Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 453 Yaoxian Pavilion

Half a month later, in the rented cave!

Mo Xun put away the "Hundred Refining Ten Thousand Treasures" and called Ye Ping in to talk.


"No need to be polite."

Despite this, Ye Ping was still respectful and performed a complete disciple ceremony. The longer he dealt with Mo Xun, the more he felt that this master was unfathomable.

During this period of time, whenever he encountered a problem in cultivation, the other party could easily solve his doubts in one or two words. Compared with his father at the beginning, he was simply not on the same level.

In addition, the cultivation pills given to him by the master were almost all top-grade, and even the top-grade ones were rare. Before this, he had never experienced such a rapid progress in cultivation.

Speaking of this, Mo Xun can indeed be proud.

With the incarnation, he has four times the cultivation experience of others. Not to mention guiding a Qi Refiner, even in the Foundation Establishment Stage, there are probably not many people who have more say than him.

Ye Ping didn't say much, and directly took out a jade slip from his arms and handed it out with both hands.

"Master, please take a look!"

Mo Xun put the jade slip on his forehead, and after a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

It recorded the major events that happened in the Five Elements Sect in recent years, as well as the relevant information of all the elders of the sect, and the distribution of various forces in Xuanyuan City, etc.

In short, he needed to do his homework in advance for everything related to this trip.

And what surprised Mo Xun was that it actually contained information about high-level cultivators who had recently settled in the city.

Among them, there was the Shangguan family that he saw on the day he entered the city.

In the Central Region, this is considered a powerful immortal cultivation family. The head of the family is named Shangguan Yun, a cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and also the grandfather of Shangguan Chen.

The grandfather and grandson came to watch the ceremony in name, but everyone knew that the real intention was probably not in the wine.

"No one recognized me, did they?"

"Master, please rest assured. I didn't show my true face to anyone. When I came back, I deliberately went around the city for a long time. I returned to the cave only after I made sure no one was following me."

Mo Xun nodded with satisfaction. He didn't want to leave any clues in such a small matter.

When his sleeves passed by, a blood jade cushion appeared out of thin air in front of Ye Ping. It was the warm sun blood jade that he got in the Cangkuo Dojo.

"Keep this thing. It will be of some help to your cultivation."

Ye Ping was born in a family of weapon refiners. He was very sensitive to materials. The moment this thing appeared, he recognized it and thanked him with joy.

Speaking of this master, although he usually spoke less and rarely smiled at him, and what he did seemed mysterious, it must be said that he was very generous.

Not to mention the elixir, the protective magic tools he gave him were all high-level!

Ye Ping often thought to himself that his master, even if he was just a casual cultivator, must have a great background.

Of course, the more extraordinary Mo Xun's performance was, the more fortunate he was in his heart. Therefore, recently, he would always try to figure out the master's intentions from time to time, so that he could do things to the other party's satisfaction.

It was just a piece of blood jade, and Mo Xun didn't think so much.

At his current level, the role of this thing was actually negligible and dispensable.

After sending Ye Ping away, Mo Xun left the cave alone.

There were some things that he could ask others to do, but there were some things that he had to do himself.

Since settling down, he returned to regular practice.

He had a lot of things to do now, and how to reasonably allocate his energy became a headache.

In addition to swallowing pills and refining qi every day, he had to spare a certain amount of time to concentrate on practicing Jingyuan Gong, and he had to study the "Art of Refining Instruments" and start learning to refine instruments. Occasionally, he had to guide Ye Ping and answer his questions.

The problem he was facing now was also quite difficult.

If he wanted to obtain the Soul Cleansing Umbrella, he had to enter the Five Elements Sect. At present, there were two feasible ways to get into the sect.

First, like the last time in the Liangyi Sect, he had to find a way to get the status of an elder.

But now, it was a bit difficult.

Most sects would prefer low-level cultivators when recruiting disciples.

People like him who changed their careers halfway through were the most unpopular because they did not have much sense of belonging to the sect.

It was easier in the foundation-building stage, but once the Dan was formed, it would be difficult to work.

Take the Liangyi Sect for example. There were only three or two of the more than fifty Jindan cultivators, and they were not trained by the sect. This shows that.

So this way was probably not feasible.

Another way is to wait for a few months, and sneak in as a guest at the wedding of the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch.

But in this way, how can he act under the watchful eyes of the public?

In his opinion, this is destined to be a futile effort.

In fact, before coming here, he had already anticipated the current situation. Not to mention the eight-star sect, even if it is a small sect without a Nascent Soul cultivator, it is not easy to steal the treasure of others.

But since he has arrived in the Central Region, if he doesn't come here to take a look, neither he nor Gong Yang will give up?

Therefore, during this period of time, he has made plans to go to the land of the demon clan. As for the Five Elements Sect, just take it as a formality!

As for the strange treasure that suddenly appeared, he has no interest at all.

But before leaving this place, there is a worry that makes him a little hesitant.

That is Bai Li!

At the beginning, he was not as skilled as others, so there was nothing he could do. But now that he has the ability, he has to settle the old accounts.

Of course, he is not too obsessed with revenge. If it is impossible, he will not take risks easily, but if there is a chance, he will not give up.

This trip out, on the one hand, is to sell some things, on the other hand, is to find a magic weapon that can cover up his appearance and breath, so that when he meets Bai Li again, he will not be recognized by the other party for the time being.

Next, if he still can't solve the problem of soul essence, he needs to reserve more pills, even if it costs more, he can't stop practicing.

In addition, once you start refining, the consumption of various materials will be a bottomless pit, which also requires sufficient preparation in advance.

During this period, he also inquired about the refining of some magic weapons, and the results he got were not much different from before, so he was more determined to refine his own weapons.


Yaoxian Pavilion, a very poetic name.

According to Ye Ping, this pavilion is considered to be a very powerful store in this city.

In fact, there is no need to introduce it. Just from the wide gate and the tall five-story building, you can tell something.

He did not hide his cultivation this time. As soon as he entered, he was taken directly to the top floor.

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