"I'm honored to meet you, fellow Taoist!"

The person in front of me was named Hua Qingyan, a young woman who was extremely attractive in both appearance and figure.

The key point was that her cultivation was not weak, and she was also in the early stage of Jindan.

Although he had known before that the store was opened by a woman, and that from the manager to the servants, they were all young and beautiful, but seeing the plump and thin beauties along the way and smelling the virgin fragrance in the room still opened Mo Xun's eyes.

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, those customers, could they all come for these women?

If so, his expectation was reduced a little bit.

After all, the crowds of people in this kind of store are because of the women, and the quality of the things inside is obviously secondary.

After the two of them exchanged greetings, Mo Xun went straight to the point and said the purpose of his visit.

Hua Qingyan smiled brightly, which was very pleasing to the eye.

This woman is neither as immature as a young girl nor as charming as a mature woman. She exudes an indescribable temperament. When she speaks, her voice is pleasant and gentle, and she is very good at guiding the topic. It is easy to ignore the passage of time when talking with her.

"Of course there is this, and there are quite a few types. I just don't know if you have any other requirements?"

Mo Xun thought about it, and then said: "Try to conceal the breath as much as possible, even if it is a Yuanying cultivator, it is best to be able to hide it."

"This is difficult for me. Although this kind of treasure will become more useful as the user's cultivation level improves, if you want to hide it from the consciousness of a Yuanying cultivator, I am afraid that you can't find one even if you search the entire Xuanyuan City."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, but he was not disappointed. After all, he had expected it before.

This is like asking for a sky-high price and paying it back on the spot.

He raised the requirements so high, just to make the other party take out the best things from the beginning to save time.

"Fairy, why don't you introduce one or two first, so that I can choose."

Not long after, a maid came up with a storage bag and handed it to Hua Qingyan.

"Fellow Daoist, please look!"

As she spoke, a green light flashed on Hua Qingyan's white palm, and a milky white jade ball appeared, surrounded by spiritual energy on the surface, which was a good thing at first glance.

"This thing is the refined sixth-level snow ferret inner elixir. When using it, just swallow it, you can restrain your breath, prevent the leakage of mana, and prolong the effectiveness of the transformation technique."

Of course, he had heard of snow ferrets. It is said that this beast lives in the icy land of the extreme north. It is snow-white and hidden in the snow. It is extremely difficult to be found. It can be seen that it has a unique way to restrain its breath.

But then again, how much effect can a single inner elixir have?

Seeing the doubt on Mo Xun's face, Hua Qingyan smiled slightly, then covered her face with her sleeves, swallowed the inner pill in one gulp, and then, with a flash of green light, she turned into the same appearance as Mo Xun.

"Daoyou, what do you think of this effect?"

Unexpectedly, the other party even imitated her voice vividly.

Mo Xun held her chin with one hand and walked around her for a long time, then nodded thoughtfully, but his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

He could clearly feel that the aura on the other party was indeed much weaker, but there was still a big gap from what he thought in his heart. After all, he could see some clues in the early stage of Danjie, let alone the strong men in the middle or late stage.

If it was changed to level 7 or level 8, it should be much better.

Hua Qingyan waved his long sleeves, retracted his magical powers, and then said with a smile: "It seems that it did not meet Daoyou's requirements!"

To be honest, the effect of this thing is already quite good.

If you are farther away or careless, you can often get away with it.

However, Mo Xun cannot afford any mistakes, so he cannot make do with it.

The other party took out a gray mask again and introduced: "This thing is called the Four-Elephant Illusion Crystal, which was made by an eighth-level weapon refiner. In terms of concealing appearance, even a cultivator in the late Jindan stage can hardly tell the authenticity, but it is not as good as the snow ferret inner pill just now in terms of restraining aura."

Hua Qingyan put the mask on her face while speaking, and then changed into Mo Xun's appearance again.

But this time, Mo Xun's eyes lit up.

Because through the familiar face, he could no longer see any traces of concealment, as if that face originally belonged to the other person.

But soon, he frowned again.

The effect of this disguise is good, but the aura of cultivation has hardly changed.

At this moment, the two of them looked towards the stairs at the same time.

Not long after, a burst of hurried footsteps came, followed by a clear and pleasant female voice.

"Sister Hua?"

A moment later, a clever little girl ran up.

The girl was wearing a pink floral dress, looking petite and delicate, and looked about 17 or 18 years old. However, her cultivation had already reached the initial stage of foundation building, but it seemed that her realm was not stable, as if she had just advanced to the next level.

"Ah? Sorry... Ouch!"

The little girl was a little dumbfounded when she saw two completely identical Mo Xuns. She thought she was dazzled, opened her mouth, stretched out her two pink fists, and rubbed her eyes.

But soon, she reacted and immediately bent down to apologize, but she used too much force and hit her forehead on the railing of the stairs, and grimaced in pain.

Hua Qingyan couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckled, but such a girl's behavior, with Mo Xun's face, seemed a little weird.

Mo Xun, who was standing aside, thought to himself: "What a stupid woman!"

"Fellow Daoist, please forgive me. This is my niece, Anu!"

Mo Xun blinked her eyes. What's the relationship?

Sister...niece... And what's more, a good girl is actually called Anu!

When Anu heard this introduction, she opened her eyes again and stared at the two Mo Xuns in confusion.

Was she hallucinating?

Hua Qingyan squeaked again and took off the mask, revealing her true self.

"Ah? So it was you, Sister Hua, who changed. I thought they were twins!"

As soon as she said this, she immediately realized that she had made a mistake and apologized to Mo Xun, saying "senior" and "sorry".

"I'm sorry to have embarrassed you, fellow Taoist!"

Mo Xun waved his hand indifferently, sat back on the chair behind him, and then waited quietly by the side, watching his nose and his heart.

Hua Qingyan smiled apologetically at Mo Xun, then pulled Anu very lovingly, without any reservations, just touched her head and asked in a low voice: "What's the hurry?"

Anu carefully glanced at Mo Xun, then stuck out her tongue and turned her head away quickly.

"The whereabouts of the Wu brothers have been found!"

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