Seeing that the woman was about to stand up to greet her, Hua Qingyan said quickly: "You haven't recovered yet, so just lie down!"

Even without using her spiritual consciousness, Hua Qingyan could tell at a glance that the opponent had probably injured his Dantian or meridians, and it was not serious.

It’s not easy to survive in this situation!

"Sister Hua, sit down!"

Hua Qingyan glanced at the stone bench aside and did not move, but noticed a pile of medicine bottles on the table. The whole secret room was also filled with a strong smell of herbs.

There is a broken magic weapon not far away, as well as several piles of fine sand-like things. The spiritual energy on them is chaotic and accompanied by traces of sparks. It seems that Anu was doing repair work before.

I didn’t expect that this girl, who seemed so delicate, could actually do this!

However, judging from the simple residence, mother and daughter are probably forced by life.

"Senior Sister Hua is here so late, but what's the matter?"

Although this woman was weak, her eyes were still sharp and bright.

"Ask Anu a few words and see if you need anything recently."

This was originally just a casual courtesy, but the other party didn't seem to think so, and immediately said: "You came just in time, I really have something to trouble you!"

Immediately afterwards, the woman turned her head, smiled at Anu and said, "Go and make a cup of tea first. I have a few words to say to your sister Hua."

Anu responded briskly, turned around and left the secret room.

But this seemingly random move made Hua Qingyan's eyebrows wrinkle again inadvertently.

Sure enough, as soon as Anu left, the woman's expression changed immediately, and then an extra formation flag appeared in her hand and she threw it toward the door with a "swish" sound.

Immediately afterwards, the entire secret room was surrounded by some kind of formation.

"Who are you and why did you impersonate Hua Qingyan to get close to Anu?"

As she spoke, the woman had already jumped up from the bamboo slump. She changed from her sickly state just now, and her face became a little more cruel. Her eyes were full of alertness, but the hand holding the sword was slightly a bit stern. Tremble.

Hua Qingyan didn't show much surprise at this sudden situation.

In fact, she noticed the small movements of the other party's hands at the first moment, but she just watched with cold eyes during the whole process and did not stop it.

This is entirely due to her inner self-confidence!

But the next scene was a bit unexpected.

Hua Qingyan flicked her robe sleeves and passed in front of her, and then smoke started to rise, and her whole body changed. Not only her appearance, but also the clothes on her body were completely changed.

And this changed person turned out to be a man.

This person is none other than Mo Xun who came here on a trail.

"Fellow Taoist, don't be nervous, I don't have any ill intentions!"

The ferret inner elixir had just taken effect, and the woman had not noticed his cultivation level, but after removing this layer of disguise, the aura of the elixir-forming stage on Mo Xun's body was revealed.

At the same time, the woman's heart also sank to the bottom.

Not to mention that she is injured now, even when she was at her peak, it was obvious that she was not on the same level as the opponent at all.

"Your Excellency is a senior Jiedan, so hiding your head and showing your tail is a loss of status, right?"

At this moment, she had no idea.

Although there is a formation in front of him, it is almost useless in the face of such a powerful enemy.

Now she could only hope that Anu outside could detect the abnormality as soon as possible and leave this place quickly. As for her, she was ready to risk her life and find a way to delay the last moment.

At this time, Mo Xun lost his previous restraint.

He lifted up his robe, sat down calmly, and then smiled at the woman, appearing harmless.

"What do you call fellow Taoist?"

The woman's eyes were fierce, staring at him, as if she was afraid that if she blinked, the other party would attack.

Mo Xun didn't get an answer, so he continued: "Don't worry, I really don't have any ill intentions towards you mother and daughter. I just have a few questions that I want to ask Miss Anu face to face."

After a moment, the woman said cautiously: "What's the problem?"

Now that his identity is exposed, Mo Xun no longer needs to beat around the bush. He had been thinking for a long time about how to get what he wanted from the little girl, but now it seems that it is superfluous.

"Does your wife know the whereabouts of the Wushi brothers?"

When the woman heard these words, her originally anxious heart became restless again.

"Your Excellency, what is the purpose of asking this?"

When Mo Xun heard the words "Wu Brothers" in Yaoxian Pavilion during the day, he immediately thought of Bai Li and the others that day.

He could clearly see at that time that the monk named Yang Tianxiao had erased the names of the two brothers on the Qianzhong Monument in public.

It can be seen that there must be a lot of trouble between these people.

Maybe through the Wushi brothers, we can follow the clues and find some clues about Bai Li.

Of course, he didn't mean to take revenge directly, but whenever he had a chance, he wanted to give it a try.

"Fellow Taoist, you don't need to be clear about this. Just answer my question, turn around and leave immediately, and I will never disturb you two again..."

Having said this, Mo Xun deliberately looked at the door.

"As for this trick, fellow Taoists must also know that it cannot be stopped. In addition, before I came in, I had already done some tricks outside. My wife must not have noticed it at this time, right?"

The woman looked at Mo Xun, who was calm and composed, and her originally sallow face turned pale immediately.

She knew that she didn't have much time left, and this life was gone, but her daughter was completely different. She was so young and had never seen the prosperity of the world. Was she going to die with her?

Just as the woman hesitated, Gong Yang suddenly said in Mo Xun's sea of ​​consciousness: "Boy, you bully orphans and widows like this, aren't you afraid of being struck by five thunders?"

Mo Xun snorted coldly, thinking disdainfully in his heart: "What's the big deal about being struck by five thunders? I have been walking in the sea of ​​thunder for many years, and I don't know how many times I have been struck!"

But then again, this threat was of course just talk.

But if the other party didn't cooperate, even if he wouldn't kill the two of them, it wouldn't be impossible to use some tricks. Since he came here, he wouldn't go in vain.

The two people in the room looked at each other like this, and time seemed to freeze.

"Mother, what are you doing? Why did you activate the secret room formation?"

A sudden voice from outside the house finally broke the silence.

After a moment, the woman said in a normal voice: "I have something important to discuss with your sister Hua, please wait a little longer."

Then, the woman threw out another formation flag, this time even the sounds inside and outside were isolated.

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