk who originally left his name here was in the crowd at this moment, a verbal battle would be unavoidable. If he met someone who was not easy to talk to, he might even fight on the spot.

Generally speaking, there are two reasons for such blatant behavior.

Either he is strong and is not afraid of the other party coming to him, or he has had a feud and deliberately embarrasses the other party.

But to be honest, no matter which one it is, it is inevitable to lose his mind and temperament.

I guess half of the reason for the initial noise was here.

"Brother Yang is right. I have long disliked those two people. If I meet them one day, I will definitely ask for advice."

The person who said this was the third person in the field.

This person is called Fan Cong. He is short and fat, with a round head and no hair on his head. He wears a long string of prayer beads around his neck. His clothes are very cool, and even his feet are hollow straw sandals made of vines.

However, this monk-like dress has a bit of the meaning of a hermit.

The three of them laughed and chatted with each other in front of the stone tablet without any scruples in front of thousands of people.

After all, from the surface, there were only three people with the highest cultivation in the square at this moment, and they did have the confidence to ignore others.

Not long after, Bai Li walked towards the stone tablet alone, as if he was eager to try.

As for Mo Xun, after recognizing this person, his eyes never left him.

The sudden change made him, who was always suspicious, look more gloomy.

"Boy, if this person's purpose is also the Five Elements Sect, this trip will probably have a lot of complications, you have to make plans early."

Mo Xun nodded gently, which was what he was worried about at the moment.

In view of the previous grievances, he and Bai Li must not be able to live in peace.

If they really met head-on, a life-and-death battle would be inevitable sooner or later.

Fortunately, the other party seemed to have not discovered his existence yet.

Of course, maybe he found it, but he just didn't feel it.

Under the gaze of everyone, Bai Li stepped into the formation, then jumped up, jumped high, and rushed straight to the stone tablet.

With a new challenger, everyone's attention was attracted again.

No matter where it is, there is always a lack of people watching the excitement, even these monks who are not worldly, shouting about transcending the mundane all day long, but apart from living longer, they are still ordinary people after all.

When Bai Li rose to more than 40 feet, his movements were obviously slower. From a distance, his originally expressionless face also became more solemn.

Mo Xun looked carefully and found that this height seemed to be a watershed. Going up, there were obviously fewer names.

After a while, Bai Li's figure finally appeared in front of the three words Yang Tianxiao.

His speed also slowed down, but it seemed that he still had some spare energy.

After flying another three or four feet, his expression had become somewhat ferocious. He then struggled to stabilize his body, stretched out two fingers, and quickly carved two large characters in the blank space with sword energy.

"Bai Li!"

Mo Xun nodded secretly. This person's magic power was slightly higher than Yang Tianxiao's. It should be the limit to reach this height.

In his opinion, apart from the factors of skills or some secret techniques, the difference in magic power between people of the same level is only three or five feet. If it is more, it can be classified as a genius or a demon.

But then again, how many geniuses are there in the world?

Even if it is a natural spiritual root, in addition to faster cultivation speed and higher comprehension, the magic power that can be endured in the inner elixir should be roughly the same.

But soon, Mo Xun was hit hard in the face by his own thoughts.

After all, he had not fought with anyone since he had formed a Dan, and all his judgments were basically based on previous experience.

As Bai Li slowly fell, the crowd had already started to talk.

There were looks of amazement, praise, and envy.

Those with lower cultivation were even more excited. It was not common to see a Jindan cultivator cast a spell in person.

Fellow Taoists of the same level who had hidden their cultivation would nod thoughtfully, as if they were measuring what level they would reach if they were replaced.

This naturally included Mo Xun.

Although he would not do such a ostentatious thing in public, he could not help but compare.

And if he could measure the level of this person, it would be of great help to him!

As soon as Bai Li came out of the formation, the other two smiled and complimented him.

Mo Xun watched from afar, and from the conversation between the few people, he could probably tell that their friendship seemed to be just superficial.

At this moment, there was another noise nearby.

Then, five or six men in the late stage of foundation building pushed aside the crowd and made way for a passage, and then a handsome man in a red python robe stepped out from the crowd.

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